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Dear PCUM family,


Like me, I know many of you are fans of the witty, observant, and hugely popular writer Anne Lamott. 

Her honesty about her own shortcomings and joys as a person of faith living in the real world resonate with millions. I find it interesting that, over these charged last couple of years, Anne Lamott's contribution to our cultural conversation has focused largely on how we American humans are navigating this difficult,

disappointing time in which we live. One of her themes has been how much all of us--regardless of whether,

at any given moment, we or others "deserve" it--need not just to receive, but to give, kindness.


Here are a few of Anne Lamott's thoughts on kindness:


“Kindness toward others and radical kindness to ourselves buy us a shot at a warm

and generous heart, which is the greatest prize of all.” -@ANNELAMOTT - June 23, 2021


 “It's better to be kind than to be right.”

“Love looks like kindness.” @ANNELAMOTT - November 7, 2020



In Christ's love,

Pastor Greg


Worship Sundays at 10:00 a.m

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