Feb. 3, 2023

Ray-Pec Community,

Last week, we published a link on our website with information about our April 4, 2023, tax rate transfer levy election that we call Proposition RP-1. Click HERE to learn more about this critical election.

In July, I shared that the Ray-Pec Board of Education had identified its top priorities from the new Strategic Plan. One of those priorities was to help recruit and retain teachers and staff. Proposition RP-1 helps advance that priority. Proposition RP-1 will ask voters to authorize the district to transfer 50 cents from the Debt Service Fund to the Operating Fund. The proposed tax rate transfer will be phased in over three years, and the overall tax rate is expected to remain at its current rate. If approved, 100 percent of the amount produced by the tax rate transfer will be used to help recruit and retain teachers and staff. Proposition RP-1 will require a simple majority to pass. 

I invite you to look at the informational link on our website for more information. 

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District,


Raymore-Peculiar School District