Did you catch that last Super Moon we had and all its wonderful energy! Ahhhh September, kids are back in school and there’s that promise of cooler temperatures with Fall’s arrival. Just as exciting for us at Nature’s Treasures, it is time for our second annual buying trip to stock the store with new and exciting goodies for the upcoming holiday seasons. Yes, it’s that time again and already we’re seeing promises of some spectacular mineral pieces. All this month we’ll be buying and preparing for our 17th Annual Denver Trunk Show starting on Saturday, November 5 and running through Sunday, November 13th. We’re still tackling some shipping price gouging and delays, but overall it seems to be settling down somewhat. Prices are definitely increasing across the board, but no more so than anything else. The buying secret for us is to scope out those lots of goods that still have old pricing and finding those over ordered items that are being reduced for fast moving/clearance.
September is hopping with holidays and celebratory days. Starting with September 4, National Wildlife Day (celebrated twice a year, in February and September) to raise awareness of all endangered plants and animals that need protection and/or rescuing because of their altered natural habitats. Since September 5 is also the International Day of Charity, maybe you can show solidarity to both causes by donating any extra funds and some of your time this weekend. If nothing else, since it’s also officially Labor Day Weekend, give yourself a bonus by getting out to enjoy connecting with nature..
Officially declared Patriot Day (Not to be confused with Patriots' Day) the following Sunday, September 11 is a day to stop and reflect on our country’s loss of innocence and all the suffering experienced on this tragic day 21 years ago. Annually there is a remembrance and tribute to all the lost souls at 8:45 am that you can tap into if you so desire. September 21, World Gratitude Day and International Day of Peace or World Peace Day could sure use all our combined energies to help bring about the continued building of world peace. Here comes Fall on the 22nd, officially the day of the Autumnal Equinox. Hopefully you can find a day or two this month to celebrate by getting outside and having some fun while recharging yourself.
We are showcasing Charles, the newest member of our Online store in the “Meet Our Staff” section below. Charles brings his experience in New Age retail and passion for providing top tier customer service to our online customers, as well as our offsite events. Look for his friendly face at future Nature’s Treasures booths. The Online team is loving their new arrivals from Root Candle Co of beeswax blend, spa benefit candles. These high quality candles have been made with essential oils and have clean and long burn times. Layering the fragrances to create your own natural ambience and purpose seems to be creating quite a stir. Check out the sweet note from one of our Online customers from Nova Scotia (see more details below) loving her freebie Peruvian gnome we pack in each online order.
While you're out recharging yourself and reconnecting with nature this month it’s a perfect time and place to do some manifesting review. In January’s newsletter I mentioned the planetary energy’s this year were slated to offer the best opportunities ever to experience the blessings of manifestation between May and October, 2022. Now’s a great time to reflect on how it’s going. Do your manifestation visions need adjusted, do you feel the need to add any new manifestations? Hopefully you are starting to feel the positive change of energy around you that your manifestation energy has started creating.
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
Had to share this sweet email from an online customer... everyone loves to get these little guys as a surprise gift in their orders. How many Gnomes do you have?
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries
Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
Rainbow Moonstone Cabochons
Seraphinite Rough by the pound
Thank you for your continued patience as we reorder and restock some of our most popular items! We hear your needs and are doing our best to order and process new inventory as quickly as possible.
Keep an eye out on the Showroom Floor later this month for these and other popular items!
From the Crystal Wisdom: Information & News Blog available online!
Zodiac Stones: Crystals for Virgo
by Adrienne Goff, Crystal Healing Expert During harvest time, when the seasons begin to transition from summer to fall, we enter the mutable sign of Virgo. If your birthday falls between August 23rd and September 22nd, Virgo is your sun sign.
Read more
Meet Our Staff - Charles M
Charles is originally from Jacksonville, FL, and has only been in Austin for the past year as of June. Charles got his bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Cultural Anthropology from the University of North Florida in 2016 and has been applying what he’s learned ever since. Charles’s fascination with Social Psychology, as well as, various diverse cultures, histories, mythologies, and spiritualities has made him a constantly learning student and an eager and patient teacher to customers and colleagues alike who ask him questions. Charles’s personal interests include reading, cooking, games of all kinds, and having fun with friends. Charles has brought with him years of experience in both retail and customer service as one of the newest members of the store’s online team.
Featured Agate: Condor Agate
This agate was discovered by Luis de Los Santos in the mountains bordering Argentina and Chile. It is especially known for it's vibrant red and orange bands.
Which type of incense is your favorite?
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium is available for new reservations! Keep an eye out for new upcoming events!
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Sat, September 17
11 AM – 5:30 PM
Nature's Treasures
4103 North IH-35 Austin, Texas 78722
Boost your spirit! Meet a variety of friendly practitioners from popular metaphysical and holistic disciplines.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
November 5th through 13th
Whether you are looking for looking for unique gift ideas that will last a lifetime, finding that perfect piece of jewelry or to get first picks for your personal collection, the 17th Annual Denver Trunk Show is sure to please!
Come explore Mother Nature's Treasures Trove this coming November!
Daily Practitioners are Back!
We are so happy to welcome back our practitioners this month.
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:00a-5:15p.
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Personal Shopping Services
Last Sunday of the Month - Austin's Crystal Whisperer
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer will help you find, understand and connect with the perfect crystals, rocks and minerals to take home with you. She also offers facetime shopping visits, contact her for details. austinscrystalwhisperer@gmail.com
or use her booking app HERE.
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Austin Gem & Mineral Society
First Saturday Meet-Up
September 3, 9a-1p
FREE Admission
This month First Saturday will be indoors with all of AGMS' treasured family-friendly activities and demonstrations. Nature's Treasures will be there in the morning to say hello, so come early!
First Saturday events provide opportunities for Members to meet Members; learn about club events, activities and outings; talk with experts; learn more about our beloved hobby; exchange information, learn and share your interests.
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
September 11th, 11a-6p
in San Antonio
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media