
November 2023

Welcome to the House of Deputies Newsletter

Welcome to The Episcopal Church House of Deputies monthly email newsletter. You've been subscribed automatically if you're a deputy or an alternate. If you've come across this issue in another way and would like to subscribe to this monthly newsletter, you can sign up on our website or on our Facebook page.

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or news about the work of deputies to share? Please email us. Want to learn more about the House of Deputies? Check out our website.

Strengthening Ecumenical Ties: Episcopal-Swedish Church Partnership Affirmed

Foto Magnus Aronson

During Thanksgiving week, President Julia Ayala Harris traveled to Uppsala, Sweden. Her purpose was to affirm a historic memorandum of understanding between The Episcopal Church and the Church of Sweden aimed at strengthening ties and cooperation.

While attending the Church of Sweden’s General Synod, President Ayala Harris met with a range of national and local leaders - both clergy and laypeople. She toured Stockholm churches to observe pivotal ministries firsthand. These included night shelters for refugees and unhoused people, confirmation classes for those with developmental disabilities, and care of creation efforts. Through exploration and dialogue, the president gained insight into the Swedish church’s unique context, pressing issues, and hopes for the partnership moving forward.

The visit culminated in the president addressing the Synod during the closing Eucharist, where she conveyed the deep commitment of both denominations to making the agreement a true and living bond.

Foto Magnus Aronson

Foto Magnus Aronson

Stament from President Ayala Harris to the Church of Sweeden.

Walking Together Towards Justice and Peace

Dear friends in Christ,

This is a joyous occasion to be here with you all today as we come together to affirm this full communion partnership, continuing to make official what has been true for centuries: that our churches’ collective witness to the world of love of stranger, love of creation, and love of one another can be transformative to the communities we serve and for our own communities of faith. 

It is truly an honor to be here with you all. I am thrilled to participate in this ceremony and to enthusiastically celebrate our partnership, which began out of our common callings to address some of the most pressing issues facing humanity today, such as climate change, global migration, and immigration.

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 House of Deputies Proposed Rules of Order: second draft report & general feedback

The Special Committee on the Rules of Order of the House of Deputies is pleased to share the Second Interim Draft Report on the revisions to the Rules of Order. This document is now available and can be accessed here. The Committee also invites you to complete a survey on the contents of this report here. Please note that the comments on the survey will be made public. 

This latest iteration of the report incorporates substantial feedback and reflects the Committee’s commitment to an inclusive and collaborative revision process. Your perspectives and suggestions are essential to refining and finalizing the rules that govern our proceedings. Please ensure that your feedback reaches the Committee by no later than December 14th. 

Attention Deputies: Legislative Committee Assignments Forthcoming

We are pleased to announce that official appointment letters to Legislative Committees of the 81st General Convention will be sent out in early December. All deputies should be on the lookout in your email inboxes over the next few weeks for this important information.

As a reminder, according to the House of Deputies Rules of Order, only deputies may be appointed to serve on the legislative committees. While we deeply value their ongoing participation and support, alternate deputies unfortunately do not qualify for these specific positions. However, alternate deputies are still welcome to serve on other committees and on special committees.

We would like to thank all deputies and alternate deputies who expressed interest in serving on the legislative committees at the 81st General Convention. Your willingness to step up and contribute your time demonstrates your commitment to the House of Deputies and our beloved church, and is a hallmark of our democratic process.

We look forward to continuing our important work together under God's guidance and wisdom.

Constituting group for racial equity and justice coalition meets in person to advance structural work

The constituting group tasked with proposing the organizational structure to establish a new Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice met in person Oct. 31-Nov. 2 in New York City to discuss key themes, best methods, and next steps.

Creation of the coalition was recommended in a March 2022 report by the Presiding Officers’ Working Group on Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing and approved by the 80th General Convention in July 2022.

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Under 40 Caucus Convenes, Sparking Connections Across Church

This November, President Ayala Harris and The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, were thrilled to participate in a milestone for The Episcopal Church's Under 40 Caucus. They attended the first-ever in-person gathering aimed at connecting and empowering young leaders from across the Church.

As keynote speakers at the weekend convening, President Harris and Secretary Barlowe offered insights into General Convention operations and answered questions about making the most meaningful impact within governance structures. In lively discussion, they aimed to demystify processes while inspiring attendees to embrace their vital role in shaping a promising future for The Episcopal Church.

