

Like unrelenting rain, shame pounds me mercilessly. I messed up. Again.

I know God will forgive me. I know His grace is sufficient to cover all my sin and shame. But this dance is getting old. What if there was a way to avoid the apology in the first place?

At a recent Bible study, I was challenged to evaluate my personal prayer life. When I thought through the patterns in my conversations with God, I noticed something interesting. I usually remember to say my thank-Yous, I always remember to ask for the things I need (and want and hope for), I remember to ask for forgiveness, I’m learning to focus more on adoration, and I continue to practice forgiving others. However, I’m embarrassed to say there is one key part of the prayer Jesus modeled for His followers that has never entered my prayers: “and lead us not into temptation” (Matt. 6:12). 

Imagine the pain I would avoid if I would run from temptation as quickly as I would run from a rabid racoon!

Jesus doesn’t waste time on useless words. Because we allow ourselves to be “dragged away by [our] own evil desire and enticed,” Jesus encourages His people to lean into the Father for help (James 1:14). We can pray at the beginning of each day for our powerful God to help us! Why do we forget such an important part of prayer?

God knows we need help. He knows we will mess up. He knows we will sin and holds up the blood of His own Son to purify us and make us holy in His sight. All these things are true, but how sad that we don’t reach out for help before we fall. God promises His people that He will “also provide a way out [of temptation] so that [we] can endure it” (1 Cor. 10:13).

Thank You, our Father in heaven, for hearing our calls for help. Thank You for providing a way out when temptation comes our way. Help us to be sensitive to the “escape routes” You give us.


I am praying for you,

Heather Molendyk

All study information is available here, including the Week 6 Video:


Here is a suggested resource for children to go along with our study: 

Don't Blame the Mud

by Marty Machowski

There is still time to order books from the PCA Bookstore!


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Combine the study with Heather Molendyk's study for children: Building on the Lord's Prayer

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