Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
June 22, 2022 regular Council meeting.

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and videos can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Legislative Matters
2021 Annual Report

Council accepted the 2021 Annual Report. Local governments are required to prepare an annual report which states their goals and objectives for the coming year and demonstrates what progress has been made toward the preceding year’s goals and objectives. The report also includes the previous year’s audited annual financial statements, list of permissive tax exemptions, and the District’s services and operations.
2021 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)

The 2021 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) was approved by Council. This report is required to be completed for every BC municipality by June 30th annually, and includes the remuneration and expense for Council and employees, and the total paid to each supplier for goods and services exceeding $25,000.
Lantzville Road Watermain Upgrade, Peterson Road to Huddlestone Road Project - Tender Award 

Council awarded the contract Copcan Civil Ltd. ($635,860 plus GST) for the Lantzville Road Watermain Upgrade, Peterson Road to Huddlestone Road Project. During 2022-2026 Budget discussions, Council approved a budget for this project, to be constructed in 2022 to replace the old asbestos cement watermain with a new PVC watermain that will increase fire flow to the lower portion of Lantzville.
Bylaws No. 279 and No. 280 (Amendment for the Foothills Development) 

Council authorized that:
  • the "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (Foothills Special Area Plan) Bylaw No. 279, 2021" be given first two readings and that it is consistent with the District of Lantzville Financial Plan and the relevant waste management plans, 
  • the "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Foothills Comprehensive Development Zone) Bylaw No. 280, 2021" be given first two readings, and
  • a public hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 279 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 280 be scheduled.  
Bylaws No. 313 and 314 (6671 and 6685/6685B Harwood Drive)

Council authorized that:
  • the "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6671 and 6685/6685B Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 313, 2022" be given first two readings and that it is consistent with the District of Lantzville Financial Plan and the relevant waste management plans,
  • the "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment ( 6671 and 6685/ 6685B Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 314, 2022" be given first two readings,
  • the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment applicant for 6671 and 6685/ 6685B Harwood Drive be requested to host a public information meeting with the surrounding neighbourhood and provide, for information, the results of the public information meeting, and
  • a public hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 313 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 314 be scheduled to be held after a public information meeting is held.
Bylaws No. 315 and 316 (6701 Harwood Drive)

Council authorized that:
  • the "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6701 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 315, 2022" be given first two readings and that it is consistent with the District of Lantzville Financial Plan and the relevant waste management plans,
  • the "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment ( 6701 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 316, 2022" be given first two readings,
  • the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment applicant for 6701 Harwood Drive be requested to host a public information meeting with the surrounding neighbourhood and provide, for information, the results of the public information meeting, and
  • a public hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 315 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 316 be scheduled to be held after a public information meeting is held.
Bylaws No. 317 and 318 (6717 Harwood Drive)

Council authorized that:
  • the "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 317, 2022" be given first two readings and that it is consistent with the District of Lantzville Financial Plan and the relevant waste management plans,
  • the "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment ( 6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 318, 2022" be given first two readings,
  • the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment applicant for 6717 Harwood Drive be requested to host a public information meeting with the surrounding neighbourhood and provide, for information, the results of the public information meeting, and
  • a public hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 317 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 318 be scheduled to be held after a public information meeting is held.
Unfinished Business
2022 Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Convention - Meeting Requests with Provincial Cabinet Ministers and the Minister of Municipal Affairs 

Council authorized staff to request meetings at the 2022 UBCM Convention with the Minister of Municipal Affairs to discuss the following topics:
  • submitted Winds Residential Area Water Supply through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Environmental Quality, and
  • $6 million Fire Hall grant application under the Strategic Priorities Fund Capital Infrastructure Stream.
New Business
Development Cost Charges

Council approved to undertake a major review of “Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw No. 154, 2018” to be completed by Koers and Associates Engineering Ltd. in early 2023 and that the DCC Bylaw review project be referred to the Fall Financial Plan process.
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:

  • Wednesday, July 6th - 6:00 pm Regular
  • Wednesday, July 13th - 6:00 pm Special Cancelled
  • Wednesday, July 20th - 6:00 pm Regular
  • Monday, July 25th - 6:00 pm Special
  • Wednesday, July 27th - 6:00 pm Special

Council members may attend in person, or electronically (except for the Mayor) for a hybrid meeting, or via Zoom Webinar for an Electronic Meeting (per the Community Charter and the Council Procedure Bylaw). Public Hearings are held electronically to provide greater access, transparency and convenience. Zoom also offers the option to dial in by phone. For in person, hybrid and Electronic Meetings, the Council Chamber is also open for the public to attend. Due to limited seating, the public is encouraged to view the open portion of the meeting via the livestream, and to provide verbal public input on agenda items by registering in advance using the Zoom Webinar link provided for each Council meeting event at, submit written comments by Noon the day of the meeting, or attend in person to provide public input. Prior to attending at Municipal Hall, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must remain seated unless invited to address Council. Meetings recorded by the District of Lantzville may be viewed at The public is prohibited from recording Council meetings unless authorized by Council.
For meeting information, including meeting livestreaming and electronic participation, visit and click on the meeting date on the calendar to access the meeting agenda package, minutes and video recordings. The start time of the open portion/livestreaming of the meetings may vary if a closed portion is required at the beginning of the regular Council meeting. Please refer to the Council meeting agenda, published the week before the meeting, to confirm the open portion/livestream start time.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors