March 5, 2020

" When trouble strikes, head to the library. You will either be able to
solve the problem, or simply have something to read as
the world crashes down around you.”

Lemony Snicket, pen name of American novelist Daniel Handler
One of the Drexel Libraries' strategic initiatives is to strengthen the University's connections to scholarship. In this month's Dean's Update, Dean Nitecki explores just a few of the ways in which the Libraries is expanding the programs, services and expertise it offers in this area.

Photo courtesy Jaci Downs Photography
Drexel University Professor Art Nezu served on the APA Publication Manual Revision Task Force. In February, he sat down with the Libraries' Communications Manager to talk about the revision process and what changes were made to the 7th Edition of the famous style guide.

This month, the Drexel Libraries is excited to launch its newest online column dedicated to all things scholarly communications. Over the coming months, we'll cover issues like Open Access, research funding, publishing tips and more.

The Publication Cycle , by the University of Winnipeg Library, CC-BY licence
The Drexel University Archives regularly reports on newly acquired—as well as existing—collections. But what happens when an organization needs to remove an object from a collection? Learn more about why archivists deaccession (or remove) materials as part of their work to build and maintain archives.

In Other News
Upcoming Events
S cholarSip returns for the 2019-20 academic year with new sessions that address the theme University and Industry Research Collaborations. This March, we welcome guest speaker Banu Onaral, PhD, H. H. Sun Professor, Drexel University's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems.