Volume 11 Issue 31 | August 8, 2024

Taking Time for The Questions

Dear Ones,

With Daibelys and Gustavo, Matteo and Elijah, the family that has been living at church in our sanctuary apartment for the last year, safely moved out and into their own home this month, several of you have been asking, “What’s next?” What’s next in how we might use that sanctuary space at church? What’s next in our Sanctuary and Resistance efforts? How can we best live into our shared UU values with this particular resource?

As these important questions come in, I’ve found myself encouraging us to pause and take stock. Any spiritual community and any spiritual practice worth its salt encourages at least two things. Developing the ability to pause—to insert a breath, or a prayer, or a 10 count, or a whole day of break between impulse/idea and action, and developing a regular practice of spiritual inventory. The pause we learn to take can be quick or it can be long—and we can use it for a momentary spot-check spiritual inventory or reset, or we can take more time with the questions and practices that center and guide us. 

After a few grounding breaths or whatever practice connects you with the earth, yourself, others, and/or the holy, we might ask: where am I as an individual, and where are we, as a community in relation to our hopes and aspirations? How are we doing at living into our shared values, mission and vision? Where are we falling short and why and how? What might we need to change in our own actions and in our collective systems and ways of being to more fully live into our faith, and to know the joy and flow that comes with that alignment? What is there to celebrate and appreciate, and where did we surprise ourselves and each other?

In this month of August when we are encouraging each other in the spiritual practice of pause, I wonder what might emerge and where love might be calling us next as a community in our faithful action work. What roots run deep in this community and what new branches and buds might emerge? Are there new ways that our old commitments might take shape? And who among us might feel the call to leadership as we live our wide embrace of love out loud? I hope you will tell me what you hear. 

In this moment, I invite us to pause to notice and to celebrate. Thanks to your generosity - first from those who gave generously to our capital campaign several years ago now, “Not for Ourselves Alone: Building an Inclusive Future” and then from everyone who has contributed financially to our annual giving drives and most recently to the launch gift of more than $2,000 we were able to offer this particular family—First Universalist has been able to offer a safe and welcoming space to this and other families seeking shelter not only for their bodies, but for their dreams. Each of your blessings and prayers and notes of support have offered encouragement and a sense of belonging and care that moves across language and culture. Let’s pause for a moment to take in what this means, and to ground ourselves again in our highest shared values and hopes, as we let ourselves listen for where love is calling us next..

In gratitude,

Rev. Jen

Registration for Children, Youth, & Family Ministries for the upcoming church year... and Summer Camp!

Register Your Family for 2024-2025
Register for Summer Camp

Just a few camper spots remain so please register now!

In this Issue


Taking Time for The Questions

Sunday Worship

This Sunday, August 11

Upcoming Worship Info

August 18: Lake Harriet

Last Sunday's Recordings

Cycle of Life

Programs Calendar

Facilitate A Fall Program Young Adults Mutual Aid Sunday School Playground Meetups Kids Camp Octavia Butler

Meditation Group

Pastoral & Community Care

Grief Group

Faithful Action Election News Habitat

News Child Dedication

Community Events & Affiliated Orgs:

DRUUMM, MNIPL, Car Wash, AUW, 12-Step Spirituality

Some email programs truncate long emails; watch for "message clipped; view entire message" or similar at the bottom of this email if you don't see all contents listed.


The Grace You Can Imagine

This Sunday, August 11, at 10 a.m. join us in person or online.

Imagination is an essential part of our spiritual lives, and it doesn’t necessarily involve losing ourselves in an otherworldly work of art, though I highly recommend that, too. Sometimes practicing imagination means letting in ideas that on their surface make no sense to us. Sometimes it’s about play or wonder or beauty. Sometimes it’s about imagining the worst possible scenario as preparation. Sometimes practicing imagination is as simple as paying attention to what already is and believing that more of it is possible. More love, more hope, more acts of care and kindness for not only each other, but the animals and plants and earth all around us. This Sunday, we’ll explore the role of imagination in our spiritual lives, and strengthen it together, too. 

