Wyoming Representative Mike Yin, Incoming CSG West Vice Chair
WLA Class President Mike Yin with fellow members of the Class of 2021
Wyoming Representative Mike Yin Elected 2023 CSG West Vice Chair
During the Annual Meeting each year, the CSG West Executive Committee elects an incoming vice chair based on the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. It is our pleasure to congratulate and introduce the newly elected 2023 CSG West Vice Chair, Wyoming Representative Mike Yin.
Representative Yin has been an active member of CSG West. In 2021, he was selected by his peers as the 2021 Western Legislative Academy (WLA) class president and will return to Colorado Springs this December to welcome the 2022 WLA class. In January, Representative Yin will become an CSG West Officer, continuing the legacy of the WLA as a strong leadership pipeline for leadership opportunities. We look forward to working with Representative Yin in bringing valuable programming and services to Western state legislatures.
Annual Meeting Committee Highlights and Recaps
At the recent 75th CSG West Annual Meeting, policy committees offered lawmakers and session participants the opportunity to engage in discussion and share perspectives around critical issues in Western states. Areas of focus included the retention of nursing and teaching professionals, challenges associated with drought conditions, future energy sources, and a changing state government workforce, among a wide range of others.  

Highlights, recaps, and resources from each session are accessible below. Thank you to all who contributed to the meaningful dialogue and information exchange!
Watch: California Assemblymember Mike Gipson’s Video Invite to 2023 CSG West Annual Meeting
Leading CSG West into the new biennium, our incoming Chair invites you to Universal City, California, August 1-4, 2023! Click below to view his invite.
Regional Policy
Tier 2 Shortage Among Challenges to be Addressed at Colorado River Forum
The U.S. Department of the Interior recently announced the Colorado River had reached a Tier 2 shortage, triggering additional water cuts. Effective January 2023, Arizona faces a 21% reduction, Nevada by 8%, and Mexico by 7%. Click here to read more.

CSG West has created the Colorado River Forum, comprised of appointed legislators from the seven Colorado Basin States and Mexico, to address and engage in the present challenges faced by the Colorado River Region, and its future as the life blood of western agriculture, hydropower, drinking water, recreational and environmental health.

The Colorado River Forum will meet October 17-20, 2022, in Henderson, Nevada. For more information, please contact Jackie Tinetti at
Wyoming Invests in Community Supervision, Behavioral Health Supports
In 2019, more than half of all prison admissions in Wyoming were due to probation and parole revocations, highlighting the need to address ineffective and costly responses to supervision violations. To tackle this issue, the Wyoming legislature appropriated over $3 million to the Department of Corrections between 2019 and 2020 to improve community supervision practices through changes to the state’s incentives and sanctions system. House Enrolled Act 53, which mandates these changes, is one of five pieces of legislation enacted in 2019 and 2020 as part of Wyoming’s participation in the Justice Reinvestment Initiative. 
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