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Protecting the Land that Protects the Lake since 1988

LGLC News for June 2024

NextGen Presents Kick-off Event of the Summer

Join the Lake George Land Conservancy’s NextGen Committee for its annual Summer Solstice Happy Hour at the beautiful Bolton Historical Museum in Bolton Landing!

$20 ticket ($25 at the door) includes drinks, food catered by Alif Cafe, and live music performed by local award-winning singer-songwriter Sydney Worthley.

Visit to RSVP!

Join the 25th Annual Celebration, August 2nd

We'll be at the beautiful Silver Bay YMCA campus for our 25th Celebration, where we can clearly see the permanent impact of land conservation on the health and beauty of Lake George.

Tickets are now available for purchase, but hurry, limited seats are available and we expect to sell out quickly!

The Land & Water Conservation Celebration is the LGLC's largest and most impactful event of the year. Plus, it's just a great time! This year's event will feature live music by the Jabez Pond Boys, silent auction, live Fund-A-Need with emcee Rick Tamlyn, and dancing with DJ Trumastr. Join us!

Celebration Details and Tickets

Madeleine Biles Joins the LGLC Team

The LGLC is pleased to welcome Madeleine Biles as its summer Program Intern for 2024!

Madeleine graduated from SUNY New Paltz this spring, earning a BS in Management with a concentration in sustainability. She has extensive experience in outdoor leadership, event planning, and online marketing.

With all of these skills, Madeleine has easily jumped right into the LGLC's busy summer season of events and outreach programs. She will also spend some time in the field assisting with stewardship and volunteer days. Madeleine's position is made possible with support from the George C. Singer Educational Fund, established in 2022.

June 26: Living Lands Kicks Off With

The Birth of the Electric Age

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As the threat of devastating climate change increases, the world is rapidly moving to a future where electromagnetic technology replaces fossil-fuel-based machines. Many people believe this technology is new. But in fact, the key discoveries that make an all-electric world possible are not new: they were made two hundred years ago.

And where were many of these scientific and technological seeds planted? About nine miles from the northern end of Lake George.

Come to our first Living Lands presentation of the season, Wednesday, June 26 at 5:30 p.m., to hear Pete Nelson tell the amazing and little-known story of how an Adirondack electromagnetic revolution changed the world – and set the stage for us to save it.

Living Lands programs are free, and held at the LGLC office in Bolton Landing, as well as virtually, each Wednesday evening through the summer.

Learn More About Living Lands and Register

LGLC at the Bolton Historical Museum

The LGLC is one of several organizations featured in the Bolton Historical Museum's 2024 exhibit, H-2-OH! This special exhibit takes a look at the history and present-day protection of the water of Lake George, through the stories of the groups that work to keep it clean. Open daily starting July 4. Come check out the LGLC's story!

Visit the Bolton Historical Museum

LGLC Events

Be sure to visit, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get updates and posts about events as more are added.

NextGen Summer Solstice Happy Hour

June 21 @ Bolton Historical Museum

5 - 7 p.m. | Join the NextGen Committee for its annual kick-off of the summer season! Enjoy drinks and refreshments on the beautiful grounds of the Bolton Historical Museum, and explore its 2024 exhibit, H2OH!, which the LGLC is a part of.

> More Info and RSVP

Living Lands: The Birth of the Electric Age

June 26 @ LGLC Office & Virtual

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. | Come hear the amazing and little-known story of how an Adirondack electro-magnetic revolution changed the world – and set the stage for us to save it. Free.

> More Info and RSVP

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Birding Walk and Talk

June 29 @ Amy's Park

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Learn about the diverse array of birds found in Amy’s Park with Ornithologist and Licensed Guide Alan Belford. Learn how to find and identify the different bird and duck species.

> More Info and RSVP

Hike-A-Thon After Party

July 5 @ Bolton Community Center

11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | All are welcome to come to the Hike-A-Thon After Party! Live music, food trucks, drinks, disc golf and other games and activities, vendors and displays... join us!

> More Info

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Living Lands: Timber Rattlesnakes

July 10 @ LGLC Office and Virtual

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. | Come hear the amazing and little-known story of how an Adirondack electro-magnetic revolution changed the world – and set the stage for us to save it. Free.

> More Info and RSVP

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Paint & Sip with Patrice: Butterfly

July 11 @ LGLC Office

5 - 7 p.m. | Explore and learn painting techniques in a fun, positive and encouraging environment. All supplies and drinks provided. $35 per person

> More Info and RSVP

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See Full LGLC Events Calendar

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The LGLC’s mission is to permanently protect the land that protects Lake George. As an accredited, nonprofit land trust, the LGLC works with willing landowners and other partners to protect land that protects the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and the natural resources of the Lake George watershed.