Summer Camp Registration Has Begun!

It's our favorite time of year! "Summer Camps are the most fun," says Ms. Jenn, a founding member of SCT. "Students are more relaxed & carefree during the summer months, which makes creating new shows feel so fun & so exciting. Their imaginations open wider to let in new possibilities & their hearts open wider to let in new friends. It always feels very special, almost magical!" Registration is now open, with options for both Savannah & Pooler. Click the photo above to view our full schedule & get the fun started!

Teachers! Want to encourage your students to be strong, powerful, bold & brave when they face adversity? SCT is ready to visit your school! Email for more info! 

At SCT's after-school classes, students build skills, build confidence & build friendships, all while engaging in fun & creative play. Each class is divided by age, not by ability, so beginners & long-time theatre kids can all join in the process of putting on a show. Classes are available for PreK-8th grades. Click here to view our full schedule!

Little Bear. BIG Adventure! Join Corduroy the Bear on his quest to find a missing button & a new friend. This fast & funny play is based on the children's books by Dan Freeman. Designed especially for young audiences, we think Corduroy will be enjoyed by all ages. (Remember to bring your own teddy bear who can watch the show with you!)

More than beauty & birdies, this heartwarming musical is about being seen for who you truly are & celebrated for what makes you truly special. Honk! The perfect show to celebrate SCT's 20th Anniversary!

We are proud to announce that SCT has been awarded the Candid (formerly GuideStar) Platinum Seal of Transparency for the 3rd year in a row! Click here to learn more about this incredible honor awarded to only 0.1% of nonprofit organizations.

Journey under the sea with Ariel, Sebastian, Scuttle & all of your favorite aquatic characters as SCT brings Disney's The Little Mermaid to the stage! Reservations are highly recommended, especially for matinees.

Donate $20 for Our 20th!

Since 2004, SCT has served over 200,000 young artists! If 20,000 members of our community contribute $20 to celebrate our 20th anniversary, then together, we can build a community theatre that lasts. To donate, visit our website & help Savannah Children's Theatre to keep going & keep growing. 

Click Here to Give Today


Summer Camp Registration: Camps available for PreK-2024 graduates!

Tiny Thumbelina: February 16-18, presented by SCT's 2nd-5th grade class.

Fiddler on the Roof Jr: February 16-18, presented by SCT's 6th-8th grade class.

Spring Class Registration: After school fun! Creative Adventures for PreK-1st grades, Disney's Aristocats for 2nd-5th grades & Once Upon a Mattress, a Broadway favorite recounting the story of the Princess & the Pea, for 6th-8th grades!

Corduroy: February 24, 25, March 2, 3. Perfect for very young audiences!

Honk! A Musical Retelling of the Ugly Duckling: March 8-24, in celebration of SCT's 20th anniversary!

Disney's The Little Mermaid: Opening May 17 & sure to make a splash!

Always be sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook for the quickest updates about both Savannah & Pooler locations!

Our mission is to inspire, educate & entertain children & families through the experience of live theatre, both on & off the stage. We fulfill this mission through school field trips, after-school classes & community theatre events, but we can only continue these programs with the financial support of patrons like you. We are proud to have received the Candid Platinum Transparency Seal for our third year in a row! Savannah Children's Theatre is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization & donations may be tax-deductible.

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