Youth Ministry Newsletter

February 2024

Dear Friends in Youth Ministry,

Exciting things are happening in Youth Ministry! Registration for the Middle School Encounter is OPEN! See the Featured Announcements section below for details! 

 As we begin this month, I’m so excited to share some news with you about the newly-established Archdiocesan Youth Council! 18 of our 23 Council Members gathered together last month for a Welcome Retreat, held at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center in Federal Way. They learned about the Archdiocese of Seattle, Partners in the Gospel, and the Synod on Synodality. Archbishop Etienne joined the retreat to celebrate Mass and share his own experiences with the Synod in Rome this past October. Council Members then participated in an Interim Stage Listening session, which the USCCB asked all dioceses to conduct this Lent. Here are some photos from our Welcome Retreat!

And speaking of the synod and listening sessions, it’s likely that you, your parish, or school will be contacted by our new Council Members! They are joyfully preparing to bring all that they learned about the synodal process to other young people in the Archdiocese! They would like to schedule and lead listening sessions in many churches and high schools in order to make sure the voices of our young people reach Church leadership, not only here in Western Washington, but globally as well! Please say yes and invite them to come!

Stay tuned for future updates on the Youth Council and other upcoming activities!

Please know I’m here to support you, and I’m happy to come to your parish or high school for a visit. You’re welcome to contact me any time at or give a call at 206-274-3175. I look forward to talking with you soon!

Blessings to you!




This exciting annual gathering for 6th-8th graders takes place on Saturday, March 2nd from 9:30am-5:00pm at Kennedy Catholic High School. The cost is $40 for students and $25 for chaperones.

You can find marketing materials here, and all of the details and registration link are here.

MSE 2024: Schedule

9:30 - Doors open / Registration

10:30 - Welcome / Opening Game

11:00 - Keynote Session 1

11:45 – Lunch 

12:30 - Break-out Sessions (by grade)

1:00 - Parish Time

1:30 - Keynote Session 2

2:15 - Activity Rotations

3:30 - Open Mic 

3:45 – Prepare for Mass

4:00 - Mass 

5:00 - Blessing and Dismissal


Through the generosity of the St. Joseph Foundation, we have financial scholarships available if you are bringing your youth group to the Congress from July 17 – 20 in Indianapolis and you have students with financial need: Apply for a Youth Scholarship. You have until Ash Wednesday to apply!

Can’t go to Indiana?

 Join the Congress right here in the Archdiocese of Seattle!


Join us for the local celebration of the National Eucharistic Congress, taking place on 7/20 from noon – 3pm at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Tacoma! We’ll do everything they’re doing in Indianapolis – it’s just shorter and not as far away! Join a pilgrimage from all corners of the Archdiocese, hear a talk by Tom East, spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament in adoration, join a Eucharistic Procession, and wrap up the experience at Mass! Mark your calendar now and plan to join us on July 20th!


Take a little time for a retreat this Lent – join other youth ministers and faith formation leaders for this year’s Lenten Retreat, “The Paschal Triduum: A Time of Metanoia, with presenter Fr. Frank Donio, SAC, DMin. Details and registration link are found here.



The next one takes place this Saturday, 2/3 from 6:30 – 8:30pm at Sacred Heart Parish in Bellingham. PNW Adoration Nights are holy hours for youth and young adults, offered throughout the archdiocese on the first Saturday of each month. These nights feature praise & worship music, a brief talk, and a cookie reception. They are free of charge, and we encourage youth ministers to come with their youth groups!

  • Click on these links for more information about PNW Adoration Nights and Marketing Materials.
  • Mark your calendar for the next one: For those not attending the Middle School Encounter, join high school students and young adults at the UW Newman Center on Saturday, 3/2!

CONFIRMATION RETREATS - All 2023-2024 Dates are Full!

Thanks so much to everyone who has signed up for a retreat this winter and spring! If you still need assistance with your Confirmation retreat, please let us know. We are happy to help you find a parish to partner with or provide you with other helpful resources!


It looks like we should schedule our Youth Ministry Zoom Gatherings every 2 months. Our next one will be on March 7th from noon – 1:00pm. Grab your lunch, log on, and join us! Here are the details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 0083 2557

Password: 360555

Join by phone:

+1 (669) 900-6833

Meeting ID: 980 0083 2557

One tap mobile



  • 2/3/24: PNW Adoration Night (WWU Newman Center, Bellingham) Flyer/Marketing Materials
  • 2/4/24: Paul J. Kim: "God's Plan for Love" (St. Mary Magdalen, Everett) Flyer/Register
  • 2/7/23: Workshop for youth ministers/faith formation leaders: Eucharist is the Center (Peace & Spirituality Center, Bellevue) Info/Register
  • 2/16/24 Bachata & Swing presented by MUC VU TRE (FFCC, Tukwila) Flyer
  • 2/17/24: Confirmation Retreat, MS & HS (Holy Family, Seattle)
  • 3-2-24: Middle School Encounter (Kennedy Catholic High School) Add'l Info here
  • 3/2/24: PNW Adoration Night (for high school and young adult attendees (UW Newman Center, Seattle Flyer/Marketing Materials
  • 3/13/24-3/14/24: Faith Formation Leaders' Lenten Retreat (Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center, Federal Way)
  • 3/16/24: Confirmation Retreat, MS & HS (St. Edward, Shelton)
  • 4/6/24: Confirmation Retreat, MS (Camp Don Bosco)
  • 4/6/24: PNW Adoration Night (St. Mary Magdalen, Everett) Flyer/Marketing Materials
  • 4/13/24: Confirmation Retreat, HS - NET Ministries (St. Frances Cabrini, Lakewood)
  • 5/4/24: PNW Adoration Night (Our Lady of Lourdes, Vancouver) Flyer/ Marketing Materials
  • 6/1/4: PNW Adoration Night (Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton) Flyer/ Marketing Materials
  • 7/20/24: Local Eucharistic Congress Celebration (St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma)
  • 8/12-8/15/24: Unplug with the Lord Retreat (Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center, Federal Way)
  • 8/24/24: Youth Ministry Training for Ministers and Volunteers (Holy Family, Kirkland)
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