Economic Development E-Newsletter | August 31, 2022
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A reminder about the City's Water Allocation Policy
The City of Chandler carefully manages its finite water resources to ensure there is a sustainable water supply for current and future water users. A key piece of the City's water resource management strategy is the Water Allocation Policy, which was adopted by the Chandler City Council in 2015.

Under the Water Allocation Policy, potable water resources are allocated to non-residential uses on a three tier basis. Tier I water is the base allocation and is available for all Chandler water users. The Tier I water allotment is sufficient to meet 99% of all new users' water needs. Below are the current Tier I (base) allocations:
The City has additional Tier II water available for projects that advance economic development, redevelopment and neighborhood revitalization goals. For these eligible projects, the new user and City enter into a Sustainable Water Service Agreement approving a Tier II water allocation for a period of 100 years.

The Tier III "market-based allocation" is applied to projects that do not advance City strategic goals and are thus ineligible for Tier II water. These large volume water users must bring a new water supply to the City and will be charged market rates.

If you or your client are considering Chandler for a project, contact our Economic Development team to discuss your water needs.
ICYMI: Chips and Science Act signed into law by the federal government to strengthen U.S. semiconductor industry
The CHIPS and Science Act was signed into law by the federal government on Aug. 9, 2022. The landmark legislation provides $52.7 billion in federal funding for semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. The funding will give the U.S. semiconductor industry a boost by reducing capital investment costs for new projects, leveling the domestic manufacturing cost versus international locations, and shifting the supply chain on shore.

As a hub for the semiconductor industry, Chandler is well-positioned for additional investment and job growth. Several noteworthy projects have been announced in Chandler just over the past year:

The U.S. Department of Commerce has launched a website for CHIPS program implementation. The website will provide information about funding opportunities, timelines, requirements and more as information becomes available.
ICYMI: NASA awards next-generation spaceflight computing processor contract to Microchip Technology
NASA has selected Chandler-based Microchip Technology to develop a High-Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) processor that will provide at least 100 times the computational capacity of current spaceflight computers. This key capability would advance all types of future space missions, from planetary exploration to lunar and Mars surface missions.

“This cutting-edge spaceflight processor will have a tremendous impact on our future space missions and even technologies here on Earth,” said Niki Werkheiser, director of technology maturation within the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This effort will amplify existing spacecraft capabilities and enable new ones and could ultimately be used by virtually every future space mission, all benefiting from more capable flight computing.”

Microchip will architect, design, and deliver the HPSC processor over three years under a $50 million federal contract.

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