Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Important News for You
Submit Your Nominations Now for
2023 Business Awards Gala
Nominations accepted until September 28th
Chamber News
Check out and like the
Greater Kitsap Chamber Facebook pages!
Open House & Re-Launch Party @
The Spot - a Vibe Space
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Bremerton GreenDrinks @ Marina Square
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
September Chamber Luncheon
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join us for our "State of Education in Kitsap" luncheon. Hear from local leaders in education, learn more about how businesses can connect with and support educators
and education initiatives in our community.
Heroes Golf Tournament
Friday, September 29, 2023
There's still time to register your team today - contact Tiffany to sign up!
Get the Most Out of Your Member Benefits
Renew your membership today to ensure your place as a Charter Member of the Greater Kitsap Chamber! Questions about when to renew or how to upgrade your membership? Contact Irene now!
Missed a previous edition of the Chamber's Community Connections?
View all the past issues on our website HERE.
Member News
New Members - Welcome to the Chamber!
Department of Social & Health Services
Friends of the Carlisle II: JWJ Group
Creating opportunities for the next generation
This month we are honoring a group of businesses and their leaders who made up the coalition that brought the pop-up ferry to Silverdale over the Labor Day weekend. Each week we will highlight a new leader and their Kitsap-based business.

A resident of Kitsap for 40 years, John Johnson, founder of the JWJ Group in Old Town Silverdale, was an instrumental supporter of the Carlisle II pop-up ferry this month. The JWJ offices served as ground zero for the ferry team, offering leadership, staff and financial support to the endeavor.

The JWJ Group has been a leader in creating exceptionally designed and forward-thinking real estate developments in the Northwest.  

With decades of legal and real estate expertise, coupled with their team of experienced consultants and partners, the JWJ Group has developed multiple single-family neighborhoods, multifamily projects, assisted living senior communities and medical and commercial developments.

The principals of the JWJ Group are long-time residents of Kitsap and have raised their own families in this community. They are committed not only to creating opportunities for the next generation to enjoy the benefits of home ownership but making this community the best place to live and work in Puget Sound.
Pictured: John Johnson and Steve Sego at the Carlisle II pop-up, Port of Silverdale.

Also pictured: The leadership team of the Carlisle II pop-up ferry, Kitsap County Commissioner Katie Walters; Ray Klein of Town Square of Port Orchard; Coreen Haydock and Steve Sego of Waterman Mitigation Partners; Debra Purcell and Nate Johnson of JWJ Group, LLC; and Josh Johnson of Waterman Mitigation Partners.
3599 NW Carlton Street | Silverdale, WA 98383 | 360.626.1146
Education Committee
Member Education & Training Resources
SCORE: The "New Work Life Balance"
Creating Your Portfolio Life
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 1:00 pm
The time has come when we need to be "portfolio people" who think of our vocations, not just in terms of a single defined job or occupation, but more as a holistic body of work. In this workshop, we will discuss what it takes to create a career and life portfolio and then how to live it!

Topics Covered:
  • Managing your career more by intention rather than by circumstance
  • Recognizing and responding to changes in career priorities in different stages of your life.
  • Making the most of realizations - such as reaching your career peak or grasping that life is finite, with time being a very precious commodity.
  • Overcoming fears associated with going after your dreams.

Workshop Fee: $40
Western State Organized Retail Crime Alliance: Virtual Conference
September 13-14, 2023
In response to the scope and severity of organized retail crime concerns across the country, there has been an increased effort on the part of retailers, law enforcement agencies, and prosecutors to work together, share information, and raise awareness regarding organized retail crime at the local, state, and regional levels. Organized retail crime associations have helped provide that vehicle, opening doors to improve legislation, enhance investigations, and build cooperative relationships in the battle against organized retail crime.

With a primary mission to communicate effectively, work together, and share resources, ORCAs need to cultivate good partnerships, high levels of cooperation, and a strong commitment from everyone involved in order to be most effective. Over the past several years, this annual event has provided a positive step in that direction, bringing together ten of the western ORCAs to consolidate efforts and information to heighten education and awareness about the true nature of this national pandemic.

Join us on Wednesday and Thursday, September 13th and 14th from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pacific Time as the ORCAs of the Western States host the 2023 Western States ORCA Conference. This virtual event will feature a packed lineup of subject matter experts offering insights on the latest trends and strategies in the ongoing fight against organized retail crime.
Business Taxes Seminar
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6:00 pm
Coming Soon: WA Biz Fair 2023
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Biz Fair is a free, annual event for current and aspiring small business owners to learn about the programs, resources, and technical assistance available to help start and grow a small business. Biz Fair is the longest running all government and non-profit-run small business fair in Washington State.

