September 2023
Need a refresher on 4-H basics?
This document is an overview of Miami-Dade 4-H and will help you stay in the loop and plan for upcoming events. This document will be revised throughout the year.
All members and volunteers will use 4-H Online to keep enrollment in one place. This is where you'll manage your projects, sign up for events, and list your emergency contacts. So, make sure to fill out your info accurately!

If you're a returning 4-H Member, please reenroll on 4-H Online 2.0. If you are a new 4-H member, you will create a new 4-H online family profile. Florida 4-H requires a $20 membership fee for community clubs and independent members.

If you plan to participate in the fair, we encourage you to enroll before November 1, 2023, and pay your membership fee if applicable. 

If you have any questions, please refer to the videos and instructions below. If you need further assistance, contact Barbie at the 4-H Office (305) 769-4050.
Standards of Excellence

The Standards of Excellence Application serves as a scholarship for members, or clubs, to partially fund a county, district, or state event. Some of these events include 4-H University, 4-H Day at the Capitol, 4-H Legislature, or other educational activities.

Youth can receive a scholarship by documenting their yearly participation in completing a project/record book, performing community service hours, serving on a 4-H committee, participating in activities, exhibits, and competitions, giving demonstrations, speaking at engagements, and being elected as an officer.
What are Project Record Books?

Project Record Books are a pillar of 4-H programs. They serve as tools that help members to document their work throughout their 4-H experience. These records can provide solid information for college, scholarship, and job applications. Plus, students who complete a Project Record Book, and score well, will be recognized at Achievement Night and receive a sought-after project mastery pin!
Become a 4-H Teen Ambassador! 

Are you ready to be more civically engaged and lead the way in your community?

To participate in the program members must RSVP with the form below. Attendance on the first meeting, Saturday September 30th, is mandatory. No exceptions will be made.
Who: Senior Members, ages 14-18
When: Monthly Meetings,
One Saturday per month @ Amelia Earhart Park
What: Volunteer with 4-H, organize community service events, advocate for your community
Are you ready to inspire the next generation and make a lasting impact in their lives? The 4-H Office has an exciting opportunity just for you! We're thrilled to announce that we'll be opening three Program Assistant positions very soon, and we want YOU to join our dynamic team.

As a Program Assistant, you'll be at the heart of our mission to provide enriching experiences for children. We're seeking candidates who have a passion for education outside the traditional classroom setting. Whether you have a background in formal education, youth programs, or community engagement, if you're driven to make a positive impact on young lives, we want to hear from you.

If you, or someone you know, is interested please contact our office! We would love to keep you in the loop when the positions officially open.
September Events in Miami
University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as sign language interpreters and listening devices, please contact Kenan Bridges, , 305.769.4050 at least 1 week in advance. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.
An Equal Opportunity Institution.