KID Auxiliary July Newsletter

You are invited!

Join us for our first KID Auxiliary

General Meeting & Flower Workshop.

Join us for a fun event where you'll have the chance

to learn about our exciting plans and activities

for the upcoming 2024-2025 year.

Connect with like-minded individuals who are

passionate about supporting the

Kids In Distress Agency and make a

meaningful impact together. 

. When: Sept 12 from 6pm-8pm

. Where: 5101 South University Drive. Davie FL 

. Price: $45 (includes materials, food and beverage) 

-Registration closes on August 30th

Link below to register

Click here to register and pay

2024-2025 Membership Renewal

Our new website is up!! You can renew your 2024-2025 annual membership by clicking on the link below. 

Click here to renew your membership




New Backpack Link as of 7/15/2024

KHK Corner

 Back in June, KHK, KID Aux, and KID Agency enjoyed a special Farewell BBQ party at the Southwest Ranches campus to honor long-time house parents Ms. Toy and Ms. Sara, who both have dedicated years of service to helping our foster kids. Thank everyone for the generous contributions that allowed us to give them and the rest of our hard-working house parents a well-deserved present of gift cards and flowers! The June movie night was also a success, as always! We thank all of the hard-working hosts that came out to spend time with everyone on the weekend.

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, and there is plenty to have here at KHK! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in joining us as a volunteer or want to contribute to the backpack or supply drive.

Let’s keep working to help our kids!

Vera Danzig, KHK Newsletter Coordinator

Next Movie Night

September 13, 2024

6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Southwest Ranches Location

12630 Stirling Road

Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

New Sign Up Link - Click Here

Next Birthday Buddies July 27th

New Sign Up Link - Click Here
KID Auxiliary Board Members

Sandi Hertzbach

Sandra Nori

Ellen Arenberg

Terri Molina

Cristiane (Cris) Bomfim

Rachel Danzig

Emilie Abel

Juliana Buzzatti

Cristina Salgado

Yarilynn Burke


Presidential Advisor

VP of Membership

VP of Membership

VP of Kids Helping Kids

VP of Kids Helping Kids

Recording Secretary

Recording Secretary



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