December 2023

monthly newsletter

Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance

Giving Tuesday is Tomorrow!

Donate now to support our work!

In 2023, the Hudson River Watershed Alliance held 25 education and capacity-building programs, engaging 825 people to protect clean water, adapt to climate change, and improve Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Environmental Justice. Your support is essential to continue our real and lasting impact, locally and regionally.

A long-time friend of the Alliance has pledged a gift of $10,000, challenging our other supporters to match it. This giving season, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to double your impact!

Please consider a special gift this year of $25, $50, $100, or more if your means allow. No gift is too large or too small. Your gift makes a real difference in helping to unite and empower communities to protect clean water. Make a secure online donation here.

Participants at the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network meeting in Yonkers, NY.

Double your impact with a gift today!

Breakfast Webinar: Resilient NY Flood Mitigation Studies

Thursday, December 14, 8:30-9:30 am

Register here

Our fall breakfast lecture series focuses on watershed connections to Climate Smart Communities, a New York State program that helps local governments reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Mark Carabetta from SLR Consulting will present on Resilient NY, a New York State-funded program to conduct watershed-based flood studies to improve community resilience to extreme weather.

Each study identifies causes of flooding within a specific watershed, evaluates potential flood mitigation projects using hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and develops recommendations for effective implementation projects.

The studies can fulfill Climate Smart Communities PE7 Action: Watershed-based Flood Mitigation Plan. To date, 34 studies have been completed throughout New York State through this program, with more planned. 

Sparkill Creek flooding during Tropical Storm Irene, photo provided by Larry Vail.

This program is supported by funding from the Hudson River Estuary Program, NYS DEC, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.

Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network Meetings

The Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network (FRN) connects local governments who are committed to taking actionable steps to manage current and future flood risk.

The Hudson River Watershed Alliance is a co-facilitator of the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network, along with our partners New York Sea Grant and the Consensus Building Institute.

In November, we held FRN meetings in Albany and Yonkers to convene local leaders, learn about flood forecasting, and tour on-the-ground green infrastructure projects that reduce flood risk in neighborhoods.

Representatives from municipal and county governments in the Hudson River estuary watershed can join the FRN for free as Members. Staff from agencies, regional organizations, or private-sector consulting firms can join the FRN as Partners.

Check out our new website and learn more about joining FR here.

Discussions at the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network meeting in Albany.

Touring a shoreline restoration project to reduce flood risk along the Hudson River in Yonkers.



New York State Water Resources Institute: Grant Competition

Deadline: November 30, 2023

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Each fall, the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) invite researchers from across the state to submit pre-proposals for applied research, outreach, and policy analysis to WRI in support of WRI’s statewide water resource research and outreach agenda, and the state’s watershed action agenda goals. The primary objective of this funding opportunity is to provide research and assessment support to watershed-based management, policy, outreach, and education.

NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets: Urban Farms and Community Gardens Competitive Grant Program

Deadline: December 1, 2023

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Funding is available to support the development and expansion of community gardens, school gardens, and urban farms across the state.

New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES): FY2023 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Programs

Deadline: December 15, 2023

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FEMA provides federal funds for the Building Resilient Infrastructures and Communities (BRIC) grant program to states, local communities, tribes, and territories for hazard mitigation activities. BRIC is a FEMA annual hazard mitigation program. FEMA will distribute up to $800 million in Flood Mitigation Assistance grant funding to help reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and within NFIP-participating communities. 

NOAA: Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities

Deadline: December 19, 2023

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$45 million in funding is available for projects that will advance the coastal habitat restoration and climate resilience priorities of tribes and underserved communities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. Through this funding, NOAA will help support community-driven habitat restoration and build the capacity of tribes and underserved communities to more fully participate in restoration activities. 

Land Trust Alliance: New York State Conservation Partnership Program

Deadline: December 22, 2023

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The Land Trust Alliance, with support from the NYS DEC, is pleased to announce a 20th round of competitive land trust grants through the New York State Conservation Partnership Program. This successful public-private partnership is funded through the state’s Environmental Protection Fund and administered by the Alliance, in coordination with DEC. Up to $3,075,000 in funding will be available for the 2023-2024 round of grants. This latest round of investments will advance land trust capacity in the form of programs and projects that benefit people across the state. 

NYS DEC: Inflation Reduction Act Urban and Community Forestry Grants

Deadline: January 31, 2024

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$12.9 million is available for urban forestry work in disadvantaged communities across New York State for the following two categories: UCF4-2023 Community Forest Management Plan Implementation in Disadvantaged Communities ($10 million) and UCF5-2023 Ash Tree Management in Disadvantaged Communities ($2.9 million).

U.S. EPA: Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants (rolling, until November 21, 2024)

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Approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds are available for environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges.

Capital District Transportation Council/Capital District Regional Planning Commission: Community Planning Technical Assistance Program (rolling)

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The Community Planning Technical Assistance Program offers staff time and expertise to local governments in Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and Saratoga counties that are undertaking small scale community planning initiatives. 

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: Community Assistance Teams (rolling)

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EFC's Community Assistance Teams help municipalities (small, rural, and disadvantaged communities ) address their clean water infrastructure needs. Teams host regional events and connect communities with experts who can help them undertake their critical water infrastructure projects. These Teams provide on-site or virtual consultations to help communities across the state jump start planning, submit funding applications, and see their projects through to completion.


The Ashokan Center: Outdoor Educators

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Capital District Regional Planning Commission: Regional Planner

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Cary Institute: Postdoctoral Researcher – Data Science For Fisheries Management

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Housatonic Valley Association: Berkshire Watershed Director

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Housatonic Valley Association: Wild and Scenic River Program Coordinator/Conservation Manager

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Hudson River Valley Greenway: Executive Director

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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Climate Policy Analysts

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New York State Water Resources Institute: Water Equity Specialist

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Pace University: Nature Center Manager

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River Network: Climate Resilient Communities Urban Forestry Director

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Rockefeller Institute of Government: New York State Science Policy Fellowship

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Rocking the Boat: Chief Program Officer

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Scenic Hudson: Director of Environmental Advocacy and Legal Affairs

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Vassar College: Director of Sustainability

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The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect our shared waters.

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