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October 2022


"Lord, when saw we thee and hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison and did not minister unto thee ? "  Mathew 25:44

Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.

Synod Assembly and

the Mathew 25 Pre-Assembly Day of Learning 

Oct. 20-22, 2022

Where: Crowne Plaza Albany – The Desmond Hotel 660 Shaker Road, Albany NY

Pre-Assembly Matthew 25 Event

When: October 20. 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Pre-Assembly Registration is $31 which covers the cost of lunch. If you wish to stay for dinner, which we hope you will, there is an extra charge of $44.

For more information and registration for both Synod Assembly and the Matthew 25 Day of Learning, click the link below.

Register Here

Mission and Ministries

Commission Action Highlights

In preparation for Synod Assembly, the Commission will recommend the 2023-2024 budget and will for the first time present a Narrative Budget that tells the story of the synod’s work in mission form. A per capita increase was approved from $4.10 to $4.25. This is the first increase in six years. In addition, the Commission approved a 5% cost of living increase for synod staff. The Commission voted to recommend Elder Lisa Baker to stand for Moderator-Elect and Rev. Nancy Talbot to be re-elected as Synod Stated Clerk.

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At This Assembly, We Will Engage in Worshipful Work

Theme -- Matthew 25: When Did We See You? 



10:00 a.m.                           

Arrival, Registration, and Check-in Begins



Synod Assembly Opens with Lunch


1:00 p.m.   

Welcome and Announcements

Welcome Commissioners, Young Adult Advisory Delegates, Corresponding Members,                      Observers, and Guests

A reminder of How Synod Assembly Works and Health Reminders

Approval of Draft Docket and Consent Agenda


1:15 p.m.      

Gathering Around the Word

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We take the health and wellbeing of our community seriously. Therefore the Synod's Health and Wellness Working Group have put together the following COVID Safety Protocols for Synod Assembly 2022. 

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Comings and Goings: Transitions of Leadership Around the Synod

We say goodbye with grateful thanks to the following people who have left and are leaving their mid-council leader roles, and with open hearts, we welcome those who are stepping into new leadership roles within the Synod. 


Elder Jacinth Hanson has ended her term as Moderator of the Synod's Mission & Ministries Commission. Many Thanks for her 6 years of service on the Synod's Leadership Team.


Rev. Scott DeBlock has taken on the role of Presbytery Leader for Northern New England.

Rev. Sue Krummel has joined Coastlands Presbytery as its new Gap Presbytery Leader.

Rev. Mary Newbern Williams is the new Gap Presbyter for New York City Presbytery.

Professional Coach Certification - Synod of the Northeast

Do you wish you had a way to get your congregation unstuck?   Are you searching for some methods to help motivate and engage people in the ministry?

Then becoming a professional coach may be a great next step for you!

The Synod Coaching Network is partnering with Loaves & Fishes Coach Training to offer a virtual 60-hour training as a path to certification as a professional coach.

November 14-16, 2022

For More Information
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