February 2024

Winter Edition

Donate to True North Aid


Project Highlights

Upcoming Projects

Virtual Events

2024 Subscriber Poll

*New Volunteer Program!

One Pallet, One Community

Hello Amanda,

We've been talking about you! :)

That's right, our team has been talking about how we can get to know you better, how we can say 'thank you' in a meaningful way, and how we might invite you further into the good work of True North Aid.

In this quarter's seasonal newsletter, we invite you to take our first ever Subscriber Poll.

Tell us about yourself! How can we improve our communication with you? We have a special 'thank you' for participating!

And check out our new volunteer initiative below! We invite you to consider hosting a collection drive that will meet a specific need of one northern and remote community.

The outcome of each project and program highlighted below are made possible by your continuing dedication to this organization's mandate. Thank you for encouraging us.

True North Aid Team

Take our subscriber poll!

We want to make sure we are respecting your time (and inbox!) by providing consistent, efficient and engaging communication.

Are we doing a good job?

Can we improve?

Let us know!

As our 'thank you' for taking the time to fill out our 2 minute poll, GoodMinds is offering FREE SHIPPING on any order. This is a $10 value. You will receive a unique code to use upon submission.

Click the icon below to participate.

One Pallet, One Community is a new grassroots volunteer initiative that encourages Canadians to meet the specific needs of one remote and northern Indigenous community. While one pallet doesn’t sound like much, consider what a 4ft x 4ft x 4ft pallet can hold: hundreds of pounds of books or hundreds of baby supplies!

This is accomplished by a group of volunteers (collectors), living in a southern region, hosting a short-term collection drive that fills a minimum of one pallet, with True North Aid staff helping to guide the process.

This intentional volunteer program seeks to build community capacity in many ways. Want to learn more? Email Katie at

Project Highlights

Books Arrive to 17 Communities

True North Aid continues to provide culturally relevant books of all genres to northern and remote Indigenous communities, including Bella Bella, British Columbia.

We are grateful to partner with Strong Nations, an Indigenous-owned business located in Nanaimo, B.C., who are as passionate about education and literacy as we are!

A teacher at the Shearwater Elementary School in Bella Bella writes,

"Wow! The students (and I) are thrilled with the beautiful books that you sent us. The students had an opportunity to explore many of the books that were sent shortly after we received them. Thank you for providing such beautiful and thoughtfully selected books.”

Building With Imagination

We are so grateful to continue to work with LEGO Replay to provide DUPLO and LEGO Bricks to 10 fly-in communities in Manitoba. Communities who received bricks set up LEGO challenges as part of their giveaway days. Much of the LEGO helps enrich classrooms with the art of play and creativity.

Do you have LEGO to donate to this program?

For more information on how to give new life to your bricks, visit LEGO Replay here.

Suwilaawks Community School Adventure

True North Aid helped fund a first-time skiing and snowboarding adventure for Indigenous students at the Suwilaawks Community School in Terrace, British Columbia. Funding extra-curricular activities that integrate relevant cultural experiences on land gives opportunity for students to explore their strengths in different ways, while building identity and creating life-long memories.

"Many of our students have never been skiing or snowboarding and many have never been to a ski resort. The whole experience, even the drive to the ski hill, was exhilarating for them. The smiles and look of excitement says it all. Many gasps and wide eyes as we travelled high up into the mountains."

Catherine, Teacher

We look forward to sharing further updates from the Suwilaawks school trips!

We are grateful to have you in the True North Aid community!

Will you join us online? Follow our ongoing updates of projects and programs!

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Upcoming Projects

Haida Gwaii Cultural Exchange

We are happy to support the Klemtu-Haida Gwaii Culture Exchange!

Students in grades K-12 from the Kitasoo Community Band School (Klemtu, B.C) will enjoy a culturally enriching journey to Haida Gwaii in May.

Integral to the education of its 46 students (98% of whom are members of the Kitasoo Xai'Xais Nation), this exchange aims to broaden students' horizons by celebrating and exploring shared heritage and values.

It will foster connection between Indigenous peers, rekindle familial ties, and deepen understanding of the Haida Constitution and its influence on local education and governance.

Kisiliginik Workshops

This program will run a series of sealskin workshops in Hopedale, Nunatsiavut including kamik-making, seal hunting, gutting and processing, and sealskin cleaning and drying. All members of this proposed project are knowledgeable in working with sealskin and have facilitated successful workshops in the past. The goal is to engage workshop participants in learning traditional skills, working with and sewing with sealskin and creating their very own pair of kamik.

Cultural Trainings For Youth

Relationships and sustainable programs are important to True North Aid, and we are happy to support the Mountain Metis Association again! This organization will bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth together through cultural teachings in Grande Cache, Alberta in April. This will include beading classes, jigging dance, ribbon skirt marking, fiddle playing and more! 

Are you living in a remote community and have an idea or project that you'd like to start or support? Reach out to our Outreach Manager, Amanda Amesse, by email at or fill out this form.

True North Aid Events

Authors Series!

On Tuesday evenings at 7pm throughout February, join us for a ‘meet & greet’ with uniquely talented and creative Indigenous Canadian authors.

Bring your favourite warm cuppa to our virtual gathering and enjoy author readings, inspiring stories, and a time of Q&A. This is a free event.

Learn more/register

"The sessions for Land and Residential Schools were the most informative. I learned a lot about the country's history and the actions and laws put in place acting against Indigenous people. We need to understand the Truth first before Reconciliation." - D.G.,

January 2024 Participant

Tuesday evenings starting March 5th, @ 7pm EST (virtual)

Our informative and well-received Settler Discussion Series will be facilitated again beginning Tuesday, March 5th.

Once a week for 4 weeks, we present the truth about Canada’s historical and current relationship between non-Indigenous and Indigenous people while addressing the topics of Privilege, Land, Residential Schools, and Allyship in a factual way.

Each session is approx. 1 – 1.5 hours long. Learn more/register

Good Ally Program Get Involved!

What is GAP?

Our Good Ally Program (GAP) is designed to encourage meaningful collaboration between True North Aid and like-minded Canadians who desire to move forward together in a spirit of reconciliation.

Good Ally partners put learning into action by volunteering with our organization as opportunities become available and/or fundraise toward practical humanitarian initiatives that bring attention to the good work of True North Aid.

There are a variety of different ways to get involved. If you are curious about any of these ways listed below, please contact Katie via email or phone.

  • Awareness campaign
  • Collection Drive
  • Host a Reconciliation Walk in your community
  • Peer 2 Peer Fundraising
  • Remote volunteering
  • In-person volunteering at events
  • Consider becoming a regular donor

Further your donation

An extra $5/month = 3 more backpacks filled with school supplies

An extra $10/month = 8 more books for our literacy initiatives

Any increased monthly donation furthers True North Aid's humanitarian and reconciliatory efforts. Click the right icon to increase your donation. 

Thank you!

For Donor Relations and Corporate Partnership inquiries,

please email or call 1-226-444-3385

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