Is your team registered yet?
If you downloaded Science Olympiad rules and are preparing for the tournament, you should be!
Register your team by Dec. 22, 2023 and you could
win a free Science Olympiad Starter Pack
From all the teams that are registered by Dec. 22, we will choose TWO B teams and TWO C teams to win a 2024 Science Olympiad Starter Pack of your choice from the National Science Olympiad store. (Starter Packs are collections of notes and past exams relevant to the unique topics of this year's events that were created by top Event Supervisors and Rules Committee members.) If you register more than one team (Varsity and JV) you get that same number of entries, but your team(s) must be in our system by Dec. 22.
Remember -- you don't have to pay until Feb. 3, so
Register your team today