Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunity

Upstream Research Center Fellowship

Applications due Nov. 27, 5pm

Part of the Upstream Research Center. The goal of the fellowship is to develop a diverse cadre of interdisciplinary early-career scholars committed to advancing cancer health equity in persistent poverty areas. More info/apply Open to post-baccalaureate, graduate, medical students and postdocs and instructors.

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

CARE Grant Review Program

Now provides HDFCCC faculty with grant review for any multi-year, independent grant (previously only for R01 grants). Participants have 2 options from which to choose when accepted into the program:

  1. Submit Specific Aims for review. Depending on the feedback received, participants can either stop here or go on to submit the full proposal a couple of weeks later.
  2. Submit a complete draft grant proposal (including specific aims) at one time.

You must apply 6-8 weeks before your grant is due. More info/apply.

Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology Seminars Thursdays 2pm-4pm

Nov. 16 - Types of Trials and Sponsors and General Activation Process

Jan. 11 - Conflict Management in Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Jan. 16 - FDA Perspective on Clinical Research and Oncologic Drug Approvals 

Feb. 22 - Clinical Trial Design and Data Analysis

Open to fellows and early career faculty

2024 Matchmaking Event

Jan. 26, 2024, 9am - 1pm

Matches UCSF faculty with postbacc trainees, who are eligible for an NIH Diversity Supplement, for short, 10-minute interviews. Hired trainees can apply for the UCSF PROPEL Program. Register here by Dec. 11 to participate in the event.

AND.... In an effort to simplify the process of applying for a diversity supplement, the UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach has created a new process for requesting candidate eligibility statements required on diversity supplement applications. The new process is outlined at the ODO NIH Diversity Supplement webpage.

Robert A. Winn Career Development Award

Two-year program designed to support early-career investigator physicians from diverse backgrounds and demonstrate commitment to increasing diversity in clinical trials. Applications open 1/2/24 - 5/13/24. More info/apply.

HDFCCC's Healthcare Professional Career Development Program

A series of events open to HDFCCC staff who are interested in attending medical school, nursing/nurse practitioner or physician assistant programs.

  • Path to MD - UCSF Residents discuss their career path
  • Med School Application Essay Mentoring - April - June
  • Characteristics of Successful Applicants - Panel of admission office representatives from nursing, PA & MD programs around California
  • Mock Interviews - For medical school, NP and PA programs

Generative AI's Role in Cancer Research and Care

Jan. 12, 3pm - 4pm

Part of the HDFCCC's Friday Seminar Series. Attend in-person at Helen Diller Building, Rm. 160 or online. More info. Open to all trainees, faculty and staff.

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website