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Learn about Marylanders Online and help empower more Marylanders.
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Get Connected with Marylanders Online

Our FREE Resources for You

Marylanders Online is the University of Maryland Extension’s newest program that empowers Marylanders by improving digital accessibility. Our program offers free technical support and training to help community members learn to use the internet and stay connected with technology.

We collaborate with organizations and community leaders like you to help meet the digital demands of your county and community. At the links below, you’ll find several resources that make sharing the program on-site and across your network easy: flyers, graphics, and more. Services can be offered in-person or online, and are available in English, Spanish, and other languages upon request. Let’s connect to discuss ways to reach more Marylanders in need of digital access, together.

Digital Assets

Digital Assets

Printable Graphics

Printable Graphics

Easy kit

In One Easy Kit!

Access Resources Learn More

For questions, contact us
at 1-866-206-8467 or

University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.