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It Matters
The positive impact you can have on others is hard to overestimate. Just the other day we received a note from a recent GriefShare participant who said, “I lost my daughter and husband to COVID in 2022. The wonderful GriefShare group has been a lifesaver. Thank you for the opportunity you have given us with this program.”
But there is more.
Recently, I was talking with a long-time congregant. They were eager to share a testimony recently offered in their established Sunday School class. About a year ago, a new person began attending their class. During a recent Sunday, this new person expressed that the way their class shared a non-judgmental love and caring attitude is what brought them back to faith in Jesus. The class was just being authentic to who they are, and it was through illness and disappointments, joy and celebration that this person saw Jesus in them.
What is the connecting dot between these two groups?
They are small groups!
This month, we will kick-off some additional ways to connect with others in faith and fun. Don’t miss out on ways to learn together, serve together, and love together. You never know what can happen when you invite a friend to, “Come sit with me!” It may very well change their life, and yours!
Inspired By How You Love So Well,
Pastor Don
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Fountain City Fellowship on Wednesday Nights Resumes Next Week!
August 14, 2024
Find connection, grow in faith, and learn how to take your next steps in following Jesus on Wednesday nights beginning with our Kick-Off Event on August 14, with a free meal at 5 p.m. (new time!)
Classes will begin on August 21 • 6:30 p.m.
Childcare and children’s ministry also begin at 6:30 p.m. Whether you are a long-time member, new to our congregation, or visiting for the first time, you are welcome here and you will find a way to connect with others. Check out the list of classes offered on our website. If you have any questions or need further information, contact the church office at 865-689-5175.
Fellowship Meals • 5:00 PM • Gym
Join us each Wednesday evening in the Gym for great food and fellowship! Meals during the month of August are free! Our menus include a main entrée, sides, desserts, and beverages. A light meal of baked chicken tenders with mixed steamed vegetables will be available each week.
Please register for meals so that we may be good stewards of our church finances and reduce waste. Register on a pew pad in the notes section, by calling the church office, or on our website. Donations are accepted & appreciated! Donate online as you register or at the door. Registration ends each Tuesday at noon. Register for August 14 >>
August 14 Menu: Hot dogs, chili, waffle fries, salad, and peach cobbler
August 21 Menu: Taco casserole, cole slaw, rolls, and Mandarin orange cake
August 28 Menu: Baked spaghetti, green beans, salad, rolls, and apple crumble
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ELL Next Steps Training: Curriculum, Student Placement Testing & Classroom Set Up
This Sunday, August 11 • 12:30 p.m. • Room 210
This training is for everyone: teachers, encouragers, and other helpers. Learn how to use proven strategies to effectively teach, interact, and build relationships as you engage with our international neighbors.
English Language Learner (ELL) Classes Begin August 21 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
These classes will follow the Wednesday night Fountain City Fellowship schedule. If you are interested in helping with this class, show up at the training mentioned above or contact Don Hanshew through the church office. Feel free to invite a friend of like mind but not a regular attender to our church.
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Operation Inasmuch Sign-ups End This Sunday
You have just a few days left to sign up for an Operation Inasmuch Day project! There are still lots of opportunities to serve at Isaiah House, deliver potted plants to homebound members, provide drinks at FC Park, sort and pack food at Lost Sheep, check and maintain cars, trim and clean up at Gresham MS, serve at the Cerebral Palsy Center, and build wheelchair ramps.
Volunteer with us as we serve the least of these in our community. Join us at the Commissioning Service in the Central Baptist Church Sanctuary on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. And plan to attend our celebration in the FCUMC Gym on Sunday August 18, 6-7:30 p.m. to see slides, share stories, and eat a special treat!
Children ages 11-17 must have their parent or guardian complete the release form if they won't be at the same project. Choose a project and sign up online today!
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Holy Communion For Homebound
Would you like to take Holy Communion to those who are connected to our church and find it difficult to attend on a Sunday morning? If so, meet in the church office on Thursday, Aug 15 at 12:30 p.m. We will have a brief training, create teams, bless the elements, and send you on your way. You can expect to finish by 3:30 p.m.
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Gresham Prayer Partner Update
On Wednesday, July 31 we had a great team of folks put together a breakfast and warm hospitality for the staff at Gresham Middle School. We also invited teachers to participate in our Prayer Partner ministry which we offer every year. A few people shared prayer concerns with us that day. Their prayers ranged from celebrating a new pregnancy, to nervous pre-school jitters, to how they can be positive influences on the children and other teachers. We invite you to step forward and become a prayer partner by signing up in the Narthex or Journey this Sunday, or by calling the church office. Prayers make a difference, and this is one small way to have a HUGE impact on the staff and children of our community!
What does it mean to be a Gresham Prayer Partner? Sign up in the Narthex where you see signups for “Gresham Prayer Partner.” When you do, you are agreeing to:
- Pray for your teacher or staff member by name each day.
- Once a month (or more), send a handwritten note of support and appreciation to remind your prayer partner that you are praying specifically for them. Please clearly mark your Gresham person’s name on these notes for easy delivery. This can be as simple as, “I am praying for you,” and a Bible verse.
- In addition to your monthly note, send a birthday card to your prayer partner. For a summer birthday, send a card in May. (Some members send a $10 gift or gift card for birthdays).