August 11: "The Grace You Can Imagine"

10 a.m. in person and online

August 18: "Whole, Holy, and Worthy"

10 a.m. at Lake Harriett - see below for details

August 25

10 a.m. in person and online

September 1: No Worship

Mark Your Calendars

August 18: Lake Harriet Worship and Potluck

"Whole, Holy, and Worthy"

Sunday, August 18; 10 a.m. Worship; 11:15 a.m. Potluck

From the moment we are born to the moment we die, our Unitarian Universalist faith names each and every one of us as whole, holy, and worthy, welcome and wanted exactly as we are. And we all have room to grow. This is true throughout our lifespan. We are a community of individual and collective transformation - flowing and changing throughout our lives, never stagnant, always welcome and wanted, whole and holy and worthy, wherever we are on our journey. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Child Dedication and as we welcome all those at Lake Harriet to the joy of our community.

Please note: at our Lake Harriet service, children and youth of all ages are invited to worship together with their families. We will have an area near the Bandshell for kids to play with bubbles and chalk, but we will not provide formal childcare. There is a playground to the back of the Bandshell where parents or caregivers may supervise their own children.


Lake Harriet Potluck Planning Team

The potluck after Lake Harriet worship is a big endeavor that takes people power! The potluck planning team decides on and communicates who will bring what types of food, as well as recruits and organizes a clean-up crew for after the meal. Members of the team can expect to meet as needed before the event, and work until about 1:00 p.m. on August 18. Bonus if you have a vehicle in which we can transport potluck supplies to/from Lake Harriet. Email Building and Events Manager Jim Poulter to join the team!

No Worship Labor Day Weekend

Sunday, September 1: As a collective sabbath and an honoring of the need to rest and breathe before we begin a new turning of the church year, there will be no worship on Labor Day weekend.


In person and and livestreaming at 10 a.m. Watch the livestream here. 

Our digital order of service is available here. (Updated weekly before Sunday worship.)

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary; please review our Covid-19 Gathering Guidelines.


From May 19 through Sept. 8, Religious Education is worship. There are no classes or formal curriculum. Kids and youth of all ages are invited to worship in the Sanctuary with their families.

In the summer months, childcare is available for children ages 6 months to Kindergarten in rooms 102 and 104 during Sunday worship from 9:45-11:15 a.m. 

The Cummins Room on Sunday mornings will have a worship livestream. It will not be staffed, and all children must be accompanied by one of their adults at all times.

Religious Education classes and curriculum resume Sept. 15. You can register now. We are looking for more volunteers to minister with our kids and youth in the Fall.

Contact Allison Connelly-Vetter, Interim Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, with questions or for more information at


Coffee Hour in the Social Hall

Visit with old friends and meet new ones over coffee and cookies in our social hall.

In Case You Missed It

Sunday, August 4: Getting Rest, Getting Ready

Click thumbnail for a YouTube recording of last week's worship

Podcast Archive | Video Archive | Sermon Archive

Cycle of Life

The Caring Corner in the library has cards for those who want to send well wishes to people suffering or celebrating. Stop by the library to share a message of love and care.

If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, celebrating a joy­ or marking a sorrow, please let us know. To be included in our Cycle of Life on Sunday in worship, or if you would like support, contact Rev. Arif Mamdani at or 612-825-1701.

Programs Calendar

Welcoming Fall Program Proposals

Are you interested in facilitating a small group, workshop or event this fall at church? Let us know what you have in mind and let's work together to create rich and meaningful programs for the community. Program submissions are open now through August 26.

Submit a Program Proposal here.

Young Adults

Young Adults are folks in their 20s and 30s in varying social/cultural life stages. We are in school, job-searching, and working, single, married, partnered and dating, with kids and without, newly moved to the area and longtime residents. We gather about twice a month at church and in the community for structured and unstructured conversation, spiritual practice, and activities. 

Let us know you're interested! 

Second Sundays Lunch at Gigi’s Cafe

August 11, Sept. 8; Right after worship, about 11:15 a.m.

RSVP Requested 

Gather in the Social Hall after worship to travel to nearby Gigi's Cafe for casual conversation and building friendships over lunch. If cost is a barrier, please do reach out to Rev. Ashley for resources!

Evening of Improv Games

Wednesday, August 21; 6-8 p.m. RSVP Requested 

Rev. Meg Riley will lead us in a fun evening of letting loose, being playful, and building off of each others’ creativity. There will be pizza available, too! Hosted by Zoey Lazere and Libby Crawford.

