The SPIRIT Newsletter welcomes you to our September/October 2022 View as Webpage
Vision: We connect people and communities to resources to achieve and support whole person health in mind, body, and spirit
Good Day!
The Co-Chairs of the Places of Worship Advisory Board invite you to our monthly POWAB Zoom meeting. POWAB hosts monthly General Body meetings that are open to the public on the second Friday of each month. At each meeting we will have a Community Wellness Check-In where you can also win prizes!
We want to partner
with your place of worship
POWAB Recognizes
the following observations
in the Months of
September and October
6th Annual Community Day Health and Wellness Fair in Partnership with Valley Avenue See the major sponsorship below
DC Fox 5 Morning News - Live 5-Minute interview with Dr. Asad Bandealy, DC Health , Community Health Administration (CHA) View Below
POWAB Theme 2022
POWAB: United Through Faith -- Building Equity and Promoting Health and Wellness
POWAB General Body Meeting
10/14/22 12:00pm
10/14/22 2:00pm
POWAB monthly meetings are open to the general public. We welcome you to join us. Let's change lives together. Choose option below.
POWAB welcomes you to its General Body meeting
Please join us and win a prize on the
POWAB Gift Wheel!
Healthy Minds, Healthy Spirits!
One in the Spirit Conference
November 4, 2022
We Need You!
Interested in a partnership or membership?
For partnership, email Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell your business information or bio and recent photo.
For membership, fill out the contact information and we'll be in touch!
POWAB Spotlights Our
Partner of the Month Pastor Rev. Dr. O. Jermaine Bego
Rev. Dr. Orlando Jermaine Bego currently serves as the Senior Pastor of The CenterPoint Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. and the owner of Transformative Coaching & Training Center (TC2), which provides relationship and faith coaching to African American men. He is an ordained minister in the Missionary Baptist denomination, as well as with the American Baptist Church USA, Inc. Pastor Bego is the co-host of “Rethink Possibility," a CBS News Talk Radio discussion on American institutions’ impact on young African-American males.
CenterPoint Baptist Church
CenterPoint Baptist Church partners with the State Opioid Response Office of the District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health in reducing the stigma around substance use disorders and empowers the Ward 7 community to help those most affected by opioid and substance use disorder by becoming knowledgeable about treatment and recovery options. For more information contact 202-780-6411 or Click here for website
Bego Enterprise, LLC
- Bego Enterprise, LLC is an independent company responsible for overall corporate performance and business success. We help clients' decision-making processes by exploring and proposing the best strategic options to face all kinds of change.
Bego Enterprise, LLC provides services in the following areas: Corporate Consulating (Public Relations/Press Releases, Non-Profit Resourcing, Networking), and Strategic Coaching: (Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Faith Coaching), and Workforce Development (Trainings, Workshops, Lectures). Click here for website
DMV Faith in Action - Community Connection
Special Webinar from Virginia Partners in Prayer & Prevention, Office of Health Equity
View Video
Virginia Department of Health
Virginia P3 Partner Resource Webinar Series on September 15, 2022
Child Passenger Seat Safety and Traffic Safety, Drive Smart Virginia
Need an Initial Dose or Booster?
Visit One of Our Faith & Community Partners!
POWAB Building Equity and
Promoting Health and Wellness
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, the Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) held its 6th Annual Community Day Health and Wellness Fair (CDHWF)/Valley Avenue Day at Oxon Run Park from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This year’s event was special due to the unique partnership that was formed with the Valley Avenue community. Anita Burrows, a gatekeeper in the Valley Avene community, served as the coordinator for Valley Avenue activities and ensured the community was kept abreast of the planning at all stages.
In total, 800 people registered to attend the CDHWF/Valley Avenue Day and 1,771 attended and received lunch, education, information, materials, supplies and resources that address whole person physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. Partnering with the Valley Avenue community was remarkable in that, according to the Valley Avenue Coordinator, Anita Burrows, community members typically do not pre-register to attend events. As such, the high number of registrants and even higher number of attendees speaks to the success of the event and the partnership.
This event was made possible thanks to the support and funding from numerous districtwide and national organization partners and sponsors and with the help of over 100 volunteers. Special thanks to UnitedHealth Care, AIDS Health Care Foundation, Damien Ministries, Valley Avenue, Capial Caring Health, Gilead Science, DC Health, Maryland Health Department, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and the Virginia Department of Health.
Muslim Mindful Moment
Surah 3 Ayat 29-30
Family of Imran Verses 29-30
[3.29] Say: Whether you hide what is in your hearts or manifest it, Allah knows it, and He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and Allah has power over all things.
[3.30] On the day that every soul shall find present what it has done of good and what it has done of evil, it shall wish that between it and that were a distance very long; and he warns you all, does Allah, of His punishment, but Allah is also Compassionate to the servants.
Surah 5 Ayah 8 Qur'aan Kareem
POWAB/ Famous Quote and Trivia
Trivia Moment
The Amazon River is 4,000 miles long yet no bridge crosses it.
