The Outreach Committee is pleased to announce we will update the 2023 Westminster Photo Directory this month! We had such a wonderful response for the new directory (published December 2023), we felt it wise to provide an updated version for the congregation. Whether a member or a friend of Westminster, you are invited to be a part of the directory.
Reasons why you might be interested in an update:
- missed getting your name, contact information, and/or photo submitted last fall
- need to correct or update your contact information (you can do this any time!)
- would like your photo updated or added to existing contact information
- are new to Westminster since the directory was published.
Watch for a "photo selfie spot" set up just outside the entrance. It will be available each Sunday for the remainder of the month. Here are the guidelines:
- Use your own camera/cell phone (or get a friend to help!).
Submit your photo to office@salemwestpres.org.
You may also submit your name/contact info/photo at any time during the month of June to office@salemwestpres.org. This is for anyone who wants to update any information already in the directory or for anyone who has not had their name included before.
The newest version of the Westminster Church Photo Directory will be published in early July, so any information to be included needs to be sent before June 30, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Nelson, nelsonkatieallstar@gmail.com or 503-580-5631.