"Our whole atti-
tude and outlook
upon life will change.
That feeling of useless-
ness and self-pity will dis-
appear. We will lose inter-
est in selfish things and
gain interest in our fel-
lows. Self-seeking
will slip away."
(The Basic
Text, p.
"As we recover,
we gain a new out-
look on being clean. "We
find that everyone we meet
eventually has something to
offer." "Recovery becomes
a contact process: we
lose the fear of touch-
ing and being touch-
ed." (12 & 12, pp.
77 - 78)
"When we are
unhurried and wise,
we perceive that only
great and worthy things
have any permanent and ab-
solute existence, that pet-
ty fears and petty plea-
sures are but the sha-
dow of the reality."
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862) U.S. poet
HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.