Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, September 8, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

I hope you were able to take a break over the past holiday weekend and spend quality time with family and loved ones.

This past weekend marks the end of summer when vacations and traveling have winded down, and the routine of school and work life settles back in our schedule. It is now the time when the life of our church is back in full swing, and the different ministries of our church resume in full. It is a time when we look forward to seeing each other, to fellowship and grow with each other, and to worship God together. It is a blessed time, and I look forward to seeing each of you back and participating in the number of minister opportunities that will be available.

Our Wednesday Night Dinner and Midweek Retreat resumes on September 13. Dinner, including salad and deserts, will be available for a minimal cost. You can make your reservations in advance via the link below. Invite a family member or a friend and come on out for a time of food, fellowship, and fun.

There will be multiple Bible and Book Studies offered before and after dinner, so check the bulletins and our website for information on these studies, and sign up for one of them.

There will also be choir practice at 7:30pm each Wednesday night. We all know how great our choir is from listening to them sing Sunday after Sunday. If you love singing and have been wondering if you could be a part of our choir, this would be a great time to join.

Coming up on our calendar are some community outreach events, including Blessing of the Animals on October 1, at 4:00pm and Halloween Trunk or Treat on October 31, from 5:00-7:00pm. There will be a number of opportunities to fellowship with each other and to engage our community, so please be on the lookout for information of how you can participate.

Finally, I and the Church Council will be hosting listening sessions in the coming weeks. The first two will be held on Sunday, September 17 and Sunday, September 24, at 12:15pm, following the 11am service. Both sessions will be held in the chapel.

The sessions are open to 20 persons per gathering, to permit the time needed to answer the questions asked. Please sign up on the link/page provided for the day you are able to attend. If that day is full, please try for another date. We will be hosting more in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout.

I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday.

God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Carolyn.

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