Microsystems Technology Laboratories
news & updates
Winter 2024
Dear MTL Community,

I hope you enjoyed the holidays and had a chance to take advantage of all the offerings of IAP 2024. As we head into the 2024 spring semester, I am excited for the months ahead and grateful for this community as we've accomplished so much already (and it's only February!)

2024 is a special year for MTL - we are celebrating 40 years! In 1984, MTL first opened, and it's been a special place ever since. I look forward to celebrating this milestone with you all as we commemorate the amazing research that has come out of MTL over these past 40 years, and the impact that our students, faculty, staff and partners are having as we together define the future of electronics and microsystems. More information to come!

We kicked off the new year with a trip to the Omni Mount Washington Resort for MTL Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) - the largest in-person conference to date, with over 250 attendees! I was delighted to see many of you there and inspired, as always, at all of the amazing research coming out of our community. Thank you to the MARC co-chairs, Sharon Jung-Han Hsia and Pradyot Yadav, the MARC2024 Committee Members, MTL and MIT.nano staff and everyone else who helped make this year such a success. I am already looking forward to MARC2025!
Following MARC, MTL leadership and faculty met with the members of the MTL Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG) at our annual Industry Advisory Board meeting. We had insightful discussions, exciting research presentations and were happy to welcome some new industry members to MTL - Ericsson, GlobalFoundries, Lockheed Martin, Murata and Soitec.

January 30th marked an exciting time for the microelectronic and nanotechnology communities as well as for MTL, MIT and MIT.nano. The Healey-Driscoll administration announced several grants to boost microelectronics in the Northeast region, thanks to the DOD Microelectronics Commons program. These grants will enable new technology, workforce development, education and student engagement. MIT.nano is receiving a new set of state-of-the-art 8'' nanofabrication equipment, thanks to a close collaboration with MTL MIG member, Applied Materials. The MTL-led Northeast Microelectronics Summer Internship Program (NMIP) also received an important grant to help expand its reach and impact across the northeast.

The Spring term at MTL is full of events. For example, you can find the MTL Seminar Series lineup for the 2024 spring semester below. The MTL Student Seminar Series has also started back up again, I encourage you to attend these seminars and sign up to be a presenter! We are also hosting the traditional MTL Cookie Social in MTL HQ (38-246) on the second Wednesday of every month. Stop by for a chance to gather with other MTL Community members and enjoy some treats!

One final announcement! Please join me in welcoming Dr. Charles H. Hsu, who joined MTL earlier this month, as the MTL Consortium Manager. Charles will be responsible for facilitating productive and growing relationships between MTL and the Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG) and help the entire MTL community leverage the resources and capabilities of our industry sponsors. Charles is an old friend of MTL, as he received his MSc. and PhD here while working with Prof. Marty Schmidt on Fabrication Technologies for Silicon Micro-accelerometer.

Keep an eye out for even more seminars, events and celebrations in the next few months. This has been a busy start to the new year, but we are just getting started! Please read below for even more announcements, research highlights, and spotlights on MTL faculty and students. As always, if you have news or events you'd like to share or publish, we would love to hear from you!

Tomás Palacios
1 - A course in “Life Science and Semiconductor” 6.S077/6.S897: This interdisciplinary course explores the intriguing intersection between Life Science and Semiconductor technologies, focusing on the applications and potential to drive innovation in various fields. This course includes a series of seven lectures offered by experts from industry and academia in the first half of Spring semester 2024 on the following topics:

  • Photoacoustic imaging for blood analysis (2/28). Peter Peumans, IMEC
  • Electrochemical sensing I (3/6) - Bahai & Meir, TI/MIT
  • Electrochemical sensing II (3/13)- Adrian Ionescu, EPFL, Xsensia
  • Quantum magnetic sensing (3/21) - QANT- Michael Fortsch, QANT, Max Planck Center

Class Location: 4-257 (Feel free to attend those seminars you are interested in, no need to be a registered student.)

2 - Interested in becoming a member of the Northeast Microelectronics Coalition (NEMC)?
NEMC works to transform the Northeast into the innovation engine needed to accelerate domestic development, scaling, and adoption of microelectronics innovations. MTL is a founding member and we are working closely with the State of Massachusetts and other partners to ensure its success and impact. Contact us to learn more!

3 - Students defending your PhD thesis work: we would like to showcase your exceptional research to our MIG members by recording your presentation and posting the video to a password protected site. As a thank you for allowing us to record and post your work, we will give you an official MIT frame to protect your hard-earned new diploma.
Upcoming Events
Spring 2024 MTL Seminar Series | 12-1pm ET

  • 3/6 | Sanjay Natarajan, Intel | Talk Title TBD
  • 3/13 | Michael Dickey, NC State | Shaping a Soft Future
  • 3/20 | Naveen Verma, Princeton | Prospects of Future In- and Near-Memory Computing Systems (Joint MTL/AI HW Seminar)
  • 4/10 | Matthijn Dekkers, Lam ResearchThe Innovative Solutions that Enabled High Volume Thin Film Manufacturing by Pulsed Laser Deposition
  • 4/17 | Judy Hoyt Event
  • 4/24 | RUMP Session, Moderator: Ruonan Han
  • 5/8 | Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

For more details on each seminar, click here.
MTL Student Seminar Series

February 29 | 3:30-4:30pm | Haus Room (36-428)
"Communicating with GPIB instruments: Matlab vs. LabView"
Speaker: Chung-Tao Chou, graduate student in Professor Luqiao Liu's Group

We're looking for MTL Student Seminar Speakers!

Why a Student Seminar?
1. Student Engagement is our Top Priority.
2. Sharpening your Soft Skills is critical to your growth in and out of MIT.
3. Practice your presentation skills among your peers.
4. Share your unique technical expertise as well as hobbies or other skills or a recent trip or any other topic that we as a community could learn from. It’s a space for you to share, care and support each other.

Interested? Contact Gillian Micale at with a preferred date and topic you would like to share. Student seminar series will run biweekly at RM 36-428 at 3:30pm. We look forward to hearing from you.
MTL Events

March 13 | MTL Cookie Social | 3:00-4:00pm | MTL HQ (38-246)

April 10 | MTL Cookie Social | 3:00-4:00pm | MTL HQ (38-246)

May 15 | MTL End of Year BBQ

May 29 | Graduation Celebration

Save the Date:
Microelectronics @ MIT Day | November 2024 | more details coming soon!
MTL Faculty and Student Spotlight
Nobel Laureate Moungi Bawendi, the Lester Wolfe Professor of Chemistry, delivered his 2023 Nobel Prize lecture in chemistry on December 8th.

Bawendi was named a recipient of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work and contributions to the field of quantum dots.

Deblina Sarkar wins The Sontag Foundation's Distinguished
Scientist Award
Professor Deblina Sarkar has been awarded The Sontag Foundation’s Distinguished Scientist Award—one of only three researchers nationwide to be selected for this distinctive honor this year. She is also the only researcher from MIT within the past decade to win this award.

Anantha Chandrakasan named MIT’s inaugural chief innovation and strategy officer
While continuing to serve as dean of engineering, Chandrakasan will play a pivotal role in advancing President Kornbluth’s priorities.

Research Highlights
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