ECA News & Events Update

Meeting with City of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson

Several members of the Electrical Contractors’ Association of City of Chicago (ECA) were able to meet with City of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. The session was held on Monday, October 23, 2023 in the Mayor’s Office. Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc., Rick Jamerson, NECA Governor, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc., Eric Nixon, LMCC Chair, Maron Electric Company, and Kendra Dinkins, ECA Research and Education Committee Chair, Taylor Electric Company were among those in attendance. Topics discussed included the Apprenticeship process, as well as pre-apprenticeship / Trainee opportunities for residents of Chicago and outreach for training, overall activity at INTECH, workforce diversity, environmental and financial benefits for solar work being done in the City, mentoring of subcontractors, the highlighting of unique projects completed by signatory contractors, efforts of Powering Chicago, MBE / WBE program compliance, among other areas. The ECA wishes to continue support of the new administration and future constructive dialog to better the industry. 

Pictured above from left to right are:

Rick Jamerson, NECA Governor, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc.,

Mark Thomas, ECA Executive Vice President, Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc.,

City of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Kendra Dinkins, Taylor Electric Company,

Eric Nixon, Maron Electric Company and Tim Taylor, ECA Assistant Manager.

EJATT Graduation Ceremony

Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Trustees (EJATT) held a Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at the IBEW – NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) in Alsip, IL There were over 250 “A” and “C” apprentices who graduated to journeylevel status. The Graduation Program was highlighted by a number of industry speakers, an Awards Ceremony, as well as the graduates in attendance receiving their certificates/diplomas.  


Pictured from left to right are:

Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc.,

Don Finn, Business Manager Local #134 IBEW,

Gene Kent, INTECH Director, and

Tim Fitzgibbons, President Local #134, IBEW.

Young Professionals of ECA: Oktoberfest

October 26, 2023

The Young Professionals of ECA (Electrical Contractors' Association) had a fantastic time on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at BuckleDown Brewing in Lyons, IL. 

Doors opened at 5:30 p.m., kicking off the event as members tried various beers, seltzers, and ciders. In addition to BuckleDown's 15 beers on tap, attendees had the opportunity to network with industry peers as they enjoyed a traditional Oktoberfest meal before the brewing process began.

Thank you to the BuckleDown Staff and all who attended! 

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ECA Membership Meeting - November 8, 2023

Registration is Open!

Please join us for the ECA Regular Membership Meeting!

This luncheon event is scheduled as follows:

ECA Membership Meeting

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Maggiano's Banquets

240 Oakbrook Ctr.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

(630) 368-0300

Registration / Networking: 12:00 pm

Lunch: 12:30 pm

Business Session: 1:15 pm

Event Concludes: 2:00 pm

The ECA is proud to announce that the guest speaker is Nick Espinosa, Chief Security Fanatic, Security Fanatics. His presentation is called, "The 5 Laws of Cyber Security!" We hope you'll join us for this opportunity to meet and network with your peers in the industry! You can click on the link below to register or on the ECA website or call the office at: (708) 531-0022.


Nick Espinosa

Security Fanatics

"Auditing Your Tech Stack"

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hyatt Lodge - Oak Brook

8:00 am - 11:00 am

As a REMINMDER, the Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee seminar called, "Auditing Your Tech Stack" is being conducted by Denise Devine, Partner and Operations Expert, SteelToe Consulting LLC.  Miss Divine is also a National Speaker and will be a presenter during the upcoming NECA/MCA/SMACNA MEP Conference. The "Auditing Your Tech Stack" program will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am. at the Hyatt Lodge Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL 60523, (630) 568-1234. Breakfast is to be made available at 7:45 am.




Program Description:


In this presentation, we will cover the steps to optimize your tech stack and enhance your team's workflow. First, we'll discuss the importance of auditing your existing tech stack using an audit worksheet to identify all apps and tools in use, assess their significance and identify areas of overlap. We will also explore the creation of a technology committee, involving subject matter experts who understand workflow processes to identify needs, challenges, and areas of improvement. Additionally, we'll address the importance of establishing a budget to ensure long-term affordability, discussing budget considerations with the tech committee and IT, enabling informed tool selection and incentivizing tech stack consolidation. Finally, we'll highlight the significance of measuring the tools' impact and evaluating workflow improvements, gathering feedback from team managers to assess the effectiveness of adopted tools, and making necessary adjustments to maximize benefits.


If you're interested in attending the "Auditing Your Tech Stack" seminar, please click on the link below to register or go on-line at the ECA website at: (Event Calendar portion). 




Please contact the ECA with any questions at (708) 531-0022. We look forward to your participation with the program!  Thank you for your continued support of Association activities.

Denise is a Partner and Operations Expert at SteelToe Consulting LLC, a firm that specializes in helping construction companies integrate and implement modern construction technology and workflows to improve and streamline their businesses. Her focus is on providing operational excellence training, employee and executive coaching, and providing process value stream analysis. Denise began consulting and training programs in 2013 for companies across the construction, automotive, big data, real estate, and finance industries. Her formal education includes an MBA, BA and Certifications in Professional Coaching, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Earned Value Management. With over a decade of experience in project management, analytics, and LEAN, her expertise lies in enhancing team and company performance. Most recently Denise supported a mid-sized electrical contractor as the Operations and Business Development lead where she coordinated and improved business operations and processes, launched a new division, enhanced the organization’s image, and developed and implemented growth strategies, including reducing waste by LEAN optimizing the Program Management process. 

