Dear RSD Families,
We are thrilled to have started the 2022-2023 school year, and want to extend a warm welcome to the new families, students, and staff who are joining the RSD family! I hope that all of you had a relaxing summer and were able to make wonderful memories with your loved ones. RSD remained busy over the summer as more than 70 students participated in the Extended School Year (ESY) program. There were several field trips, interactive learning, and opportunities to engage in STEM activities. The high school students in the Work Experience program performed impressive work to give parts of our campus a much-needed facelift. And now, we are all ready to settle into a year that I am confident will yield many student successes and increased partnerships with families and the community.
As part of our efforts to improve communication, we are implementing a new system for families to let us know when their child will be leaving early, and if another person will be picking them up. It can also be used when a student arrives late to school, or after an absence. Please use the yellow Student Excused Absence/Tardy/Early Dismissal Form sent home in the back-to-school mailing, also found HERE, or you can email with the same information.
The Leadership Team at RSD is excited to be working with a consultant this year who has a strong background in the curriculum. We will communicate with families as the year goes on regarding the curriculum we will be using at each grade level. The teachers and I have already started the important work of determining best practices for ensuring our instruction is aligned with the NY Next Generation Standards, with appropriate modifications, to ensure academic progress for all of our students.
I hope to see you at our Welcome Back Family Night on Thursday, September 22! Please meet in the Auditorium at 6:00 pm for a brief welcome presentation, and then you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and see where they are learning and thriving on school days. The event will end by 8:00 pm. Children are welcome; however, childcare will not be provided. Please also check out our website ( for more fun, family-friendly events this fall! I look forward to seeing you often, improving our partnerships through active communication, and most importantly, fostering the growth of each and every one of our students!
With kind regards,
Susan Ogden, Principal