4th Quarter 2023 Newsletter | |
Robin Bogan
WACSCW Inc., a Nonprofit Organization
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We have had the best first year ever!
We’ve experienced incredible growth, established an outstanding team and helped many non-profit organizations in the Clearwater area. Our plan is to kick off 2024 loudly!
I’m so proud of the WACS women and all they do to contribute, and I’m extremely proud and grateful for those of you who have donated to our cause. Without both, we would not have the strong, thriving organization we have. A huge thank you to everyone along with a ton of admiration!
The following newsletter communicates what we’ve accomplished in 4Q 2023, and our plans for 1Q 2024. Check it out and be amazed.
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Who We Are
This group was launched in August 2022 with 30 members. We are proud to say we have grown to over 74 members.
Our members join with a purpose and it’s to help others in need. We reach out to nonprofit organizations in our community and offer them our support after we find out what they need the most, and then provide those things in abundance.
We are a non-profit organization (WACSCW Inc.). All donations to support our projects are tax exempt under our 501(c)(3) status.
Delivering the needed items to a non-profit is truly a wonderful experience. The recipients are so thankful and so happy, it’s very heartwarming. It’s a pleasure moment full of smiles, love, and appreciation!
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Get the latest news, upcoming event invites and all the best information about WACS Clearwater on our Facebook page. It is the best way to stay up-to-date on our projects! | |
Our first annual Holiday Gala was an ENORMOUS SUCCESS! We are so happy and proud to have so many of you in attendance and contributing to our new group. 161 attendees were confirmed but we had 165 in attendance – this is incredible! We can’t thank you enough for your support and positive feedback!
Our main goals were to get out of non-e with the Scientology community and to raise funds for 2024 projects. We did this in a big way, creating a lot of interest in becoming a new member, and making partnerships. We couldn’t be happier!
As a result of the Gala, our membership went up from 52 members to 74. THAT’S 22 NEW MEMBERS! Yay!
Here’s some of the wonderful feedback from our attendees:
“You’ve done a remarkable job. This is so awesome and very impressive!”
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On Dec 10th, the following day, we were one of the groups featured on stage and presented with a commendation at the Captain’s Briefing. It was a packed house and this commendation means a lot to us. | |
Our gala team did an outstanding job putting this together. We’d like to thank the Belleair Country Club, who were lovely and accommodating. | |
Back Row (left to right): Jeannine Hall, Cheryl D’Arezzo, Shannon Magnie, Julia Synovec, Robin Bogan, Zerrin Muller, Kali Alonso
Front Row (Left to Right): Kate Davis, Patti Ferraro, Char Miller, Monica Agami, Mary Jane Luniewski, Lori Litchfield
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The Gala Reception
A beautiful holiday gala right from the start!
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The Speakers
The attendees left with more knowledge pertaining to what we do.
This is gold!
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Time for Socializing
It was the perfect event for socializing, understanding what we do, enjoying the holiday brunch, and shopping at the Silent Auction.
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Silent Auction
It was the perfect event for socializing, understanding what we do, enjoying the holiday brunch, and shopping at the Silent Auction.
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WACS Meetings
We meet the second Wednesday of each month, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Our meetings are very organized and only last an hour.
The meetings are held at the Clearwater Community Volunteers Center, on the corner of Drew Street and Fort Harrison Ave., in Clearwater.
If you are interested in joining our group or would like to find out more about what we do, contact Kate Davis.
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2023 Food Drive for Hope Villages | |
September thru October – Co-Chairman, Jeannine Hall &
Marian Henry
Thank you Chairman, Jeannine Hall & to all of our other members and friends who collected 1,886 pounds of food for the Hope Villages of America food bank! That is greatly more than the 1,191 pounds they raised last year! Brilliant work to feed those in our community who need food, and huge contributions to safe-point our parish of Flag. This was a big team effort and so many participated including Skyview Condos, Community Learning Center and Delphi Academy!
