Dear Friends,

Spring is in the air! As we prepare for the garden outside, let's also nurture our growing friendships and tend to the garden within, in fun and meaningful ways. We hope you'll find these events connecting on all levels- physical, mental & spiritual- see you soon!


from your friends at Polestar

Community Garden Volunteer Days

Sat, Feb 18th, 1-4PM

It's time to prepare for the Polestar Community Garden! There is plenty to do for all skill levels and it's always a joyful and productive day together. Please bring a water bottle and stay for snacks afterwards!

Last year's garden was incredibly abundant. The vitalizing produce was a beautiful blessing and the deep lessons and friendships that formed through the garden were the sweetest gifts.

We'll start scheduling volunteer days with regularity and invite you all to participate however and whenever you are able...with the promise of veggie goodness to harvest in the months ahead. The garden is fertile ground for connecting with the earth, with one another and to the sacredness within- looking forward to another season of growing together.

Polestar Community Circle

Sun, Feb 19th, 4:30-5:30PM MT

Special guest! Ted Rau, Co-founder of Sociocracy for All, will join us to explain and answer questions about inclusivity in governance through consent, a model we're planning to employ at Polestar Village. Come learn and bring your questions!

We'll also share a general update, information about summer youth programs, annual family camp & much more.

Community Meeting Zoom Link:

Adventures in Spirit: Building a Community!

We are excited to offer three summer camp sessions this year!

The physical, mental, and spiritual development of children aged 5 to 12 years old will be nurtured and celebrated through life skills, music, yoga, meditation, service projects, nature adventures, gardening, sports, and more, as we create a conscious, caring community. 

Details here- registration is open.

Upcoming Events- Save the Dates

Nayaswami Jyotish & Nayaswami Devi Visit Polestar

April 28th-30th. A special weekend with dear friends and Spiritual Directors of Ananda Worldwide, Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi. Events over the weekend will include group meditation, spiritual discourse/satsang, kirtan, community meals, tea with the Nayaswamis & more.

Adventures in Spirit: Building a Community!

We're excited to offer three summer camp sessions; sign up for 1,2 or all 3! For ages 5-12. 9AM-3PM daily. Registration is now open.

Polestar's Annual Family Camp:

August 25th-27th at Buckhorn Camp & Retreat Center. Details soon...

Polestar Village Groundbreaking! 

September 22nd-24th. Details soon...

Keep up with Events & Subscribe to Calendar

Have questions? We have answers! Take a peek at our comprehensive FAQs with much new information. Send us any other questions or give us a call...


Calling All Volunteers!

Share your gifts & help Polestar continue to grow.

  • Videography
  • Garden support
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media
  • Event helpers (food, photography, set-up, clean-up)

If you are interested in these areas or have other talents & ideas to share, please contact us:

The New Polestar Ohana 

(Hawaiian for extended family)

Polestar has flourished for over 20 years due to the incredible generosity of its volunteers and donors. We are now launching an easier, more automated method of contributing through "Donorbox" where you can make monthly, annual, or one-time donations. Our initial goal is to raise $5,000 per month to support Polestar's ongoing expansion and services. Please join us in building community together!

Polestar Village Donorbox

~Life is a sacred opportunity to grow~

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Polestar's Youtube channel