In the beginning the cosmos was in chaos-no shape, no form, no function, just darkness, but above it all: the Spirit of God, who spoke: light, a dome, too much water but then separated, all filled with life of all kinds. Then a schedule of days, weeks...and people for centuries. Each part spoken into being...all declared very good by the creator. WOW!

My favorite story, the stage on and in which all stories since have existed. Every single day I get to live in this story. I get to experience the majestic creation of my God. Spring excites me when His seeds burst forth in a rainbow of greens and colors. Fall thrills me when the world ignites in an explosion of brightness and more seeds fall to the ground to renew months later. Those in-between seasons of summer and winter have their own joys and moments of awe. I wonder how anyone could live in this world, seeing the intricacies of creation and not know it is divine. As new things are discovered in our world, I know anew that it didn’t just happen. Very good indeed! We and our world are divinely imagined and created. How marvelous! Thanks be to God.


Holy God, Father of us all, thank you for all your creation. May we consider every day how marvelous and awesome you have provided for us and be good stewards of this grand gift. Amen.

Deborah Lemke has been a member of First Presbyterian for 7+ years. She is a retired Christian Educator, and a deacon with the delight of providing communion to our friends in ‘the farthest pews,’ as well as serving on the teaching rotation in the Emmaus Sunday School class.