Mutual Aid Sunday School

Second and Fourth Sundays: Aug. 11 & 25, Sept. 8 & 22 

11:15 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. In person at church, on zoom as needed


This group will meet on second and fourth Sundays of the month in room 209 at First Universalist. Folks are welcome to drop in to these meetings, though registration is recommended to ensure for communication about meeting updates and changes.

Are you curious about mutual aid and community care? Want to learn together with members of First U as we practice new ways of living together? Join us for First U Mutual Aid Sunday School this summer, a program for adults who want to learn together about the history of mutual aid and community care and how we can build these practices into our daily lives. This study group may include readings, videos, podcasts and other sources and in true mutual learning form we'll build our curriculum together as we learn!

Facilitated by Rebecca Donley.

First U Playground Meetups

August 18 at Lake Harriet after lakeside worship and potluck; RSVP REQUESTED

Meet First U families at church after summer Sunday services, then walk together to a nearby playground suited for many ages and abilities for family fun and connection. Location will be communicated to those registered. Facilitated by Rebecca Donley.

First U Kids Camp

First Universalist Church Summer Camp

August 19-23; 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Register your child/ren here. 

Camp is open to children and youth who will enter 1st-8th grade next Fall (current K-7th graders).

  • Morning drop off is at 9 a.m. Monday-Friday; pick up at 3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
  • On Friday, August 23, families are invited to join campers from 4-5 p.m. for an end-of-camp celebration with songs, art displays, and a special performance. 
  • Campers bring their own snack, lunch and water bottle. An additional snack is provided. 
  • Suggested donation is $100 per child. Please donate here and select "summer camp" from the drop-down menu.

Chalice Campers (1st-5th grade) and Adventure Campers (6th-8th grade) begin the morning together with an opening circle including chapel, songs, skits, and games. After the opening circle, Chalice Campers have a snack and play outside or head to a local park (weather permitting). They return to the church for lunch and afternoon activities including games, arts and crafts, choice play, and another snack. One choice for incoming 4th graders will be receiving two sessions of education about puberty and body changes based on Our Whole Lives curriculum. This is an opt-in program. Adventure Campers (6th-8th grade) spend the later morning in team building activities which nurture play, creativity, and collaboration. After lunch, Adventure Campers will spend more time creating, deepening relationships, learning, and having fun together. Chalice Campers and Adventure Campers end each day together with a closing circle which includes group reflection and songs. 

Octavia E. Butler’s “Parables” Summer Book Salon

August 19. Drop ins welcome—join us!; 6-7:30 p.m., under the tent REGISTRATION

Let’s dig into these particular, timely novels written by Octavia E. Butler. We will deepen relationships and focus on how the ideas and insights expressed in these novels help to shape our individual and collective spiritual journey. It is not necessary to make it to the first gathering to join future ones, which will be arranged by the group and communicated as we go, so sign up if you’re interested in learning about any of the gatherings. We may meet by a lake, in a backyard, or a local coffee shop! Facilitated by Gary Hoover.

Tuesday Meditation Group

Weekly Practice: 8:45-10:15 a.m. online and in-person

You are invited to meditate with our lay-led practice group. None of us are experts. Our practices come out of our own experiences, and we share inspiration from many sources including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach, Tai Chi, Loving Kindness, poetry and more. We don't follow one method or another, but we do share what we learn with each other. After meditation we practice deep listening to hear from each person, if they choose. No registration required. Email Sara McMullen for Zoom details.

Pastoral & Community Care

Peer-Led Grief Group

1st and 3rd Sundays, 4-5:30 p.m. on zoom

A gathering for those who are grappling with the web of feelings associated with loss. A group of souls who share, listen and care. A community interested in exploring new life invitations. Come as you are, when you feel moved to attend on any or all dates. We will be here for you. Over the summer, facilitation is shared amongst group members.

Contact group member Kathie Simon Frank ( for the zoom link and to be added to the contact list.

Faithful Action

2024 Election News

Let’s Keep Up the “Good Trouble”

Wednesdays and Fridays, 5-7pm, August 7th through November 1st:

Engage young, diverse, Minnesota renters and students to vote. REGISTER for details of statewide follow-up texting/voicemails to our "MUUSJA Postcard Buddies.”

WHERE: On Zoom statewide, with small groups at various congregations – First Universalist on August 7 – be among the first to be trained!

