January 18, 2024


To Enrich the Health and Lives

of the People We Serve


The Blizzard of ‘67

Shared from Todd Willert

Last week, during one of our many snow events, Sigrid (laundry) and I were talking about snowstorms and we both started talking about the Chicago blizzard of 1967! Sigrid and her husband had just emigrated from Germany to Galesburg IL. She remembered that she had always wanted a house pet and her husband got her a beagle puppy. However, the snow was so deep that she had to carry the puppy outside otherwise it would get lost in the snow!

In 1967, Chicago was hit with 28 inches of snow, which is a record to this day. I lived in one of the many western suburbs and recall, with great joy, that school was cancelled for at least a week while everyone tried to dig out of the storm. I remember that my friends and I built a series of tunnels in the snowbanks around our house. When we were done with that, we decided to make some money and went around the neighborhood earning [maybe] $5 (split between us) for each driveway we shoveled. I remember my father staying home that week because he couldn’t get in to work. One day he loaded us up on the toboggan for the trek to the store to get groceries. He didn’t tell us that the toboggan was for the groceries and that we had to walk home through the snow!

Nancy, who grew up in one of the southwestern suburbs, shared a similar story about her mom taking her to the store with a sled to get groceries. Her father also could not make it into the city for work. She remembers that the snowdrifts were so high in front of her house that she “could not see over them!” 

*Photos from the Chicago Tribune archives

Next week is National CRNA Week and we want to recognize our CRNA's for the important work they do!

For more than 150 years, nurse anesthetists/nurse anesthesiologists have provided anesthesia care to patients nationwide. CRNAs safely administer more than 50 million anesthetics to patients each year in the United States. As advanced practice registered nurses, they have a well-deserved reputation for providing safe, effective, efficient, and compassionate care.

Did You Know?

  1. The CRNA credential originated in 1956, nearly 100 years into the profession’s history.
  2. CRNAs practice in every setting anesthesia is delivered, including operating rooms and obstetrical delivery rooms; the offices of dentists, podiatrists, ophthalmologists, plastic surgeons; and pain management specialists; and in the U.S. military.
  3. CRNAs are the only anesthesia professionals with critical care experience before beginning formal anesthesia education
  4. CRNAs represent more than 80% of the anesthesia providers in rural U.S. counties
  5. Today, CRNAs have full practice authority in every branch of the military and are the primary providers of anesthesia care to U.S. military personnel on the front lines, navy ships, and aircraft evacuation teams around the globe
  6. Currently, CRNAs may practice in 22 U.S. states and Guam without physician supervision
  7. CRNA preparation requires 7­–8.5 years of education and experience
  8. All residents entering an accredited CRNA program must be enrolled in a doctoral program
  9. Graduates of nurse anesthesia programs have an average of 9,369 hours of clinical experience, including 733 hours during their baccalaureate nursing program, 6,032 hours as a critical care registered nurse, and 2,604 hours during their nurse anesthesia program
  10. CRNAs must recertify every 8 years.

Source: American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

A New Year Brings Many Changes

The end of 2023 and beginning of 2024 has been filled with many changes in the management team at CHCS! With so many changes it has been hard to communicate them as timely as we would like.


Starting with changes among the lead nurses:


·      Holton - Brandy Watkins has decided to focus strictly on patient care and take a staff nurse position at the Holton clinic. Brandy will continue to serve as Dr. Allen's nurse. With that change, we are happy to announce that we hired Lura Goff to be the lead nurse at Holton.  


·      Frankfort - Stacy Vermetten accepted a management position at a Long-Term Care facility that is much closer to her home. We wish Stacy the best in her new adventure. Joanie Hosfelt is now the Lead RN for the Frankfort clinic. Joanie has worked for CHCS in the Holton/Frankfort Clinic since 2019 and will do a wonderful job in her new role.


Environmental Services at Holton is now managed by Ronnie Jones. Ronnie will continue to serve as the manager for Environmental Services at Onaga. He has a lot of experience with training people on terminal cleans and working with teams. Ronnie is excited to have the opportunity to work with the Holton clinic. Ronnie reports to Andrea Lutz, Director of Ancillary Services


Clarification and re-assignment of maintenance accountabilities/responsibilities:


Gordon Beightel now serves as the Maintenance manager for our entire system. Gordon oversees maintenance at all facilities.  

Gordon reports directly to Todd Willert, CEO.


·      Roger McAsey, the maintenance supervisor at St. Marys, will collaborate with Shannon Heim and Gordon on maintenance needs at our St Marys campus. 


