Link of the Week: During Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Copeland and Annie Atura Bushnell gave d'rashes. Click above to read them. 

Contact to sponsor a Shabbat

Friday Night Services:

September 30th at 7:30 pm.

On Zoom ONLY

Led by Alex Ingersoll and Martin Tannenbaum.

D'rash by Ann Daniels.

Register Here for Zoom Service

Meeting ID: 886 7131 3838

Saturday Morning Service:

October 1st at 10:00 am.

Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person.

Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.

High Holy Days

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2022/5783


Click here to register

Tuesday, October 4th – Erev Yom Kippur

7:30 to 9:00 p.m., Kol Nidre Service – In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom


Wednesday, October 5th – Yom Kippur

9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., – In person at the Herbst Theater, and on Zoom

  • Morning Service
  • Torah Service
  • Mincha Service
  • Niggun (Singing) Service
  • Breakout sessions (will include both Zoom and in-person options)
  • Yizkor
  • Neilah

9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Services for Kids Ages 3 to 7 & their Families – In person only, at the Herbst Theater

Kever Avot v’Imahot, Honoring our Ancestors (Cemetery Visit)

Sunday, October 2nd – In person only, at Hills of Eternity Cemetery, Colma

Service: 10-11am

Lunch: 11-12pm

Join us as we walk through the grave sites of our beloved community members and recite poems, liturgy and names. Whether or not you have personally had a loss in your life, this contemplative short service is for anyone wishing to contemplate life and death amidst supportive community. This service is led by Rabbi Copeland and James Carlson. Lunch to follow – bring your own or contribute to a potluck. 

Sukkot Gatherings

In Person and Online

Mountain View

Sunday, October 9, 3-5pm, in person

Joel Lachter & Jill Ludwig

Snacks & beverages provided


Thursday October 13, 6:30-8pm, online

Join us for a communal Sukkot evening on the 5th night, as we invite three exciting activists into our virtual sukkah, as ushpizin and teachers. Mackenzie Feldman, Sheina Crystal and Aliza from Re:wild Your Campus will present their work and what each and every one of us can do to eliminate herbicides from the places we care about. These women will also give us a brief training titled Runaway Inequality and Our Toxic Economy, covering income inequality, progress towards a cancer-free economy, toxic exposure and corporate influence, and more. Come ready to learn and ask questions to our amazing facilitators!

Register Here

San Francisco

Saturday, October 15, 2-5pm, in person 

Brad & Irene Friedman

Potluck: bring something to share 


San Francisco

Sunday, October 16, 1-3pm, in person 

Ora Prochovnick & Rena Frantz

Veggie potluck: bring something to share


Simchat Torah

Sunday, October 16, 5:30-7:30pm

in person and on Zoom

It’s one of our most frailich (Festive! Joyful!) holidays, Simchat Torah! We finish reading the Torah from the end of Deuteronomy and scroll back to the book of Genesis as we sing, dance with the Torah, and nosh (eat)! Food will be served at 7pm. Members and non-members welcome, adults and kids.

Register here for in person

Register here for Zoom

Calls to Action

Social Action Committee

Join the Social Action Committee ‘to share your bread with the hungry’ at the San Francisco - Marin Food Bank and the Berkeley Food Pantry during the time of Yom Kippur. 

San Francisco, Saturday, October 1, 10:00 - 1:00 pm

San Francisco-Marin Food Bank

We’ll be working outside, packing groceries for distribution. To sign up, you must first register with the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank as a volunteer. After you have registered, please contact Tirtza Pearl to let her know you registered. She will then add you to the Sha’ar Zahav team and will let you know the location. Masks are required.

Berkeley, Monday, October 3, 12:00 - 2:00 pm

Berkeley Food Pantry

We’ll be working in a big space with high ceilings, packing groceries for distribution. Please contact Shawn Matloob to sign up. 

Recurring Gatherings and Meetings

Disability and Accessibility Committee

If you identify as disabled, are exploring that identity, or have a loved one with a disability and are interested in joining the Disability and Accessibility Committee, please reach out to Eliana Smithstein for more information. If you are interested in learning more about disability and how you can become a better ally, stay tuned for educational events to come!

Climate Action Committee

2nd Monday of the Month     

5:00 - 6:30 pm on Zoom

If you missed our Earth Day Fair, you missed a busy and exciting morning! Thanks to the Climate Action Committee for putting on this event, and to all who participated!

Here is a link to resources provided, on a variety of interesting and important topics.

Contact Deborah Levy with any questions.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Theater & Movies Chavurah: 

Master Harold and the Boys

Thursday, October 6th

6:00 pm on Zoom

Hally, a white South African adolescent, is stuck between his intolerant father's view of him and those of his caregiver, Sam, a Black waiter who is Hally's friend and teacher. You can read more about it here. It is available through the National Theater at Home streaming service. For more info, contact Yvette Adida.

Join the Meeting: Zoom Link

Social Action Committee

Monday, October 10th

6:00 pm on Zoom

On fair elections, welcoming the stranger, secure housing and food, ending gun violence, and more! At our next meeting we will focus on the Empty Homes vacancy tax ballot measure, get-out-the vote actions, and Food Bank volunteer opportunities around the High Holy Days. Want to join us? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Geri Kahn

Join the Meeting:  Zoom Link

Racial Equity Committee

Monday, October 17  

6:30-8:00pm on Zoom

The Racial Equity Committee is back to meeting regularly! Subsequent meetings will be held on the the third Monday of the month at 6:30. Come help assure that CSZ is always a place of welcome, inclusion and equity for all.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Kaf-Lamed Monthly Gathering

Don't go to Shabbat alone!