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A mountain of food was donated. | |
Toy Drive for Foster Children
and 14 other Charities
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December 16, 2023 – Chairman, Robin Bogan, Co-Chairman, Mercedes Behm, & Co-Chairman, Lori Litchfield
It was incredible how everyone came together this year, in a big way. Working with the Clearwater Community Volunteers (CCV), we doubled the number of toys and gifts collected for all ages from last year.
Mercedes Behm and Bett McCaffrey were superstars who did an excellent job collecting bags and bags and bags of toys! This project got so many people together from everywhere, many new friends were made. We had so many packages delivered, coming from all over, from people we didn’t even know. Mercedes was instrumental in making that happen.
Tiffany Magee, a social media influencer, collected hundreds of donations from her followers on Instagram to buy toys with. Leslie McCaffrey, from LA, made a donation and Zoe Abbott donated bundles of toys. Sigrid Burket got involved again this year with her school, Every Kid's a Genius donated 16 huge bags of toys! The students did a bake sale, raised $1,200 and had fun picking out the toys.
Young Isla Mooney took on the task of organizing all the toys to be delivered to CCV. Her father, Blake Mooney, helped remove all the empty boxes and Melinda Watson decorated the tree. Everyone showed up with a car FULL of gifts for the children. There were so many toys it filled 3 rooms. Lori Litchfield and Ceci Agami helped set up the cookie decorating station, and we located a Santa suit so we could have a Santa Claus.
There was a craft table, a reptile petting station, and a playroom. There were fun activities at every station. On top of that, lunch was provided for all.
Each family really had a nice day; something for everyone.
Check out the amazing feedback:
Mother – “I am so grateful for all of you. To be straight with you, my family and I are having a hard time this year. We are living in a shelter, and I really did not know how I was going to handle Christmas presents for my kids. There was a toy my son really wanted, but I had no idea how I was going to get it for him – and they had that exact toy here! I am so grateful that you are doing this, I really am. My kids are having a great time – my son is being a superhero and helping Santa.
Thank you very much!”
Father – “This was incredible. Really, what you do for the kids is so appreciated. I can’t thank you enough. My son is so happy with his new toy, and I thank God for all of you.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.”
Foster child (10-year-old) – “Look at my toy – it’s a hairbrush I can share with my mom. And my sister got a bracelet maker. The reptile zoo was so much fun,
I got to hold all of the animals!
Thank you!”
Thank you, Robin, Mercedes, and Lori for such an incredible event, the results show it all!
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Sandy Lane Elementary Uniforms | |
November 10, 2023 - Chairman, Patti Ferraro | |
Pamela Shufeldt, Family and Community Liaison at Sandy Lane Elementary School, received 20 uniforms (shorts & shirts) for the children. She was very grateful and thrilled to be given much more than she was expecting. While there, Patti found out that many of the children who go to school there are homeless or don’t have easy access to a washer and dryer. Pamela feels strongly that the learning environment is much more productive when the children have the proper uniforms. With them the children look and feel comfortable, and they are all set to learn! | |
Patti Ferraro & Pam Shufeldt | |
Patti did a cost-effective job in sourcing these uniforms. She is the champ when it comes to finding great quality products, in bulk, for great prices. Thank you, Patti, for getting this done in true WACS style; better than what was expected! | |
Sandy Lane Christmas Wish Project | |
November 1 to December 23, 2023 - Chairman, Vanessa Gillotte
Working with Sandy Lane Elementary School, we received a wish list from six different families. We were able to grant those wishes along with a decorated tree and a meal. This was so special, and the families were incredibly grateful for our help. Very heartwarming.
You did a beautiful job on this project Vanessa, thank you!
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You did a beautiful job on this project Vanessa, thank you! | |
Halloween Trick or Treat Trails for Drug Free World Clearwater | |
October 27 – 31, 2023 - Chairman, Robin Bogan
We were asked to provide Candy and we responded in a big way! We collected and dropped off 20 pounds of it! This allowed Drug Free World Clearwater to participate in the Halloween Trick or Treat Trails festivities with a booth and an abundance of candy to hand out. We made it possible for many children to get drug education while promoting a Drug Free World. 9,000 people were reached with the Drug Free World message and pledges!
