Parish News & Updates

I, Paul, am writing this with my own hand: I will repay it.

I say nothing about your owing me even your own self.

Philemon 1:19


By Command or By Appeal?


By now, most of you know that the Books of the Bible vary greatly in length, content, and intent. The longest: Jeremiah, Genesis and Psalms all weigh in at more than 2500 verses. While the 2nd & 3rd Epistles of John and Paul’s Letter to Philemon each have fewer than 350 words.


This Sunday, we will hear almost the entirety of Philemon. This letter is written to one person, but is intended to be heard by the whole community. Paul balances the personal appeal to a leader of the church in Colossae, with the peer pressure of inviting the whole community to hear his unusual request.


In the letter, we learn of an enslaved person named Onesimus (the Greek word for “Useful”). Having escaped Philemon’s household, he chances to meet Paul in prison (probably in Rome). Onesimus is converted to Christianity and subsequently freed from prison. Paul sends him back to Colossae with this note.


Paul does not question the institution of slavery, which was accepted across the Roman Empire. He does radically suggest the at Onesimus’ return, he should be as a family member of the Body of Christ rather than a slave. Writing that he could demand Philemon to act this way, Paul chooses to make an appeal to Philemon the do his duty.


I can just feel the sweaty palms and racing heart of Onesimus as he handed Paul’s letter to his former slave owner. I’m grateful that we have this letter and believe that it indicates that Philemon chose to do the right thing.


Tradition says that Onesimus went on to be a bishop following Timothy as Bishop of Ephesus. There is no hard evidence of this, but bishop or not, many churches remember him as a saint.


The Letter to Philemon offers us a chance to think about the difference between what we do because we have to and what we do because we want to. There are real duties attached to being a disciple of Jesus. Love of God and Love of Neighbor are what God needs the world to pursue. As you read through the two dozen verses of Philemon, ask yourself how you would have received Paul’s request. Feel the trembling hand of Onesimus offering the document in front of the gathered community.


May God give us the grace to do what Jesus would have us to do.



Mark +


Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Please plan to join me for Evening Prayer,

Mon-Thurs at 5:00 PM beginning August 22nd

This Sunday's Worship Service

Fall is just around the corner. Ministries are excited to begin a new year. The Day School is buzzing with activity as the teachers prepare to welcome new friends and families. The Parish Office is busy with room assignments, building maintenance, and all the joy of seeing people gather together. Classes are restarting and the kitchen is busy. We are so blessed that we can come together once more.

Beginning Tuesday, September 6th

the Parish Office will be open:


9am—3pm  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Please pray forRobin Pender, Camilla Parrott, Susan Day Vansant, Jena Darling, Heather Davis & Family, Darlene Martin, Lisa Stewart (RIP), Scott & Lynn Clark, Kevin & Sandy Harrel, Morgan Travis, Heather Sherbert, Donna Roland, Norma, Sharon McCain, Phillip T., Bob Dickey (RIP)-Carolyn Dickey & Family, Neil Brayton (RIP)-Brayton Family, Louise Price (RIP), Charlie & Kim Willard & Family, Caden Link, Rusty Baban, Bob Schuknecht, Gayle Wilcox, Pam Hartlove, Angela Pero & Tim, Ray Siegler, Josh Valentine, Carly Clancy, Aunt Nancy (RIP), Ray Bond, Max Fleishel & Danielle, The Pensyl Family, Bob Wheatley, Juby & Justin, Jim Slater, Crystal Dorband, Susan., Mike Jacobs (RIP)-Jacobs/Barney Family, Paul Ray (RIP)-Liz, Ray & Family, Suzanne Roszell, Anne Stewart, Anneliesse Jones, Joan Cammarata, Elaine Weschler (RIP)-MaryLu (sister-in-law), Deacon Carol Callaghan (RIP), Deacon Melody Sutherland, Libbie Clough (RIP)-Clough Family, Bluette Blinoff, Jeffery Jones, William C. Gassin, John G. Tom Bevivino, Adam McCathryn, Charles Jewell 


Prayer Requests can be sent to 

20 x 23 Choir Campaign is Here, and      

We Need Your Voice!

This past Spring you read about our goal to have 20 members in our Parish Choir by the end of 2023. Now is that time for us to achieve our goal! If you have sung in the choir in the past, have considered singing in the choir, or just like to sing, now is the time to join the choir. No formal training is necessary, and auditions are not required.

One of the great features of our choir is that we do not routinely have weeknight rehearsals! Rehearsals are held after the 10 a.m. service on Sundays, so the general time commitment (including the worship service) is from about 9:15-12:30 on Sunday mornings.

The choir is a powerful small group of singers who care deeply about each other while we walk together on our spiritual journey. By leading our singing, the choir provides a crucial component of worship each week and at the same time offers great rewards to those who participate. By singing with the choir, you will learn more about music, singing, and how to work as a cohesive group.

If you are interested in joining the choir for the 22-23 season, please talk to Gary Van Essen ( or any choir member. And plan to join us at our kickoff breakfast and rehearsal on Saturday, September 10th from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.  


FREE COVID-19 Tests are available in the Church Narthex. Although the package shows an expiration date of 07/20/2022 the tests are still good for 6 months after that date. Pick up yours today. 

Ways to Support Christ Church

  • Electronic Giving: Click Here
  • Text to Give by texting CCPKI to 73256
  • Bank: Have your bank send a check or make an ACH transfer
  • By Check: CCPKI 830 Romancoke Rd. Stevensville MD 21666
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Why not support the ministries of Christ Church at the same time? Simply add Christ Church as your preferred charity and the Amazon will donate 0.5% of the sale directly to CCPKI. 

Click HERE for more information. 

Coming this Fall

Monday Night Bible Study

In-Person and Zoom

Beginning September 12, 2022

7:00 – 8:30 PM


The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon examines the progression of Paul’s letters and the change in his attitudes and stances on important points, like his changing views on slavery and the patriarchy. The book argues that Paul becomes the ideal figurehead of the Roman church, instead of the radical figure that he clearly was, and tries to renegotiate his place in modern Christianity.


Reply to: for information about the class,

Zoom invite, and on ordering the book.

You don’t have to read the book to take the class.


Centering Saturdays Return


Centering Prayer is the simple act of regularly returning our attention to God. In God’s light we see more clearly our place in creation and God’s desire for our collaboration.


The regular practice of Centering Prayer leads to a more intimate union with God and powerful experience of God’s presence in our lives. This active presence heals, transforms, and offers freedom and peace. 


Join us Saturday, September 17 from 9:30 to 11:30 as we encourage one another in this practice. There will be teaching and a chance to sit together in silence. Invite a friend. All are welcome. We’ll meet the 3rd Saturday of the month through the end of the year.


CPR Training

Oct 1st

10:00 AM


“Keep the Beat” will be at Christ Church on Saturday, October 1st to offer CPR training and training for AED use. It is vitally important to be ready in the event of an emergency. If you would like to participate please sign up in the Church Narthex by September 19th. You may also contact the Parish Office to sign up. There will be limited space available.


Please contact the Parish Office for more information. 410-643-5921


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