  • Saturday, September 23, 2023
  • Location: Pierce College Puyallup campus (8:30 AM - 1:00 PM)
Save-the-Date: BIPOC Business Forum
October 25, 2023, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Business News & Resources
Calls for Cap-and-Trade Reform Growing

Prices for carbon allowances reached record highs in the state's cap-and-trade auction on Aug. 30. Last week, the state Department of Ecology released the results of the third quarterly auction, which sold 8.5 million allowances for $63.03 each -- the highest price since the auctions began in January. For the second time, prices were so high that they triggered a special auction of secondary allowances. Read more in the Washington State Standard.

Legislative proposal: The auction outcome underscores the need to fix the cap-and-trade program and ease the cost impacts on families and businesses. Last week, Sen. Mark Mullet, D-Issaquah, introduced legislation to reform the program, estimating the bill would lower gasoline prices by 15-30 cents per gallon.

"The climate crisis is real, and the investments made possible by the (Climate Commitment Act) in clean energy, green jobs, and protecting folks from pollution are important," said Mullet, who is running for governor in 2024. "It’s clear the CCA could use some work to lower the impact it’s having on gas prices and help the families and small businesses who are feeling the hit.”

An AWB Amplified video lays out a path to fix Washington’s cap-and-trade program.

In an op-ed in The Seattle Times last month, AWB Governmental Affairs Director Peter Godlewski wrote about the relationship between the new program and the summer's spike in gas prices. Businesses are required to purchase allowances to cover their emissions and are passing those compliance costs onto consumers.

Contact Government Affairs Director Peter Godlewski to learn more and get involved.
U.S. Consumer Confidence Declines in August

The Conference Board, a non-profit organization that conducts research and analysis on the economy, has just issued its Consumer Confidence Survey® for August 2023, which found a drop in consumer confidence. The Survey measures how consumers feel about the current and future state of the economy and their personal finances.

The August Survey found: 
  • Consumer confidence declined in August, reversing the gains made in June and July;
  • Both the Present Situation Index and the Expectations Index fell, indicating that consumers are less optimistic about current and future business and labor market conditions;
  • Consumers are concerned about rising retail prices – in particular, groceries and gasoline – and the impact on their family budgets;
  • As employment growth slowed, wages stagnated, and unemployment duration increased, consumers are less positive about the availability of jobs and their income prospects; and
  • Fearing a possible recession before the end of the year, consumers are more pessimistic about the outlook for interest rates, stock prices, and inflation. 

Small-Business Grants to Apply for Now
Updated September 11, 2023

$10,000 grants for mom entrepreneurs sponsored by Lowe's
The High Five Grantor Moms, sponsored in part by home improvement giant Lowe's, offers a $10,000 grant, one $5,000 grant, one $2,500 grant and five $1,000 grants, along with mentoring, shopping credits and more to mothers who want to grow their business.
The grant applies to any mother from any business, with women caregivers of all ages eligible to apply. The business must have had revenue in the last 12 months and the mom must own at least 50% of the business.

The deadline to apply is Sept. 30.

$10,000 DoorDash disaster relief grants
Restaurants across the country hit hard by a natural disaster can apply for $10,000 grants, courtesy of DoorDash.

The Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund, a partnership between DoorDash, financing platform Hello Alice and the Global Entrepreneurship network, will provide a total of 100 grants across 2023 to restaurants in state or federally declared natural disasters.
To be eligible, restaurants must also have a brick and mortar location, fewer than 50 employees per location, be open at least six months and have less than $3 million in revenue per location.

Applications are due by Sept. 29. Applications for a previous round were due June 30. 

The “Fresh Start” $2,500 grant by Incfile
The Fresh Start Business Grant by small business launch platform Incfile, awards a $2,500 grant to put toward startup costs, alongside a free Incfile “gold plan” package of incorporation and registered agent services for a year.

Winners must be 21 years or older, a U.S. resident and must be planning on starting a new business or grow an existing business.

Those entering will be asked to submit a sample business plan and a short video. Those interested can complete the application here — and its due September 30.

Federal grant and loan options for small businesses
In addition to those options, there are several federal grants and loans from the federal government targeting small businesses.

The America's Seed Fund program from the National Science Foundation, open to early-stage companies that need to prove their technology and find their market potential, has made about 3,400 awards to startups and small businesses since 2012, with 153 exits by those companies and $9.1 billion in private investment.

The grant program gives out roughly $200 million per year to eligible businesses. Click here to learn more.

For small-business owners looking for potential tax credits, here are 10 that every owner should know about. But perhaps the most lucrative is the Employee Retention Credit, which can be a game-changer for many business owners. However, there are a number of pitfalls and red flags to navigate that business owners should know about that. But business owners might want to act soon, as the IRS has said it would push to end the credit early.