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Staff, volunteers, and children making the Drug Free Pledge! | |
Build-A-Bear with PCFAPA, Pinellas County Foster and Adoptive Parents | |
Association – November 4, 2023 – Co-Chairman, Gail Carroll and Co-Chairman Susan Flanagan
This event was hosted for PCFAPA, Pinellas County Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, a non-profit organization who are volunteers that provide quality training, support and activities for its member foster and adoptive families.
The event was held at the Clearwater Community Volunteer Center. There were 25 foster children who attended, made a bear and took the bear home with them.
Here’s some feedback:
“The kids really have fun. Thank you for having us. Events like the
Build A Bear are special for the kids because it allows them
to have those normal childhood experiences.”
Gail and Susan, thank you! You’re the best!
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Morton Plant Health Care & Mease Countryside, Helping New Mothers & Infants in Our Community | |
Providing needed supplies to new mothers who don’t have the
resources needed when having a baby.
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Grace House, Hope Villages of America
Welcome Baskets
| Welcome Baskets provided for families in transition and aged-out foster children. | To be held at the Clearwater Community Volunteers, March 2, 2024, at 3:00pm. | We will be partnering with Angels Against Abuse, Hope Florida, CASA Community Action Stops Abuse, Morton Plant Health Care, Mease Countryside hospital Pediatrics dept, PCFAPA, Hope Villages of America, Pinellas Country Schools, Clearwater Neighborhood Family Center and other programs for children. | |
If you would like to donate to any of the above projects, here are QR codes to our Zelle and Venmo accounts. We also accept checks or cash!
Please make checks out to:
Thank you for your support!
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Lionheart $5,000
Monica Agami
Luminary $2,500
Tom & Victoria Cummins
Shannon Noll
Wendy Graffam
Lindsey Munson
Angie Moore
Joy Gendusa
Visionary $1,000
Protector $500
Susan Flanagan
Zoe Abbott
Superhero $250
Tiffany Novitsky
Gail Carroll
Nancy Reitze
Leslie McCaffrey
Jessica and Jeremy Russell
Hero $100
Geoff Pick
Caroline Veach
Lee Anne Gillotte
Pam Savelo
Karen Simons
Liz Baybak
Lee Ann Cronk
Karen Morrissett
Joanne Schnitzer
Dorothy Cline
Lori Litchfield
Larry McDonald
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Thank you all so very much for your passion and dedication.
Thank you, a million times over, to Monica Agami who is our first Lionheart gift status of $5,000. Monica has been there with us since our first meeting with her brilliant contributions, her enthusiasm, her “let’s get it done” attitude and with her love and generosity before we even booked the venue!
Thank you to our members, Shannon Noll, Lindsey Munson and Wendy Graffam for helping to sponsor the Holiday Gala event.
Thank you to Catherine Emrani and The Emrani family for their support and for sponsoring the event!
Thank you to Tom & Victoria Cummins for helping to sponsor this event along with their family which includes our member, Vanessa Cummins Gillotte.
Thank you to the wonderful ladies who filled tables at the event, Joy Gendusa, Alethiea Taylor, Angie Moore, Vicki Southerd and Anita Kaplan.
Thank you to Chris Estey and family, Lindsey Munson, Wendy Graffam, Rebecca Minkoff, Nancy Cartwright, Lee Anne Gillotte, Denice Duff, and Joy Gendusa! Their contributions are very significant to the success and excitement of this Holiday Gala.
We would also like to thank Karen Simons for donating a $100 Amazon Gift Card that can be used at our Gala!
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed with their time, their products, or their funds. We can’t do this without your attention and support!
We love and appreciate you all very much!
Thank you!
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Newsletter by Cheryl D'Arezzo and Shannon Magnie | | | | |