REGISTRATION (everyone MUST pre-register so we avoid trolls).

REMEMBER: August 13 is the Primary. If you aren’t sure of who, what or where, check it out.

Habitat for Humanity

We had a good day at our July 29 Habitat build. Four church members were part of the “old guard” with years of experience volunteering with Habitat and five were enthusiastic newer members. At noon, Liz Perman provided a great lunch that was appreciated by all!

Photo here shows Kent Mhyman—definitely “old guard”—working with Maria Heath, one of our enthusiastic new members.

We do not have a work day scheduled for August, but we are starting to consider plans for this fall. More on this later.

News & Features

Child Dedication

Would you like to celebrate a Child Dedication with your family at First Universalist Church?

In Child Dedication, our congregation pledges itself to partner with and support parents and families in the religious upbringing of your children. We promise to support your family as your child grows. Child dedication is a community event, honoring an intentional and ongoing relationship between your family and your religious community.

Dedication at First Universalist Church will happen next on Sunday, August 18, at 10 a.m. at the Lake Harriet Bandshell during our annual Lake Harriet service. Children of members and those on the path to membership may be dedicated at First Universalist.

Please register your child(ren) for Child Dedication using this form. Complete a separate form for each child being dedicated.

Affiliated Organizations & Community Events

DRUUMM Gathering for BIPOC

Minneapolis-St Paul Gathering

When: 09 Aug 2024 6:00 PM-9:00 PM

Where: Unity Church-Unitarian, 733 Portland Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104

We are excited to invite you to the DRUUMM Minneapolis-St Paul Gathering Gathering for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), an evening of connection, healing, and spiritual growth within our BIPOC community in Unitarian Universalism, co-hosted with the UUA Thrive Youth & Emerging Adults of Color Program and local leaders.


6:00 PM: Dinner

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM: BIPOC Program

This gathering is an opportunity to deepen our relationships, energize our spirits, and nurture solidarity. We will start the evening with a communal potluck dinner (bringing a dish is optional; we will provide some food) and then move into a facilitated program that centers our diverse experiences and offers space for healing through community.

Note: The gathering is a designated BIPOC sacred space, reserved for UUs and those interested in exploring UUism who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color. White parents of BIPOC children/youth are welcome to attend with your child/youth, mindful of the intention of this space.

Please confirm your attendance by August 7. Click here to RSVP, and scroll down until you see this event. Please reach out to UUA staff/event co-host Nico Van Ostrand ( with any questions or for more information.

MNIPL - Spirit of Water

Saturday, August 10, 5:00 to 8:00 PM

Hidden Falls Regional Park St. Paul on Mississippi River

Join a broad community of people to celebrate Mississippi and our common love of water.

Connect, learn, play, and give thanks together.


Car Wash & Bake Sale

Sunday, August 18, 11:30 - 2:30

If raining, 2 - 5 p.m. assuming better weather

Support the Institute of Aspiring Abolitionists and my courageous, compassionate friend, Jason Sole in buying a safe space for sanctuary for those who will be most targeted in the challenging times to come. Stop by the church parking lot after attending the service at 10:00 a.m. at Lake Harriet Bandshell or anytime from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. We will be there to accept donations for a car wash, thirst-quenching lemonade, delicious baked goodies, and some fun and connecting community time!


If you’d like to participate in helping this happen, please contact Denise Konen. (  Please share the flyer below with your family, friends, and networks via email, text, and social media! (If it rains from 11:30-2:30 p.m. we will hold it from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. - if it is not raining at that time.)


Thank you!! We look forward to seeing you there! 

Association of Universalist Women

AUW sponsors activities for people who identify as women, non-binary and/or gender fluid.

Renew AUW Membership - all AUW memberships (except Wise Women status) ended on June 30, 2024. Benefits of AUW membership include reduced registration rate to annual AUW Retreat, free lunch at our events, free or reduced price at paid AUW events, inclusion of your name in the AUW Directory and the knowledge that your membership helps keep AUW the wonderful organization it has been for over a CENTURY!

Here is a link.

AUW Postcard “Picnic”

August 10 - 1:30PM 

Not really a picnic: this will be your opportunity to write postcards in the company of your AUW friends to support the First Universalist "Good Trouble Congregation" effort and help defend democracy! Join us in the tent in the parking lot (weather permitting). Bring simple, non-messy snacks to share (not required), your favorite pen, and your smiling self for an afternoon of outreach to less likely voters to encourage them to exercise their right to cast a ballot in this fall's very important election.