- Consider sending a small gift ($10 or less) for Christmas. We as a church body will also send little goodies throughout the year.
- Although handwritten notes are preferable, you may send e-mails if you find this a better form of communication. If you choose this method, please make a point to send handwritten notes on occasion.
Your note cards or small gifts should be brought to church on the first Sunday of each month and placed in marked baskets as you enter the Narthex or the Welcome Center. They will be delivered to the school the following week. If you send notes more frequently, you may leave them, clearly labeled, in the church office. Our Gresham Prayer Partner Team will make sure they get where they belong.
A frequently asked question is whether to sign your name to your notes or leave them anonymous. This decision is yours alone. Both ways are acceptable and appreciated. Have fun with this project and your prayer partner certainly will as well!
School begins this month so signup ASAP! Prayer makes a difference, and you just never know the difference you could make by partnering with one of the amazing teachers or staff at Gresham Middle School!
Praying With You,
Pastor Don
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Blessing Box Needs:
- Individual cereal packs
- Microwave mac and cheese
- Canned pasta sauce
- Spaghetti noodles
- Canned vegetables
- Tuna pouches
- Chef boyardee products
- Snack bars
Thank you for filling the shelves!!
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Want a special way to honor or remember a loved one? Altar flowers are a great way to do just that and will enrich our Sanctuary at the same time. Any color will do! Contact the church office at 865-689-5175 to sign up. Available dates are August 25, September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 27 December 1, 8, 15, 22. Thank you!
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Applications Are Due Today!
Have you filled out an application for one of Fountain City UMC’s scholarship opportunities for fall 2024?
Please check out our website for details about each scholarship, giving opportunities towards scholarships, and the application.
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Phishing Season
As we get closer to elections in the fall, anticipate more phishing. If you see a social media post or email that says something that seems hard to believe, DON’T OPEN IT OR CLICK THE LINK! Instead, go to a trusted news source and find out the real details. Likewise, if you get a text or email that appears to be from one of our pastors or staff that is requesting gift cards, ignore it and delete it. That’s just not how we do ministry. Thanks!
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Bethlehem Interest Meeting: August 25 • 12 pm In The Chapel
We will have an interest meeting for those interested in volunteering for Come To Bethlehem on August 18 at noon. Join us!
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Back-To-School Bash • August 14
5:30-7 p.m.
Join us for a party on the front lawn with food, inflatables, and our own famous Mr. Ed’s magic show! Everyone is invited!
Fountain Kids’ Club Begins August 21
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Kids’ Club immediately follows our 5 p.m. fellowship meal. Dinner is free for children. Programming will include Bible studies, games, messiness and fun!
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Youth Ministries Resumes August 14
Fountain City UMC Youth Ministries strives to create a safe environment while furthering our students’ relationships with Jesus Christ. We want our youth to know they each have a seat at God’s table and are valued by Him.
Our Wednesday night activities for fall semester begin on August 14 at 6:30 p.m. after the fellowship meal. We will have a water balloon fight and a slip’n slide kickball game on the upper field beyond the bus lot. Invite your friends!
Beginning August 21, we will meet in Old Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m. for Wednesday Night Youth Group. We are excited to see what God does with our time together!
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Stephen Ministry Opportunity
FCUMC is a Stephen Ministry Church. We provide this caring ministry to those experiencing loss, grief, job changes, divorce, becoming empty nesters and other hard circumstances.
We have an opportunity to join training at Church Street UMC. Anyone interested in becoming a Stephen Minister should complete an application which are available in the church office. Gail Clift will contact you and have a meeting to answer questions and review your information. If you already have filled out an application, please contact Gail to let her know you are still interested.
Workshop for Caregivers
There is workshop on September 8 which is presented annually by Church Street UMC. It provides education, support, and resources for those who are caregivers for family and others. A box lunch will be provided.Training will be 12:15-3 p.m. at Church Street. Everyone is welcome.
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- 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
- 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Discipleship
- 11:00 a.m.Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
- 11:00 a.m. Journey Contemporary Service in the Gym
- Childcare and children's ministry is provided from 8:30 a.m. through the conclusion of the 11 a.m. worship services.
- Fountain Kids Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
- Fountain Littles Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
- Fountain Littles Childcare • 11 a.m.
- Fountain Kids Bible Experience • 11 a.m.
Join us before or after worship! Stop by the Welcome Center from 8:15-11:15 a.m. and let us bless you! See you Sunday!
Bulletin for August 11, 2024
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Check out the August 2024 edition of The Spirit Newsletter.
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
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August 11: ELL Next Steps Training
August 14: Fountain City Fellowship Kick-off Event / Back-To-School Bash for Ftn Kids
August 15: Holy Communion For Homebound
August 17: Operation Inasmuch Day of Service
August 18: Student Ministry Parent Meeting
August 25: Come To Bethlehem Interest Meeting
August 21: Fountain City Fellowship classes begin
September 8: Stephen Ministry Workshop for Caregivers
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Pastor On Call
After Hours & Weekends
When you need urgent pastoral care while the church office is closed, text or call 865-888-0192 to reach the
pastor on call.
Pastor Don's email:
Pastor Rachel's email:
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Live-Streamed Worship Services:
11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary worship and
11 a.m. Traditional worship
are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Our Tuesday night Celebrate Recovery service is live-streamed on the CR North Facebook page and available on YouTube after its conclusion.
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