For those looking for government-backed loans, the USDA Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program, part of an umbrella loan program offered by the USDA under its OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative, offers loan guarantees of up to 80% on everything from purchasing a building, modernizing equipment, working capital or acquiring a company.
Business Quick-Reads
Quick and interesting reads for employers, employees,
local leaders, and everyone in between!
Nonprofit News & Resources
The Greater Kitsap Chamber is proud to be one of only five Chambers statewide selected to partner with the Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) to bring education and resources to nonprofits in Western Washington. Stay tuned to this section of our weekly newsletter for education, resources and more for our nonprofit community.
To learn more about NAWA, please visit their website here.
Nonprofit Fundamental Series
Fall 2023, Winter 2024 & Spring 2024
Build a solid foundation for your organization through the Nonprofit Fundamentals Series. Strengthen your board’s performance, decision-making, and ability to take action. Through the Nonprofit Fundamentals Series, you have access to guides, activities, checklists, samples, reflection questions, and more that you can use immediately with your board and nonprofit. This no-cost series includes the Boards in GearFinance Unlocked for Nonprofits, and Let's Go Legal webinars. 

Workshops are free, courtesy of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Greater Kitsap News
Virtual Workshop: County Comp Plan Update
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 6:00 pm
Kitsap County staff has been working diligently over the past few months to assess potential updates to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and strategies, determining any gaps in the current Plan created by recent changes to Puget Sound Regional Council’s VISION 2050 and Countywide Planning Policies, and the significant shifts in housing requirements under the Growth Management Act.

This Thursday Kitsap County is holding the second of two virtual workshops to act as refresher on the Plan Update’s process and challenges, and to discuss key additions or revisions being proposed. The first meeting was held on August 30th and focused on Housing, Economic Development, and Land Use, while this week’s meeting will cover Climate Change, Environment, and Transportation.

Please visit the project website at for more information about how to join this meeting and for recordings of previous meetings. A link to join the meeting is located on the right-hand side of the project website and previous meeting materials can be found under Past Events.

The meeting will include a presentation, after which attendees may choose to participate in interactive “break-out” groups to share thoughts and partake in a discussion related to the meeting topics. Participation may be verbal through facilitated discussion or written using the chat function available in Zoom.

To learn more about the update you can visit our project website at, where you will find information about upcoming public meetings, story maps describing different comprehensive plan elements, draft documents and other related materials.

Any specific questions may be sent to, or you can call Kitsap1 at (360) 337-5777 and ask for Planning and Environmental Programs. 
Bremerton Council President Coughlin Receives Municipal Leadership Certificate
District 3 Council Member Jeff Coughlin recently earned a Certificate of Municipal Leadership from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC).

AWC’s Certificate of Municipal Leadership program recognizes city and town elected officials for accomplishing training in five core areas:

“Being a city leader in Washington is a complex job,” said AWC CEO Deanna Dawson. “Through our CML program we are providing our elected officials with the knowledge they need to effectively operate within the law, plan for the future, secure and manage funds, foster strong relationships, and work to build more equitable communities.”

Council Member Coughlin completed more than 30 hours of training to earn this distinction.

Jeff Coughlin represents Bremerton City Council District 3 which includes the Downtown area “Harborside”, Manette (bounded by NE Stone Way and Jacobsen Boulevard), and Evergreen Rotary Park and Kitsap 9/11 Memorial.

Jeff is serving his first term though 2025 and is the 2023 Council President.
Sunday Bus Service Begins in Bremerton
Bus service begins September 24th
Starting on Sunday, Sept. 24, Kitsap Transit will begin operating Sunday bus service in Bremerton.

At the beginning of 2023, Kitsap Transit announced the intent to roll out Sunday bus service in phases across Kitsap County, pending successful operator recruitment, and in a little over two weeks, Kitsap Transit will launch the first phase of its Sunday Service plan.

  • Kitsap Transit will start Bremerton Sunday service with Route 217–Bremerton/Silverdale East, which will operate half-hour service from 8:00 AM to 4:40 PM. You can find the Route 217 Sunday schedule here.
  • Kitsap Transit will also operate On-Demand service between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Sundays.
  • Passengers can schedule a ride using the Ride Pingo app anywhere within the service area (see map). You can also call to schedule a ride. You can book a ride immediately or up to two hours in advance.
  • Passengers cannot book an On-Demand Ride if both their pickup and drop-off locations are within 1/4 mile of Route 217. The on-demand service app will automatically calculate the distance to determine whether your trip request is eligible. Click here for an example.
  • If you’re trying to catch a Washington State Ferry or Local Foot Ferry, you can let your driver know through the Ride Pingo App. Select “Transit Connect” during the booking process and the time of the sailing you’re trying to catch.
  • ACCESS service will be available within 3/4 of a mile of fixed routes. Foot ferry service between Port Orchard and Bremerton has operated on Sundays since July 2021.
  • Kitsap Transit is aiming to implement Sunday service in Port Orchard, Silverdale and Poulsbo in late 2023, and Bainbridge Island in early 2024. 

