The celebration of November as Eye Donation Month has come to an end, but our efforts to celebrate, educate and inspire on Giving the Gift of Sight, will always continue. Thank you to every individual, organization, and business that made an effort to join in celebrating the observance.

Consider using the highlighted links to visit supporters' and our online sites, to view a few of the videos, photos, and news coverage of the events and programs we participated in, and hosted throughout South Texas. Remember, it is never too late to like, comment, and share posts as an action of support.

Holiday Tree Exhibitions - Rio Grande Valley

'Tis the season…If you live in or are planning to travel to, the Rio Grande Valley area, consider partaking in an outing to Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum or The Weslaco Museum, to add to your holiday cheer, with a donation awareness connection. We’ve partnered with both museums to exhibit decorated holiday trees in connection with the museum’s theme, while also celebrating, and educating on Giving the Gift of Sight.


Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum

The museum is hosting the 2023 Christmas Tree Extravaganza, inviting local organizations and businesses to decorate holiday trees in a multitude of festive holiday cheer, while adding in facts or elements that represent the entities.

Special thanks to Gabriela Herrera, San Antonio Eye Bank's RGV Hospital and Community Relations Specialist, for creating colorful and vibrant handmade ornaments with an eye/vision theme, as well as, including facts and inspiring quotes.

Museum address: 2425 Boxwood St., Harlingen, TX 78550

Exhibit dates and visiting times: December 5 – January 5

; Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 4pm and Sunday, 1pm to 4pm

The Weslaco Museum

The museum added a touch of cinematic magic to favorite holiday traditions. Visit for a memorable exhibit that will light up the holiday season with the theme: “A Cine-Magic Christmas”. Get ready to see your favorite Christmas movies come to life as the trees sparkle with decorations inspired by the magic of holiday cinema.

Gabriela selected the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas and used the slogan connected to the scene of the Grinch's heart growing Even the Grinch had a heart! Do you? Organ, eye/cornea and tissue donation saves and heals lives. Register today as a donor at

Museum address: 500 South Texas Blvd., Weslaco, TX 78596

Exhibit dates and visiting times: December 5 - December 30

; Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 4pm

2024 OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade Float 

CEO & Partners Rose Dedication Program


San Antonio Eye Bank’s Chief Executive Officer, Jim Wagner, was proud to participate in the CEO & Partners Rose Dedication Program, for the 2024 OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade Float. The float honors organ, eye and tissue donation and is a part of the internationally broadcasted Tournament of Roses – Rose Parade.


Jim handwrote a dedication on a rose vial in memory and tribute to all South Texas eye/cornea donors. The vial was mailed to California, where it will be placed in the Rose Dedication Garden on the float.


All donor families that watch the float make its debut on Monday, January 1, 2024 in Pasadena, California, will know that their loved is connected to the beautiful float, decorated with real flowers or floral products.


To learn more information about which television networks and streaming services will broadcast the float, visit the Tournament of Roses – Rose Parade website.


To learn more about the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade Float, and view photos of the float and floragraphs (floral portraits of deceased donors) being decorated, visit DonateLifeFloat - Facebook

2024 Stride for Sight 5K Run/Walk

Hosted by Partners In Vision:

Lions Sight Research Foundation + San Antonio Eye Bank

Registration is open! Register to join us in the fun

on Saturday, March 30th at Comanche County Park

at or

Join us for FREE breakfast tacos, a fun Zumba dance warm-up,

Donor Hero / Memorial Table, display of all Gift of Sight Memorial Quilt Blankets, prizes for the winners of the FREE kids fun run and more.

The participation fee for San Antonio Eye Bank donor family teams,

using the discount code, is $10* per person (*Discount is only valid for team walkers). The code is: SAEB1965

NEW for 2024! – All participant categories will be able to create or join a team! In the past, all teams were walkers. This change means that once a captain is established, teams can have a mix of walkers, runners, virtual walkers, etc. – so many possibilities. 

Gift of Sight, Donate Life Tote Bag or Fitness Bottle

San Antonio Eye Bank is providing free tote bags or fitness bottles to the

first 300 donor families (individuals or teams) registered online.

When reviewing the event date on a calendar, you may notice that it will occur during the popular Easter observance weekend. We’re planning on adding a kid’s egg hunt, teen/adult egg and spoon competition, and egg scavenger hunt. If you have an affinity for egg themed activities and would like to volunteer to support any of those activities, please let us know.

If you know of an individual or business that would be interested in joining as a sponsor, please click here to download the 2024 Sponsor Benefit Packet. We hope to see you at the park.

Additional Links:

Donor Family Team - Flyer & Team Registration Guidance Letter

Team Awards and Recognition Categories

Fundraising for Individuals and Teams

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