New Beginnings 9/16/2022

Reflection from Fr. Joseph

Over the last several decades, many people have lost their trust in public institutions, especially our government leaders. How refreshing it was, then, to have someone like the Queen of England, who transcended politics, rancor, and the division that is so ever-present in leadership roles. I've been amazed at the outpouring of love and grief at her passing, and I think she was so beloved because she was a true throwback to another era - a time when leaders lived quiet lives of duty, resposibility, and dignity. She was always known to be a calming, respectable presence, even as her seventy years on the throne led her country through a tremendous amount of change and turmoil.

I read a beautiful reflection on her life, from a Catholic perspective, which emphasized that one of her best qualities was her faithfulness to duty. In a world where it's sometimes hard to get people to show up to work, or to be faithful to a difficult marriage, Queen Elizabeth's faithfulness to her duty is an example to all of us. On her 21st birthday, she gave a radio address in which she said: I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong. What a powerful commitment to duty - one that she lived out for 70 years. One might say that she had a charmed life, that duty was easy when you live in palaces and wear a tiara. But leadership is never as glamorous as it looks, and it actually takes a great deal of patience and sacrifice to always represent your country and serve your people tirelessly. She was never able to enjoy the privacy that we enjoy; every deed and word was public and often the subject of gossip magazines and paparazzi. She could never do what she wanted, as her life was completely dedicated to her calling. And she didn't shirk that duty! For decades she embraced it, lived it out with humility and a genuine faith in God, and was as faithful as the sun (which never sets on the British Empire, they say).

This is a great witness to all of us. All of us have a duty. If we are married, we have a duty to love our spouse. If we are a parent, we have a duty to raise and sacrifice for our kids. If we are an employee, we have a duty to our employer; all of us have a duty to be a good citizen, involved in our neighborhoods and civic life. And, of course, due to our baptism, we all have a duty to God and to the Church - a duty to worship God, seek our own sanctification, and to bring others to Christ. Duty means that it is an obligation laid upon us, which we must fulfill in thick or thin, whether it is pleasant or difficult. Duty means taking up our cross, never giving up, and doing it all out of love.

Of course, it was so fitting that the Queen died on the birthday of another Queen - our Blessed Mother. Her birthday (September 8) celebrates another woman who freely embraced the vocation to which God called her - saying, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord - let it be done to me according to Your word." And the duty (and privilege) of being the Mother of the Savior cost her a great deal: being suspected as an adulteress, the stresses of being an exile in Egypt, the sorrow of beholding her Son crucified. She embraced these things, though, out of love - which should be the motivating factor for any duty we embrace.

In light of these two great Queens, let us embrace our daily duties - knowing that through them, we will find the joy of living as we were meant to live!

Eternal rest grant upon her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.

Parish News

Parish Festival Update

We are pleased to announce…


St. Jude's 2022 Parish Festival Raised




Thank you to ALL volunteers, donors,

parishioners, families, and friends


For making this year's festival a huge success! 



September 25, 2022

Do not wait until a priest retires or is transferred to celebrate their service. Like Father’s Day, let Priesthood Sunday by the one day of the year when we make it a point to make the priests in our life feel appreciated and special. 

What is Priesthood Sunday?

Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. 

Priesthood Sunday specifically honors priests, without whom the Mass could not be offered, and Sacraments could not be celebrated. The men who answer the call to priesthood are special indeed, and they are working harder than ever before.

How can we celebrate Priesthood Sunday?

A good way to start is to simply say “Thank you”. Do it in person. Send an email message. Mail a handwritten note. We can start with Fr. Joseph and continue with the priests that have served St. Jude parish such as Fr. Henry, Msgr. Sabia, Fr. Skip, Fr. Bates along with the other priests who have had an impact on our life.

“May we never take the presence of our priests for granted, as we cherish the celebration of the Mass and are nourished by the Eucharist.”



    October 15th, 12:00 P.M.