Date Correction! Let’s Gather, Let’s Go! Come to the AUW Kick-off!

Our kick-off will embody this year’s AUW theme: “Let’s Gather, Let’s Go!” We will share

a light dinner, introduce upcoming AUW events, and spend time getting to know each

other better.

Join us at the kick-off: September 13, 5:30pm - 8:30pm. (Program will begin at 6pm.)

It’s the perfect opportunity to renew your AUW connections. There will be no charge for

this event for members OR visitors, so be sure to bring friends who might be interested

in becoming part of our sisterhood.

Hiking Group: Meets most Saturdays at a park or trail head. For questions or to get on the hiking group mailing list, contact: Marie Sorensen, 612-419-3620,, or Lynn Richardson 612-323-2776, Hat, sunglasses, and bug repellent recommended.

In the event of thunder, lightning, or pouring rain, assume there will be NO hike. If it is drizzling, you can show up with a raincoat and see who else is hardy. Dogs are not invited to join us for hikes.

If anyone wants to volunteer to lead a “Hike With Friends”, let Marie know. It just means showing up at the meeting place or canceling a hike for bad weather.

August 10, 2pm Lake Harriet. Meet by the bandstand near the audience benches. Parking options include the pay lot or take your chances on the parkway. Allow extra time to get through the Hennepin/Lake construction. Marie will lead.

August 17, 2pm. Lake Nokomis. 4955 West Lake Nokomis Parkway. Parking options include the pay lot or take your chances on the parkway. Meet at the beach building with the turtle mural. Marie will NOT be there. We need a volunteer to lead.

August 24, 2 pm. Wood Lake Nature Center. 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield. Meet the door to the interpretive center building. Flat walk. Marie will NOT be there. We need a volunteer to lead.

August 31, 2pm. Eloise Butler Flower Garden. 1 Theodore Wirth Parkway. Park in the pay lot or park free down the hill at Wirth Lake Beach House. Slower nature walk with some hills depending on the route we take. Marie will lead.

Game GroupMeets at the church on the second Thursday of each month to play board games and socialize. You are welcome to bring snacks to share and a game you would enjoy teaching others. To receive email updates, contact Anne Frenchick. The next Game Group meeting is August 8. If no one responds to Anne that they are coming, the Game Night will be canceled early that day. Please let Anne know if you plan to attend.

Women Who Read: We read books written by women. We host an in-person and a virtual meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. The next meeting will be August 26. Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. Request an email invitation to our next meeting and be added to our email list by sending your name and email address to Abbie Finger. The reading list for 2024-25 is posted on the AUW website here. Location of the in-person meeting is available to those on the mailing list. The Zoom version of the meeting convenes online at 7:00 pm; the zoom meeting link is here.

Give or Take a Book!

To share books we love and build more literary connections, we are going to start a new project. If interested please bring 1-2 books (no more!) to share with someone at the monthly book club. If interested, pick a book to take home. Any questions or ideas contact Nora Whiteman cell 612-250-1661.

12-Step Spirituality

NOTE: This group will be meeting only on Zoom until October. We will return to meeting in person, with a Zoom option, in October.

These meetings are intended for people who are actively working any 12-step program. The program is focused on the 11th step and the practice of Centering Prayer Meditation. 

Weekly on Zoom 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.

More details about this group can be found here.

Resources & Information

Church Office & Building Access

The church office is open on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The door bells are not monitored outside of this time. Access to the building at times on other days can be arranged by contacting Jim Poulter, Building & Office Manager, at

COVID Community Care

Based on ongoing monitoring of COVID levels in Hennepin County, masking is welcome, but not required, inside the building—including the sanctuary. Learn more about our Covid and Community safety policies on our website.

Care Resources

First Universalist offers a variety of care resources to our community. Find details on our website.

Weekly Liberal Submissions

We encourage you to submit church news! To do so, email your content to Edits for length and/or content may occur. The deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday the week of publication. Past issues and policies can be found on our website

Contact Us

First Universalist Church of Minneapolis

3400 Dupont Ave. S.

Minneapolis, MN 55408


For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.