Well I am at it again trying something new. Thanks to inspiration from my long time friend Paul Gowder (www.PowWows.com) I am going to try doing a weekly 30 minute live show. The idea is to take all of the varied content projects that I've started over the last few years and put them into one packed show. Things like an unboxings, TOR updates, interviews with other collectors (think podcast), tips and tricks, etc. This format can also be interactive where viewers can leave comments and I can respond to them.
So here is my ask....I need ideas! I sent this out to my Patreon members yesterday to get their feedback. It could sorta be a news show for the hobby too - mention who is coming up on the digital cracker barrel (John and Larry great job!). Highlight a website of the week, mention some of the most impactful posts in the Facebook group just the melting pot of what's going on. So my wife has agreed to let me have Wednesday night to stay late at the warehouse and put this out. I'm going to commit to Season 1 being 12 episodes between now and the end of the year. That should give me time to figure out what the heck I'm doing and gauge the interest.
The show will be broadcast live on Facebook at 7:30 PM Eastern starting the 21st. I'll have more details Tuesday as I continue to piece it all together. One of the elements will be prerecorded interviews similar to what I did with the podcast. In fact the audio of this show will become new episodes of the podcast. So if you like the newsletter and unboxings and interviews I do with collectors this show will be all that wrapped into one package on a weekly format.
I have 175 live auctions on eBay this week with a bunch ending tonight. This includes OA from out west, felt event patches, trail patches and more. Yesterday I worked on my auctions for the next month. So far I've scheduled about 200 neckerchiefs and some vintage state strips in the 1940s program colors. Look for some of those to launch tonight.
I have joked for a long time that I'm a crash test dummy for this hobby online. I've tried out just about every trick in the book from live sales to Shopify. Some of my attempts have bombed out as this one might too. But I actually see it as focusing all my content efforts into one piece that will be interactive. I'm not sure I'm simplifying my life but I am stealing four extra hours at the warehouse each week so that's an added bonus. But seriously I would appreciate any ideas for segments or even questions you would like me to address.