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Weekly Sunday Bulletin

December 10, 2023

Upcoming Altar Schedule

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Volunteer Sign Up!

Please sign up for Sunday service ministries for December and January by clicking the links for each month:




On Wednesdays in Advent (December 6, 13, & 20), we will have a Supper Series in the Parish Hall.

6:30 PM | Meal begins

6:45 PM | Evening Prayer

7:00 PM | Program

For the program, children will join Dr. Jeremy Chesman and Tatum Trader in the choir room for songs and activities, which will be showcased at the early Christmas Eve service.

Fr. Isaac will lead an adult forum discussing the saints and martyrs we commemorate on these days, beginning with St. Nicholas. The final session will also include preparing the Christmas greens for the church.


Safe Church, Safe Communities is mandated training for all clergy, staff, and volunteer ministers in The Episcopal Church (including elected parish leaders, children/youth volunteers, teachers, key holders, etc.). The training is primarily offered online through short training videos and quizzes, but we will be offering an in-person training on the four universal courses at St. James on Saturday, December 16 at 10am. A second session, featuring the ministry-specific courses, will be scheduled in the spring.

Register and find more information on the upcoming training, or sign-up to complete the training online, here:


You are invited to join other women of St. James for an Advent Get-Together! This coming Wednesday, December 13 at 10:00 am. We will join the weekly Wednesday service. There will be communion and an Advent homily by Fr. Isaac Petty

Afterward, we will go out to lunch together. Please let Vickie or Elaine Atkinson (417-496-6122) know if you plan to attend so we can make a reservation!


On Sunday, December 17, the Family Fellowship group will host a time of fun for children and parents after the service. Feel free to wear ugly or silly Christmas sweaters, and join for snacks, a photo booth, and other activities!

Holiday Giving


School Shoes for 50 Field Elementary students 

$1000 Crosslines Pantry Pledge 


34 Hams for Field Holiday Food Baskets 

   (will be delivered 12/19 to Field)

$$$$ for Share Your Christmas Seniors 


 (This Sunday is Outreach Sunday - all plate cash and gifts marked Outreach will help with this ministry)

Advent Tree Gifts for St. James' senior members and shut-ins 

 - Take a heart from the Advent Tree in the narthex

 - Purchase or Make the chosen item

 - Return the item(s) unwrapped by MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 

 - Place in baskets under the Advent Tree

Thank you for your support of these activities! Your $$ gifts are making it a merrier Christmas for many in our community!


Sat., 12/16/23, 10am: Deanery Safe Church Training

Wed., 12/20/23, 6:30pm: The Fluffing of the Greens

Sun., 12/24/23, after Advent IV Sunday Mass: The Greening of the Church

Sun., 12/24/23, 5pm: Christmas Eve, Early Service

Sun., 12/24/23, 10pm: Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass

Mon., 12/25/23, 10am: Christmas Day Mass

Tues., 12/26/23, 10am: Mass, St. Stephen

Wed., 12/27/23, 10am: Mass, St. John

Thurs., 12/28/23, 7pm: Blue Christmas Mass, Holy Innocents

Mon., 1/1/24, 12n: Mass, Holy Name

Sat., 1/6/24, 12n: Mass, Epiphany

Children's Sunday School

9:30 am in the Conference Room

Adult Formation: Tactile Prayer

9:30 am, led by Elizabeth James

Celebrations & Prayers

This Week

Happy Birthdays

Shirley Hendricks 12/14

Caitlyn Biggs               12/15

Amanda Lynch            12/15

Sarah Dodson             12/16

Happy Anniversary

Mark & Becky Alderfer   12/15


 Prayers for Families This Week

Alderfer, Amigon, Atkinson 

Flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Zelle Atkinson’s birthday by Eric and Elaine Atkinson.

Altar Schedule

Altar Guild

Tessa Melancon

Tammy Larimore   

Celebrant, Preacher


The Rev. Isaac Petty  

The Rev. Suzy Lynch

1st Reading


2nd Reading

Prayers of the People

Mary Torres


Eucharistic Minister 1

Eucharistic Minister 2


Dr. Chris Dodson

Bob Lanning

Jim Lynch



Eric Atkinson

Elaine Atkinson