Only prayer can save our Nation and allow it to flourish. Join our parishioners as part of a national movement to pray the Rosary in public.  We will pray alongside Rte 111 in front of St. Jude Parish.

Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference

Calling all Catholic men! All men are invited to the 15th Annual Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference in West Hartford on Saturday, September 24th ( Dynamic talks by our very own Bishop Caggiano - along with other national Catholic speakers such as Fr. Chris Alar and Fr. Larry Richards - lively music, Mass and Adoration, and fraternity with other Catholic men. You can register online - and speak to Fr. Joseph if you want to go FOR FREE (limited free tickets are available). Hope you can make it!

Invitation to Seniors

Calling all St Jude parishioners of a certain age! 

Are you ready to gather together at the Msgr Sabia Social Hall to celebrate the new school year even though you haven’t been to school in a while? 


And this time there will be no homework!

Have you been thinking about how nice it would be to share prayer and fellowship with others  And perhaps even have a conversation about something other than Covid and the weather?  

If any of this sounds interesting to you, please consider joining us to talk about the possibilities.

We will start this discussion with a planning meeting at 2:30 PM on Thursday, September 22nd in the social hall. Please come if you can and bring your ideas.   

And suggestions for a name for the group.  

And bring a friend!

Our first official meeting will be on Thursday, October 13th at 2:00 PM.

If you have questions, please give us call or catch us at church!

Ellen & Doug Stevens


RCIA Introduction on October 9th

A good and wise pastor once said, “A key trait of a Catholic is someone who believes life is worth living!” If you or someone you know is interested in exploring the truth about the Catholic faith and learning how it makes life worth living, please join me on Saturday October 8th at 9:30 m in the Parish Office. We will discuss the RCIA process and how it helps bring you closer to Christ in preparation for initiation into the faith. Please contact Deacon David at

Food Pantry Update

As the summer comes to a close our attention turns to the children of our pantry families returning to school, and although hard to imagine the cooler weather. As a result our pantry is in need of the following items: snack foods, coffee, tuna, Chef Boyardee, jarred pasta sauce and as always, boxed children’s cereal. Thank you again for your continued support to our ministry.

Hopeline Diaper Needs                                                   

Hopeline Pregnancy Center has an immediate need for disposable diapers. They are currently very low with no size 4 or 6 and only a few left in size 5. Should you wish to help you can leave the diapers in the outer vestibule of the church. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Hopeline 2022 Baby Bottle Appeal

In August the Knights of Columbus delivered a check to the Hopeline Pregnancy Center. Nearly $5,000 was raised over this Summer. Hopeline offers various Pregnancy Services including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and options coaching. Hopeline and our Knights of Columbus Council would like to thank all who participated for their generous support.

Announcing a new women's bible study

beginning at St. Jude's next month

In a world where women are measured by their beauty, achievements, and possessions, wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where you could just be valued for who you are? Living in the Father’s Love will lead you to that safe place where you are unconditionally loved, baggage and all. This brief but powerful six-lesson Bible study is the ideal way to revive and refresh yourself. Discover just how much God loves us and how the Gospels are deeply relevant to our relationship with God and with those we love.

When: Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm -OR- Fridays 9:30-11:00 am

Starting 10/14 & 10/19

**Childcare may be available if requested**

Wednesday's session is conveniently offered during the new 6 pm Children's prayer group followed by 6:30 pm Religious Education class for parents to participate during this time

Cost: The cost is $20 which includes material

Registration required for materials:


Contact Mary Beth Rauser: 203-516-1821 / (Friday morning coordinator) or Annette Bonomo: 203-895-9978 / (Wednesday evening coordinator)

Formed Resources for September
Family News and Updates

Save the Dates for our next Softball Games! 