·      Cole Childs is the maintenance supervisor at Centralia. For Eastridge specifically, Gordon, Cole and Lura Flentie will collaborate on maintenance needs.


·      For Holton, Frankfort and Westmoreland, Gordon will be the manager contact.


We have also experienced some changes in our senior care services:


·      Redbud Assisted living is happy to announce that Shelli Wimberly is the new Nurse/Operator. Shelli has been serving as DON for Eastridge for the past 8 years, and decided she would like to have a little change and Redbud was the perfect fit. Shelli will be outstanding in her new role and the residents will love her.


·      Trevor Shuler has been promoted to DON for Eastridge. Trevor has worked for Eastridge as a staff nurse since October 2018. Trevor is excited for her new role with Eastridge and we are excited to have her!


Finally, we have a few changes to announce in our laboratory. As many of you are aware, Eduardo Bertulfo’s last day as Lab manager for CHCS was in December of 2023.  


·      Irene Gingoyon is now the Lab manager - Hospital while Danica Bato will serve as Lab Manager - Clinics. Irene has been with CHCS since March of 2019 and Danica has been with CHCS since July of 2017. Irene will have responsibility for our main lab on Onaga as well as the Onaga clinic lab while Danica will oversee the labs located in each of our rural clinics.  They will each do a great job in their new roles.


To review the updated Organizational Chart, click here.

Flex Plan Spending

If you enrolled in a 125 Flex Plan for medical expenses in 2023, the last day to submit claims for 2023 dates of service is Feb 28,2024. 

You can roll-over up to $640 into 2024.

If you have any questions, contact Cindy Flentie, HR Director.

Upcoming Birthdays

Michelle Budreau - Onaga, Respiratory Therapist:1/19

Leah Jone, RN - Onaga, Acute Nursing:1/19

Kelsey Brackenbury - St. Marys Manor, CNA: 1/19

Angela White, LPN - Holton, Provider Clinic: 1/20

Manda Thompson- Onaga, Quality Specialist: 1/20

Mindy Olberding - Onaga, Chief Nursing Officer: 1/20

Kristin Daharsh - Onaga, Registration Access Services: 1/21

Marcus Heinen - CNA, Onaga Acute Nursing:1/21

Debra Boyce - Eastridge: 1/24

Carmen D'Aloia - Eastridge, LPN: 1/25

Emma Pedersen - St. Marys Manor, LPN:1/25

Caitlin House - CMA, Eastridge: 1/25

Susan Figge - Holton, Physical Therapy Assistant:1/25

New Employees

Crystal Stephenson - Dietary Cook - FT - Onaga

Workplace Violence Survey

This is our FINAL plea for all associates to complete this suvey.

Scan the QR code below.

 It only takes 2-3 minutes to complete this survey.

Holton Clinic News

Nikki Rivers at the Holton Clinic has made a bulletin board called, "Share the Warmth," and is asking for donations of new or gently used items like gloves, stocking caps, blankets, socks. Any sizes are welcomed!

If you'd like to donate, please send your item(s) to Nikki in Holton. Let's fill her "Share the Warmth" box!

CHCS Menus:

Onaga Breakfast- January 22-26, 2024

Onaga Lunch - January 22-26, 2024

Eastridge - January 22-26th, 2024

St. Marys menus are available each morning through the Activities chronicle.

Coffee Time

Next Week's Special:

Peppermint Mocha Latte -

Peppermint and Chocolate

16oz - $4, hot or cold

Coffee Shop Menu

Gift Shop

Looking for a sweet treat for your Valentine? We are now taking pre-orders for Valentine's Day Cookie Bouquets!

See below for details. To order visit or call(ext. 5059) the Gift Shop.

Wish a resident at Eastridge, Redbud or St. Marys Manor a Happy Valentine's Day this year!

See below for details. All orders must be received by Friday, February 9th at 3pm!

The CHCS Sweatshirts were a huge hit! We have another order arriving next week.

Sizes Small-3XL


Small-XL - $18


3XL- $22

To ensure you get yours, call the Gift Shop at ext. 5059 and we will hold one back for you. We'll courier it to you if you don't work in Onaga!


Final funny

Did you miss your Connection?

Important information is relayed every week in the E-Connection. If you miss it in your email, an archive is available on our website. Visit the For Associates page, then click E-Connection Archive.

Send items for the E-Connection or for sharing with our broader social media audience to Please send items by close of business on Tuesdays when possible. Ideas are welcome!

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