Paper - Cryo-EM: Electron Cryomicroscopy, Cryo Electron Microscopy or Something Else | |
In a letter to the editor at IUCrJ, Richard Henderson et al. discuss an effort to clarify the definition of cryoEM so that future literature concerning cryoEM is unified. They go on to state, "It is now clear that electron cryo-microscopy should not be abbreviated to `cryo-EM'; an exact abbreviation would have been `E-cryoM'. In our view neither terms `cryo electron microscopy' or `electron cryomicroscopy' are accurate since they imply that either the electrons or the microscope are cold."
They request that the community "consider whether there is a need to find a new consensus for defining succinctly what cryoEM stands for. If so, and a reasonable conclusion can be reached, this could then be put to the IUCr nomenclature commission to consider its formal adoption."
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New Product - Axiocam 208 Microscope Camera | |
The Axiocam 208 Microscope Camera is a 4K camera for smart digital documentation. It delivers crisp, detail rich live images with high color fidelity at full 4k resolution in outstanding 30 fps. In addition, when in stand-alone mode you won't need a PC to acquire microscope images.
This camera can be used with any of our MiTeGen Stereo Microscope Kits.
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Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Endowment | |
The ASV (American Society for Virology) is establishing an endowment to honor Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna legacy and to increase DEI in virology. Mavis was an excellent virologist, and one of the first crystallographers to also embrace cryo-EM. The AVS is seeking donations to support this effort. | |
Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship | |
The ICDD is accepting applications for the 2024 Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallographically oriented research. Application deadline is October 12th.
Learn more about this scholarship and Ludo Frevel by clicking the button below.
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We want to thank all those who stopped by our booth at the 2023 IUCr meeting in Melbourne. It was great to meet so many familiar and new faces.
Future ICUr meeting are already being planned. The 2026 IUCr meeting will be held in Calgary Canada and the 2029 IUCr meeting will be in Berlin Germany.
If you attended the ICUr meeting and have any follow up questions for us use the contact button below.
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At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting. | |
Events, Workshops and Conferences | |
If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.
Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.
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Industry Resources and News | |
Here is a small selection of industry resources and news for your browsing.
- From the CCDC, the Teaching Subset is a collection of the structural data for over 750+ chemical structures. This data set and the associated learning resources we provide can be used to teach a variety of topics in chemistry for a range of ages - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst D, a Python package based on robust statistical analysis for serial crystallography data processing - Learn More
- The next round of the CCDC Engagement Grants are now available. Designed to support the next generation of scientists with a love for crystallography and structural science - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst D, Predicted models and CCP4 - Learn More
- From the CCDC, advanced strategies for crystal screening using a workflow that leverages the curated data from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) - Learn More
- Paper at Appli Cryst JAC, Remote laboratory training for high school students: grocery store based hands-on project in protein crystallography - Learn More
- Paper at Appli Cryst JAC, Escape our Lab: creating an escape room game in the field of materials science and crystallography - Learn More
- From Acta Cryst D, LifeSoaks: a tool for analyzing solvent channels in protein crystals and obstacles for soaking experiments - Learn More
- From bioRxiv, Fitting a square beam in a square camera: novel condenser apertures for low-dose transmission electron microscopy - Learn More
- A Python package for detecting and erasing gold fiducials in cryo-EM images - Learn More
- There is a new release of DAQ-Score Database of structure validation of protein models from cryo-EM - Learn More
- From bioRxiv, Integrating AlphaFold and deep learning for atomistic interpretation of cryo-EM maps - Learn More
- EMBL International PhD Programme is accepting applications until October 9th - Learn More
- From TechCrunch, Microsoft open sources EvoDiff a novel protein-generating AI - Learn More
- From the IUCr Newsletter, Fourth-generation light sources - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst D, Correcting systematic errors in diffraction data with modern scaling algorithms - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst D, Correcting systematic errors in diffraction data with modern scaling algorithms - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst B, Comparative study of conventional and synchrotron X-ray electron densities on molecular crystals - Learn More
- Find beamline proposal deadlines from around the world at - Learn More
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A reminder that Our New Lab Program is available for those planning a new lab or are expanding their lab. It offers special discounts, startup bundles, and expert support and service. If you are starting or expanding your lab contact us and we'll explain the program in detail. Or if you know someone who is starting or expanding their lab please share this information with them. | |
Have your lab be the first to know. Follow us on social media! | | | | |