Famous quote
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas A. Edison
American Inventor
Help Wanted
POWAB Social Media Committee and The SPIRIT Newsletter Team needs your help to grow our presence and achieve our goal to connect people to resources for whole person health in mind, body, and spirit. Please consider volunteering as a writer or reporter on our dynamic team.
United Healthcare
gives tips for senior
health insurance plans
Cell: 703-477-1162
View Video below
Washington, D.C. free food pantries, soup kitchens and food banks.
Capital Area Food Bank
A number of food assistance programs, groceries, and other aid is provided. Among them include Fresh Produce and hot meals. The site also operates a Mobile Pantry. Staff can assist residents with applying for EFAP, CACFP, Nutrition Education, Food Stamps, and Senior Brown Bag Programs. The non-profit works with local churches and charities in the region and provides those centers with food items.
Call 202.526.5344
Community Harvest
This location serves free hot meals in the District of Columbia and operates a free pantry. Staff can refer the homeless to shelters or charities for other assistance.
2437 15th Street NW
Washington DC, 20009
Phone number - 202-667-8875
Community Resources
Community Activities, Health Education and Outreach
Women, Infants, & Children Services
Food, nutrition counseling, and access to health services are provided under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, popularly known as WIC. WIC website
DC Health
LinkU is the free online resource and referral guide for DC, Maryland, and Virginia, available for consumers, faith-based organizations (FBOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs). If your organization would like to become a LinkU staff member, please contact Ashley Coleman via email.
Maryland Department of Health
Carmi Washington-Flood
Chief, Office of Faith Based and Community Partnerships, Maryland Department of Health
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration
MDH Resources -
Maryland Community for LifeSM is an innovative program developed by the Maryland Department of Aging to support older adults as they age at home. View Video
Virginia Department of Health
Hope Campaign - With the hopes of returning to a sense of normalcy, the Hope Campaign was created to encourage vaccinations as a route to return to things we miss the most in life. View Video
Veronica Cosby, MAHS, MS
Virginia Partners In Prayer & Prevention, Office of Health Equity, Virginia Department of Health
Mayor Muriel Bowser says migrants along the border are "being tricked" onto buses to D.C.
Sharon Lewis Named Interim Director of DC Health | NBC4 Washington
POWAB has FREE masks and hand sanitizers for your family or your place of worship while supplies last! Email Us
How to Know If You're Meant to Be An Entrepreneur
Cultural Community Corner
Special interview by Bernedetta Bailey with
Pastor Dr. Freeman of
Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
There mission is to praise God through worship and service and lead all people of Christ. We believe in prayer, spiritual nourishment, and the Christian lifestyle. Our mission is to move toward perfection in Jesus Christ. We pray that what you see on this page will be a blessing!
Holistic Videos
for whole person health in mind, body, and spirit
Maryland Department of Health - Mental Health Awareness During the Pandemic
The novel legal concept to protect sacred rivers
Virginia Health Department addressing Health Disparities and Health Equity in Hampton Roads
Mr. Stephen Reese and Evangelist Stephanie Smith are the voices for the official POWAB Partnership Public Service Announcement
Video created by
David Preston, Agent Manger
Washington, DC and Maryland
Meet the Talented Women Behind
The SPIRIT Newsletter
POWAB The SPIRIT Newsletter Editor, Bernadette Bailey
POWAB General Editor,
Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell
POWAB Spotlights Our Government
and Community Co-Chairs
Evangelist Regina Jefferson
Government Co-Chair, Co-Lead, "SPEAK On It" Podcast, Co- Lead, Community Health and Wellness Fair, Co-Lead, Funding and Community Partnership, Public Health Analyst, Coordinator, Faith Initiative, DC Health - Email
Dr. Rev. E. Gail Anderson Holness
Government Co-Chair, Director, Faith Based Outreach, District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health - Email
Rev. Darryl! Moch
Community Co-Chair, Producer, "SPEAK on it" Podcast, POWAB Fiduciary Business partner, Community Day Health and Wellness Fair Entertainment coordinator, Senior Associate Minister, Inner Light Ministries UCC, Dean, Communities Practice, Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ - Email
Rev. Dr. Barbara Q. Rainey
Community Co-Chair, Co-Lead, Data and Survey Evaluation, Pastor, New Jerusaleum African Union Methodist Protestant Church, Organizer, CEO, Family Recovery Services - Email
POWAB: United Through Faith -- Building Equity
and Promoting Health and Wellness
Message From The SPIRIT Newsletter Bernadette Bailey
POWAB has been publishing a monthly e-newsletter, The SPIRIT, since 2019. Although we have received very positive feedback on its quality and content, we strive to increase our readership. In our effort to appeal to everyone,
we invite input from our readership. If you
would like to submit an article and/or video.
please click on the email below.
We welcome your business, organization and/or faith community to join us. If you are interested in becoming a partner or would like more information about how your business can benefit through promotion in The SPIRIT Newsletter.
POWAB Disclaimer
The information and suggestions presented in The SPIRIT newsletter are not intended to be taken as advice by an individual reader or viewer. It should not be used as a substitute for consulting your physician. Matters regarding your health may require medical supervision. The DC Health Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions. You, as the reader, are responsible for your own healthcare.
Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB)
899 North Capitol St. NE, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 671-5063