"Succession Planning For Contractors" 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Marriott Delta Hotel

7800 South Kingery Highway

Willowbrook, IL

8:00 am - 2:00 pm 

The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) in conjunction with other area Construction Trade organizations, including: Plumbing Contractors Association, Mechanical Contractors Association, Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Northern Illinois Sprinkler Advisory Board, Eastern Illinois Chapter, NECA are proud to help sponsor the upcoming Seminar / Panel Discussion called, "Succession Planning For Contractors: Following the Leader."


Two ECA members are also on a special Contractor's Panel for the session:

Corrie Krula, Hard Rock Concrete Cutters, Inc. and

Vince DiFiore, Candor Electric, Inc.


Registration for Succession Planning

(Indicate Name & Company)

President's Party & Holiday Celebration

ECA Chicago is pleased to announce the 2023 Presidents Party & Holiday Celebration will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at the Union League Club of Chicago.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Union League Club of Chicago (ULC)

65 W. Jackson

Chicago, IL

(312) 427-7800


Reception / Dinner / Entertainment and more:

  • Cocktail Hour – Desiree Irwin, Soloist
  • Dinner – Thomas Linsk Trio
  • Photographer on-hand throughout
  • Other surprises

*Dress Code: Formal / Cocktail Attire

**Complimentary Valet Parking is Available


Hotel Accommodations:

Hotel Block Available at the Union League Club at a discounted rate for ECA members:

Based on availability, there are Standard Guestrooms at $199.00 per room plus a 20% per night surcharge.

Reservations must be made by calling the ULC at:  (312) 427-7800 or (800) 443-0578 by November 11, 2023.


The Power of Better Episode 7!

In the latest episode of The Power of Better, A state-of-the-art restaurant and brewery is under construction in Chicago’s south suburb of Homewood.

Powering Chicago's electrical contractor, Linear Electric, helps bring the ambitious restaurant/brewery project to life by installing a motor control center that will power the entire facility.

The 18,000-plus-square-foot Homewood Brewing Company is set to open in the spring of 2024. Join us as we give you an inside look at the project!


Subscribe to Powering Chicago's YouTube channel to keep up with the upcoming episodes of "The Power of Better!"

Electric Association Women's Division Holiday Party

5:30 pm, Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Hyatt Lodge

2815 Jorie Blvd

Oak Brook, IL 60523


CLICK HERE TO RSVP by November 9, 2023


Tis the time for giving!

As in the past, the EA Women's Division plans to support the Electrical Industry's Annual Children's Christmas Party.  Chicago area children and their parents are provided transportation from local homeless shelters to the grand event at the IBEW 134 Hall. The philanthropic event provides toys, food, and entertainment to children in need and their families.

The donations will also provide shelter donations after the holiday season.


We are asking for a $30.00 donation if you choose to support. You can bring a gift card at a $30 value in a holiday card to donate at the Holiday Party.

You may choose to write a message to the parent who will receive the card.

There is also an option to add this donation on the RSVP link for the Women's Division Party and the money will be used to purchase gifts for the event. Thank you!

If you want to process bulk registration, pay by check, or have any questions, please contact Ali Novinger at

IMSCA Update: October 23, 2023

The Illinois General Assembly returns to Springfield this week for Week 1 of 2 for the Fall Veto Session. The attached legislative update includes an overview of potential legislative issues that are likely to receive action during the upcoming legislative session.  


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Website Update / Webinars / Member News

As you are aware, all ECA Members may log-in to the interactive work/life web portal for information on a variety of topics. Webinars are available at any time of day and our mobile app allows employees to access services such as counseling and work life resources right from the palm of their hand. EAP solutions are available via on demand telephonic support and through video counseling, mobile app, work/life web portal and chat functionality.

Please review the updated information for access to the EAP.

Please click here for portal update information, as well.

New Member Landing Pages 

Your new member support landing page is designed as an all-in-one place for accessing care, learning about your benefits, and logging into your member portal. 

Visit for: 

  • Access to support via phone and online forms 
  • Resources like the Insights newsletter and webinars 
  • Instant login to your personalized member portal 

Enhanced Member Portal 

We've given our member portal a complete makeover to improve the user experience, everything is reorganized and easier to find.

Access benefits at using your email and company code: ecaeap

  • Explore live chat, phone support, and online requests. 
  • Use the financial wellness center, self-assessments, and courses. 
  • Access 1,000+ articles, podcasts, and well-being resources. 
  • Discover exclusive marketplace discounts. 

Updated ERS

Promotional Toolkit: for easier access to flyers, Insights Newsletters and much more.


With real-time reports, you can track key metrics, monitor program effectiveness, and gain valuable insights at any given moment.

What’s more: The web address stays the same, so you don't have to change any promotional materials you have. The new landing page is live and accessible for your employees!

Please promote these enhancements within your organization. We've created the attached pdf flyer for easy distribution. After members sign in to the member portal with an email address, they will receive a validation email originating from Since some company firewalls may prevent the validation email from arriving in their inbox, we recommend adding * to the email domain safelist. While we do not control when an email system pushes an email to junk or spam, we are available to partner to help resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

Highlights from the 2023 Leadership Conference!

ECA 2023 Membership Meetings - Educational & Special Events Programming

Please click on the link for a listing of upcoming programs sponsored by the Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research & Education Committee, as well as National NECA events, Chapter programs. Registration links provided in pdf.

2023 Programming



November 8, 2023

ECA Regular Membership Meeting

Maggiano's Banquets

Oak Brook, IL

November 15, 2023

"Auditing Your Tech Stack"

Hyatt Lodge Conference Center

Oak Brook, IL

November 16, 2023

"Succession Planning for Contractors"

Marriott Delta Hotel

Willowbrook, IL


December 2, 2023

ECA President's Party & Holiday Celebration

Union League Club of Chicago

Chicago, IL

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