Hello St. John’s Community,

Happy New Year!

Today I am writing about something we will do at our worship on Sunday, January 7, 2024. As we keep the festival of the Baptism of the Lord, we will also share a new practice called “Epiphany Star Words”. At the end of the Eucharist everyone will have the opportunity to receive a word on a little wooden star to take home as their word for the year. The words are given as a gift that they might help you reflect on the faith we share. Your word might be “confidence” or “renew” or “belong” – all the words are different and there are enough for everyone. Some tips for using your word to help grow your faith will be given in the bulletin that morning. You might like to share your word with your neighbour at coffee. Or maybe you’ll just take your word home to ponder quietly over time.

What word will you receive?

See you in Church on Sunday, at 8 am and 10:15 am.

Pat Johnston

Honorary Assistant

SCRIPTURES – Sunday, January 7 - Baptism of the Lord

Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11


Church Offering Envelopes for 2024

For those who use weekly offering envelopes, the 2024 envelopes are available to be picked up at the back of the church. New parishioners who wish weekly envelopes please contact Peggy Lister, Envelope Secretary at or leave a message with the church office.


We will gather on Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 2 pm at St. John's to commend Phyllis to God's eternal keeping. Phyllis died earlier this week at the age of 102. For several decades she and her late husband Ken and their four children were very involved at St. John's. Phyllis was in the Mother's Union, served on the Altar Guild, helped with the Social Service Office, and was involved in Cursillo and the Couples' Club. Those were just some of the ways St. John's was her church home. Do keep Phyllis and her family in your prayers at this time.


Our Parish

Prayers for those in leadership roles: Gary, Allen, Pat, Karen, Barb, Kimberly, Kerry, Jesse, Stephen, Brian, Michelle, Jill, and all who minister at St John's.

Prayers for those in need: Robin.

Our Diocese

  • Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
  • The Diocese of Jerusalem and Archbishop Hosam Naoum
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Bishop Susan Johnson and Bishop Michael Pryse
  • The Parish of Huntley; The Reverend Dr. Mary-Cate Garden

A Time of Prayer - Wonderous God, we praise you for the gifts of the Holy Spirit which you continue to shower upon us. Help us to be faithful disciples of all that Jesus taught us. Inspire us to look out into our world with Jesus’ loving eyes as we seek to discern your divine sparks around us. Guide us so that we understand how you want us to be messengers of your good news in our communities and our diocese. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 

Anglican Church of Canada

  • Sheilagh McGlynn, Youth Ministries Animator; the Rev. Canon Dr. Scott Sharman, Animator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

  • Deacon Gretchen Peterson, Assistant to the National Bishop, Youth and Leadership; Rev. Paul Gehrs, Assistant to the National Bishop, Justice and Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations.


The Anglican Communion - Pray for Anglicans Worldwide

  • The Scottish Episcopal Church.


  • The flowers at the nave altar are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Brian and Margot Cameron.

Parish Prayer Group

If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:






 154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8


The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector

The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant 

Barbara Hallam-Price, Interim Organist

Kimberly Johnson-Breen, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator  

Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden

Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden

Brian Cameron, People's Warden 

Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden

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