October 18, 2023


Alumni Support Bowie State Students’ Return to Classes

Students returning to Bowie State University’s campus on Monday were greeted by more than 60 alumni, many wearing BSU and fraternity and sorority jackets, and showing their concern for students’ well-being.   Read more >

Bowie State Filmmaker Eager to Add Voice to Film Landscape

BSU senior Dallas Hanson closed the book on a three-year journey when he wrapped up shooting “Redline”, last December. “Redline” is Hanson’s first feature-length film that he wrote and directed and was screened at the Los Angeles Film Awards in April, where it finished as semifinalist in the web series category. Read more >

Tony Wyille Brings Words of Wisdom to BSU Students

Tony Wyille, an African American trailblazer in sport management having served as regional president and managing director for Special Olympics North America, and senior vice president of communications for the Washington Redskins and other National Football League (NFL) teams, recently gave advice and tips to a group of BSU sport management, business and education majors about the variety of positions available in the sports industry. Read more >



Friday, Oct. 20

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Flu Vaccine >

Friday, Oct. 20

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Pantry Plus App and Locker Soft Launch >

Wednesday, Oct. 25

2:00 p.m.

Breast Cancer Awareness >

More calendar items


  • Oct. 13, 2023 – Washington Post

After shootings, Morgan and Bowie State weigh open access to campus

  • Oct. 15, 2023 – WBAL-TV11

Bowie State University announces enhanced safety measures following shooting

  • Oct. 13, 2023 – The Baltimore Banner

After a series of shootings, Morgan State is striving for safety. It’s not alone.


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