Dean's Update:  Staff Learning Environments

At the Libraries we have declared this to be the "year of library learning environments." This focus goes beyond renovating spaces, adding chairs, and counting students studying. The library as an environment that inspires learning, is -as one of our faculty advisors simply hinted-a frame of mind. Be forewarned, in coming months you'll read about new quiet spots to read, places to explore data, and innovative venues to provide assistance online or in person.

Behind the public environments shared by our guests is the workplace environment where a highly committed group of over 60 library staff members work often more than 40 hours a week, twelve months a year, to improve the academic and research experiences of colleagues within the Drexel community. They bring a diverse range of background, expertise, and motivations, but also share a passion for learning. That passion is why many love to work in a library, especially one that serves higher education and enables the growth of young minds.

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Libraries Collaborates with Pennoni Honors College to Provide Summer Workshops for STAR Scholars 

The Libraries collaborated with Pennoni Honors College to develop a series of Research Workshops designed to encourage students to think about their research within the larger narrative of their discipline and the world at large, while also reviewing elements of the research process such as literature reviews and finding/reading scholarly articles.  

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PACHS Goes International: Becomes the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine 

The Philadelphia Area Consortium for the History of Science (PACHS) is now the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (CHSTM). The name change is the result of an expansion that includes Columbia University, Linda Hall Library, New York Academy of Medicine, Smithsonian Institution, University of Toronto and Yale University. 

Make it Yours Event IMage

Expanding Staff Skills; Filling Staff Vacancies

This summer, the Libraries launched a new initiative to turn the challenge of staff vacancies into an opportunity - encouraging staff to share responsibilities to deliver core services and maintain essential operations. The pilot was launched in July 2015.  All levels of library staff were invited to review the opportunities, the tasks to be completed, time commitments and duration, and basic skills required, and to express interest in those that would best fit their existing interests, duties and schedules.

This new program - Expand Your Skills - was launched as an opportunity for staff to step outside of their traditional roles, learn new skills and gain new experiences. 

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CHSTM 2015 Introductory Symposium 