In a notable addition to the event, Eva Warren, Chair of the Under 40 Caucus, highlighted the impact of the gathering on young Episcopalians. She stated, "Growing Together provided an opportunity for young Episcopalians across the Church to cultivate leadership skills, expand their knowledge of the Church and its polity, and connect with other engaged young adults. With a majority of attendees either first time deputies or new to the idea of the House of Deputies entirely, President Ayala Harris' presence allowed participants to reflect on the spiritual roots of good governance. Many attendees remarked on how exciting it was to connect with a young church leader and even more spoke about how inspiring they found the words and vision shared by President Ayala Harris. The Young Adult Caucus of the General Convention is so grateful that President Ayala Harris was able to participate, and we hope that deputies far and wide take advantage of the recording of this exciting panel!"

Beyond the panel, President Ayala Harris enjoyed connecting more informally with the passionate young deputies and leaders. "It was such an honor to learn from this justice-oriented, service-driven generation about their dreams for the Church regarding inclusion, advocacy, and spiritual enrichment," she remarked. "The Under 40 Caucus is building connections today that will ripple out in widening waves of positive change for decades to come."

In keeping with her pledge to amplify emerging leaders' voices, President Ayala Harris left the gathering newly invigorated to champion young people's faithful vision within her role. "By supporting their work across all levels of the Church, we secure a brighter tomorrow led by their gifts and guided by the Spirit," she affirmed.

Watch the recording here.

House of Deputies Chaplain's November reflection

Click here to read video transcript

Joint Budget Committee: Upcoming listening sessions

Register for hearings

The Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council will hold open hearings via Zoom to receive feedback from the wider church on the 2025-2027 working budget.


Register to be a speaker or listener at the following hearings held via Zoom:

  • Dec. 9, 2 p.m. ET
  • Dec. 12, 7 p.m. ET

In addition, at 4 p.m. ET on Monday, Nov. 20, the budget committee will hold a Zoom session with the Executive Council. The public is invited to observe the session.

Written responses regarding the budget can be emailed to


Read the Joint Budget Committee’s recent update.

Deputation Chairs: Racial Reconciliation Formation tracking form

From The General Convention Office:

The Racial Reconciliation Formation Tracking for Deputations has now been published and is available to be filled out by Deputation chairs. This information is required per the House of Deputies Rules of Order III.B.1. Please fill out this form no later than February 23rd, which is four months before our first legislative day of the 81st General Convention.

Applications open for Episcopal Church Staff Officer for Gender Justice Ministries

Applications are open for a new Episcopal Church gender justice staff officer dedicated to LGBTQ+ and women’s ministries, a position called for by The General Convention. The job description and application can be found online.

Under the leadership of the Rev. Melanie Mullen, the church’s director of reconciliation, justice, and creation care, and hiring manager for the new position, an 11-member gender justice committee has been meeting to listen, discuss, and formulate a job description.

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General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP) Alumni

If you are an Official Youth Presence Alumni, please support the Office of Youth Ministries by completing this form. Contact Canon Myra Garnes, Officer for Youth Ministries, with questions or suggestions at We ask that you share this form with other GCOYP Alumni as the OYM is trying to create a database of current information. Thank you!

Support the BLESS Appeal

Your gifts to The Episcopal Church Bless Appeal and other ministries make a significant difference. We are so thankful for your generosity as we seek to walk in the way of Jesus through our missions and ministries. Below are some ways to partner with us financially. 

• Text to Give – Text ‘Appeal’ to 91999
• Call (800) 334-7626 ext. 6002
• Online – The Episcopal Church
• Make a gift of securities – contact T.J. Houlihan - (212) 716-6041 for information
Around the House

We want to hear about what's happening around the House. 

The House of Deputies is full of members that are not only working on resolutions but are also doing fantastic work in their congregations, dioceses, and the country. If you are a deputy doing amazing work or know of someone who is, share it with us today.

Attention all deputations!

We would love to feature your deputations in our upcoming newsletter. Whether you meet online, in-person, or in a hybrid format, please send us your pictures. We can't wait to showcase your hard work and dedication.

Click here to send us your stories

Get in touch with President Ayala Harris

President Ayala Harris wants to connect with you and support our church's ministries and groups. Here are the different ways you can get in touch with her and the office of the House of Deputies: 

Follow President Ayala Harris

President Ayala Harris is sharing her travels and journey as President of the House of Deputies. If you would love to join her, we invite you to follow her social media accounts. 

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