HOVC Scouter Newsletter | July 19th, 2024

Come out with your family and friends for a great night of baseball. Scouts receive a special patch, plus you'll participate in the pre-game parade and a post-game movie on the outfield. Baldy the Eagle Scout will be on site to join in on the fun, even throwing out the first ball of the night! Swing by to score your tickets!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Early Bird Product Sale Kick-Off and Food Lion Show & Sell Dates!

The Early Bird Product Sale Kick-off is this Wednesday, July 24 at 7 PM at the Council Leadership Center. Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The Popcorn & Peanut Sale is the perfect opportunity to fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. We have coordinated two convenient Show & Sell dates at Food Lion stores across the Heart of Virginia Council. These dates are September 14 and October 12. Units can register for one Show & Sell on each date.

To attend a kick-off, reserve your Unit's sales materials and secure your Show & Sell dates, sign up today! 

[Register for the Fundraiser]

[Secure your Show & Sell Dates]

Richmond 50-Miler:

August 5th - 9th

The Richmond 50-Miler is five days of hiking on five different trails in the Richmond area! Each day will consist of roughly 10-miles with conservation service hours along the trail. Completing all five days of the Richmond 50-Miler event, scheduled for August 5th - 9th, will complete 2 requirements for the BSA 50-Miler Award.

[Let's Hike!]

Duty to God: Reverence Hub Award Recipients

A Scout is reverent. We've launched a new Duty to God: Reverence Hub, where we showcase the core values of Scouting by promoting reverence and inclusivity. On this new page, Scouts can find resources to deepen their understanding of their own beliefs and build upon their respect of the religious diversity in the Heart of Virginia Council. We've recently added Religious Award Recipients to this page, and invite you to join us in congratulating those Scouts who have earned the awards of their faith.

[Duty to God: Reverence Hub]

Add Weekend Experiences to Your Pack Year Plan!

Our summer camp adventures might be over, but camp remains open for Weekend Experiences! Do your Scouts love the programs offered at Camp T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp? Wouldn't it be great if you could offer the same amazing adventures year round? Weekend Experiences offer units the opportunity to customize a program specifically tailored for their youth. Choose from special seasonal programming that suits your group, from aquatics and fishing to shooting sports and STEM.

[Plan Your Next Adventure]

In My Scouting Era: August 24th

Bring your Friends to Camp T. Brady Saunders and experience the FUN of Scouting on August 24th... waterfront activities, Shooting Sports, games, s'mores, hiking, and more! This event is FREE to Girl Troops who bring prospective members who are not yet registered, and they will also receive a limited design event sticker.

[Don't Miss Out]

"When things go wrong, don't go with them."

- Elvis Presley, American singer and cultural icon, who released his debut single, a cover of Arthur Cruddup's "That's All Right," on this day in 1954.

Scout Shop Hours of Operation

Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

View the Full Heart of Virginia Council Calendar

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Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive

Henrico, VA 23228



Prepared. For Life.

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