Sunday 9/25 2 pm is the Parish Softball Game against St. Stephen's Parish

***NOTE NEW Location*** Wolfe Park field #4 by the fountain next to the soccer fields at Wolfe park . 

E-mail Jessica Iannotta to RSVP and for more information

Mom's Group Announcements

Next meeting Wednesday 9/28 at 7 pm in the social hall to begin the series Motherhood Matters on

Our next monthly mother's Zoom rosary is 10/5 at 9 pm and will continue on the first Wednesday of every month e-mail Jessica Iannotta for more information.

Youth Encounter nights start September 16th, see you there!

Please remember in your daily prayers:

Marge Tranzillo, David Nicolett, Maria Bertone, Marie Micholovich, Vincent Daniello, Dyana vander Wielen, Joe Pinto, Zoey Frigo, Daniel Louis Bianco, Max, Hung Vu, Alfred Zawadski, Michael Serke, Leroy Moye, Richard Carrano, Dr. John Kezel, Joseph Sheridan, Francisca Testa & family, Catherine Belanger, Stephen Henn, Manny Cambra, Bennett Gulyas, Tom Pleva, Andrew Henn, James Buturla, Violeta Shala, Vito Melfi and Amanda Alarcon

All healthcare workers, first responders, caregivers and the men and women in the military.

If you have anyone that you would like to add to the list, please call the office or email with the name to be added.

Monthly Parish Petition

Please join us in praying our Monthly Parish Intention. 

Our intention for September is:

Lord, as the new school year begins, bless our classrooms with peace, our lessons with fun, and our friendships with kindness,

We pray.....

    Lord, hear our prayer 

Upcoming Mass Intentions


Sat  Sep 17   5:00pm           Bill Thibodeau


Sun Sep 18    7:30am           St Jude Parishioners


Sun Sep 18    9:30am           Maria Emilia Monteiro


Sun Sep 18    11:30am         Tony Calise


Mon Sep 19    9:00am           Tom Buzi


Tue Sep 20    9:00am           Carolyn O’Neall


Wed Sep 21    9:00am           Anthony B. Cresci


Thu Sep 22    9:00am           Ginny Jessup


Sat  Sep 24   5:00pm           Deceased members of the Carlson and DelMastro Family


Sun Sep 25    7:30am           St Jude Parishioners


Sun Sep 25    9:30am           Ben Seamons


Sun Sep 25    11:30am         Gaylord A. Paddock


The Tabernacle Candle will burn in memory of Denise Borrs during the month of September

If the 9:00 am Weekday mass is not listed, an intention has not been requested. Also, there are no public Masses on Friday mornings.

Mass Schedule

Monday through Thursday Weekday Masses will be in the main Church at 9 am and live streamed.

The Weekend Masses inside the Church are Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30. Only the Saturday Mass at 5:00 pm and the Sunday 7:30 am Mass are live streamed.

(Live-streamed Masses may be viewed at )

Online Giving

Men’s Bible Study

All men are invited to join for a discussion-based Bible Study on Saturday mornings at 8am in the School Meeting Room beginning September 17, as we study the Sunday readings. For more information, contact Bob Lux at

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28-30

The time that we spend with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament is the best time we will spend on earth. Please join us on the first Friday of every month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Divine Mercy Chaplet

Wednesdays at 3 pm in the Church

"Jesus we Trust in You"

Flame of Love Rosary

Thursday mornings after 9 am Mass

"Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity"

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop is located downstairs in the Msgr. Sabia Social Hall. Fr. Joseph's Books and CD's are available in the Gift Shop. Also new items: Gifts and cards, statues, rosaries and more. Come in and browse. Call Fran Cambra 203-261-2573 or Parish Office 203-261-6404.

Confession Hours
Confessions on Saturday afternoon will be in the day chapel at 3:00 pm on Saturdays.  Confessions are also by appointment, please call 203-261-6404, to set up and appointment or emailing.  
Parish Office Hours

MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 – 3:00

Please call (203-261-6404) or e-mail ( before coming to the office. Much can be accomplished through a phone call or email, such as requesting masses/mass cards; sacramental records; registering for Baptism; etc. 
Email Us
St Jude Parish
707 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, CT 06468