October 21, 7:30pm

Join Sha'ar Zahav's young adult group (The Kaf Lameds) for a monthly gathering at Shabbat Services in person! Perfect for those who've ever felt intimidated to go to Shabbat in person services alone. Or perfect for those who just want a few buddies to join on Friday night services! This is a monthly gathering, where we'll do "Shabbat Together" the 3rd Friday of each month. Any questions please feel free to contact Emily Ornelas-Dorian.

Book Group Discussion:

The Lost Shtetl, by Max Gross

Tuesday, November 1, 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Zoom

What if there was a hidden Jewish village in Poland that no outsiders knew about and whose inhabitants knew nothing of the outside -- a village untouched by the Holocaust (or indoor plumbing)? That is, until a young woman from the village disappears, and the search for her brings the town crashing into the 21st century. Max Gross's novel, filled with wit, twists, and provocative questions, won the 2020 National Jewish Book Award. For more info, email Ami Zusman.

Join the Meeting: Zoom Link

Remember When
1st Wednesday of the Month
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Hitch a ride on the wayback wagon for a trip down memory lane. Let’s reminisce about the 40’s thru the 70’s together! Different topics each month. We will gather on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Please email Marv Lehrman.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Weekly Torah Study Group
Weekly on Wednesday
8:30 - 9:30 am
Study the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Copeland and lay leaders. For the first half-hour, we’ll talk, learn and share thoughts about the portion. In the second half, we will practice our Hebrew reading skills in a compassionate environment! Join for either or both parts of the study. To be added to our SZ Torah listserv, email Susie Idzik.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Mussar Group
Bi-weekly on Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! For more information, contact Mark Pressler.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Art Group: Drop-in

Weekly on Thursdays 

Hybrid: In person and on Zoom

10:30 am - 12:00 pm

The Art Chavurah will be taking a break until sometime in October after the holidays. Check back for when art chavurah will continue.Drop in for a joyful hour and a half of free art-making and connection. Everyone is welcome! The group meets every Thursday. For more information, contact Paisha RochlinBarbara Cymrot or AJ Turpen Fried.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Meditation Chavurah
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
10:30 am - Noon
Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Jewish Yoga
You are invited to a Shabbat morning exploration of yoga and Judaism that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Beginners and experienced yoga practitioners are welcome. To be added to our SZ Yoga listserv, email
Register for the Meeting: Zoom link
Hiking Chavurah
2nd Saturday of the month, 9:50 am
We hike on the second Saturday of the month
Join other Sha’ar Zahavniks on monthly urban hikes – mostly in SF but we sometimes venture farther afield. This is a great way to get to know other SZ members while exploring the city and beyond. The hikes usually last about two hours. For more information, email Karen Schiller and Ellen Murland
12-Step Meetings by and for Sha’ar Zahav Members
Weekly on Sundays On Zoom
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Come listen and share experience, strength, and hope with other CSZ members who identify as part of any 12-step community (AA, NA, CMA, Alanon, SA, etc.).
The meeting will be run in the usual 12-step format but will also feature some thoughts and reflections from members who are working to bring their Jewish selves and Jewish traditions to their 12-step practice. Contact Erika Katske with any questions.
For Sha'ar Zahav Members Only. Register Here to Attend.
Weekday Morning Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays
8:30 - 9:00 am
Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. For more information, contact Cantor Bernstein.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Birthdays this week!

Arthur Cohen 9/28

James Frazin 9/28

Sadie Joelle Post 9/28

Carol Dawson Rose 9/29

Judith Wolfe 9/29

Evan Arnold-Gordon 10/1

Beth Rubenstein 10/1

Sharyn Saslafsky 10/2

James Moser 10/3

Joan Rosen 10/3

Miriam Heath Katz 10/3

Mark Mackler 10/4

While we strive for all our events to be mixed-access, this is not always possible. Some of the events below are only in-person, and some are Zoom only. If you have any questions about a particular event, please contact the office, or the contact listed for the event.
Returning to 290 Dolores
Attending In-Person Events and Services

Starting at the end of April, our policy is as follows.
  • Shabbat Service: Masking during the service is required. Following the service, you may remove your mask to enjoy oneg.
  • For all other events, masking is optional. Children 2-5 will be required to mask. We welcome you to keep wearing masks if you choose.
  • Proof of vaccination is required, including a booster shot.
  • Please remember: Sha’ar Zahav is a scent-free environment. Keeping our synagogue safe for those with scent and chemical sensitivities is part of our commitment to accessibility. Questions/concerns? Email us, the Accessibility Committee.
Updated Registration Policy
Registration: Registration will no longer be required for most in-person services and events. If you have a key card, please let yourself in. If you do not, you will be asked to sign in and show proof of vaccination. Key cards are available to all members. Please reach out to get yours.
Click here for information about our vaccination policy
Thank You to Our Grantors
Programs at Sha’ar Zahav are supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice of the Religious Action Center, San Francisco Humanities, and the National Center to Encourage Judaism.
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