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Early Bird Tickets Now Open! 

This Signature Event is a breakfast event featuring the current sitting Mayors from up to three of Silicon Valley’s cities. The cities represented change from year to year. It is an up-close-and-personal event.

Invited Speakers:

Santa Clara Mayor - Lisa Gillmor 

San Jose Mayor - Sam Liccardo 

Cupertino Mayor - Darcy Paul 

Presented By:

Reserve your seat!

Don't Miss Out...

Spotlight Sponsor

Join us as we celebrate our 75th anniversary with a huge BBQ Bash! 

Partake in refreshments, network like never before, and enjoy good music. This is the BIGGEST networking event of the year! 

Bring plenty of business cards and be prepared to work the room.

When: September 8 at 4pm

Where: Silicon Valley Central Chamber | 3350 Scott Blvd, bld. 54

Santa Clara 95054

Register Now!
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Upcoming Events


08.18.22 - Maximize Membership: Get Involved Workshop | 4pm

08.23.22 - 8 Key Drivers to Selling your Business | 1pm

08.30.22 - SV Educated: Intro to Reporting Unclaimed Property in CA | 10am


09.01.22 - SVPY Meet-Ups | 6pm

09.05.22 - Labor Day - SVC Chamber Closed

09.08.22 - SVC Connect | BBQ Bash | 4pm

View All Events

Unwind and meet new people!

When: 09/01/22 @ 6pm

Where: Embassy Suites Milpitas  Silicon Valley

Located in the Taste Bar inside the Atrium

901 E. Calaveras Blvd. Milpitas CA 95035

Included with Membership


Pre-register - $16

At the door -$20

Register Now!

Spotlight Sponsor

We're here for you!

We have a vast network of members, services, and resources to serve you. Reach out to your SVC Chamber ambassadors at any time with questions you may have.

AVI GINGOLD              MARCIA SHEA      

(408 ) 230-9106            (408) 401-2862


(650) 669-7083           (408) 247-4010


(408) 903-0766               (510) 367-7445

SVC Chamber Ambassador Liaison:


(408) 244-8244

As your SVC Chamber Ambassadors, we are here to connect you to the resources available through the SVC Chamber and its Members.

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