If you have questions, please contact Kitsap Transit's Customer Service staff by calling 360.373.2877 or 800.501.RIDE.
Community Information
Drop Off Gently-Used Costumes at the Chamber
DBA Hosts Annual Trick or Treat Street
Silverdale GreenDrinks
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 5:24 pm
Health & Wellness Resource Fair
September 20 & 21, 2023
Old Town Fall Market
Friday, September 22, 2023, 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Veterans Stand Down Returns to Bremerton
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Cars on Callow
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Masks & COVID Testing Kits Available
Free at the Greater Kitsap Chamber & Visitor Center
The Greater Kitsap Chamber still has some supplies available if your local business is in need of KN95 masks or COVID testing kits. Pick up your supply at both GKC locations today. Available while supplies last.
Tourism Information
Frank Buxton Silent Film Festival
September 15-17, 2023
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art presents a three-day cinematic excursion exploring the pleasures, history, and lost art of silent film. The festival kicks off on Friday, September 15 at 7:00 pm with the 1930 Soviet epic EARTH, by Ukrainian director Oleksandr Dovzhenko and continues with five more silent classics over three days, all accompanied with live original music. BIMA Auditorium, Sept 15-17. 
Admiral Theatre Presents: Chris Janson
with Joel Gibson Jr. Opening
Friday, September 15, 2023, 8:00 pm
Chris Janson, proud member of the Grand Ole Opry and multi-platinum songwriter and artist, is part of country’s new breed. In touch with the lighter side of life with self-penned No. 1s “Fix A Drink,” “Good Vibes,” and the triple platinum “Buy Me A Boat,” as well as the more thoughtful truths of “Done,” “Things You Can’t Live Without,” and the CMA Song of the Year nominee and ACM Video of the Year “Drunk Girl.” Both “Boat” and “Girl” were named to the Nashville Songwriters Association International’s prestigious “Songs I Wish I Wish I’d Written” list, which is why artists like Tim McGraw (“Truck Yeah,” “How I’ll Always Be”), Justin Moore (“Off The Beaten Path”), Cody Johnson (“Let’s Build A Fire”), and the iconic Hank Williams Jr. (“God Fearin’ Man,” “Those Days Are Gone”) reach for Janson’s songs for their own projects.

Beyond his artistry are his live shows, where all that heart-on-the-four-wheeler songwriting meets the fans where they come to rock. Rolling Stone proclaimed him “a live legacy in the making,” and Janson is a frequent presence at the nation’s biggest country festivals, tours, and unexpected sit-ins. For a man known for his outdoors lifestyle and collaborations with Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s, making music from his own life has established the harmonica-forward multi-instrumentalist the go-to guy for young country for the last decade.
Poulsbrew Beer Fest
Saturday, September 16, 2023, 12:00 - 6:00 pm
Clearwater Casino Resort: Tracy Morgan
Saturday, September 16, 2023, 8:00 pm
Tracy Morgan is one of the most well-respected comedians and actors in his field. Morgan starred on seven seasons of NBC’s Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning 30 Rock where he received an Emmy Nomination in the Supporting Actor category. Additionally, he has been nominated multiple years for the Supporting Actor NAACP Image Award. Morgan was also in four seasons of the TBS show The Last OG, which he also executive produced and starred.

Morgan has headlined across the country and abroad on various tours and festivals for his stand-up comedy. He was first introduced to television audiences in his role as Hustle Man on the hit comedy series Martin. He went on to join Saturday Night Live in 1996 where he appeared for seven seasons and created such memorable characters as Astronaut Jones and Brian Fellows. After leaving SNL, Morgan went on to star in his own comedy series, The Tracy Morgan Show, voiced Spoonie Luv on Comedy Central’s Crank Yankers and more.

For more information, visit his website at

Check out the Tracy Morgan hotel package here!
Save-the-Date: Poulsbo Film Festival
October 13-15, 2023
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Contact Us
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for our weekly Community Connections!

David Emmons
Irene Moyer
VP, Membership & Strategic Communications
Tiffany Diamond
Events Coordinator
Bremerton Office (360) 479-3579 | 4th & Pacific Downtown Bremerton
Silverdale Office (360) 692-6800 | Kitsap Mall next to Macy's
PO Box 1218 Silverdale WA 98383
If you need assistance, please contact us directly.