FLC Weekend Announcements

Bell Tower.JPG

Worship Times:

Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

Wednesday: 6:15pm

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the November Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved November Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes from January 29, 2023.

Pastor Glen's focus for his message for

this upcoming weekend:

We say that Christmas is for children. It’s all about beauty and light, gifts and carols. Except when it’s not. Why do the angels always say, “Do not be afraid?” Are angels scary? Or is what they have come to do that is the frightening thing? Christmas is about traditions, but those are not meant to be weighty burdens from the past but springboards to the future. Christmas is about birth, new life, the future. And the coming of God into the world means a great and tremendously amazing thing is about to happen.

FLC Youth Cookie Bazaar 

December 9 @ 4-7pm

December 10 @ 9am-12pm

Tell your family and friends! 

A beautiful variety of Christmas cookies sold by

the pound for your holiday delight!

Support our trip to New Orleans AND get some homemade goodies!

FLC Children’s Christmas Program

Sunday, December 17 @ 10:15am

Please join us to hear our children’s voices tell

the story of Jesus’ birth.

Parents please bring children to Sanctuary at 9:30am.



Poinsettias will be used to decorate our worship areas for the Christmas season. If you would like to honor a special person in your life, give a poinsettia in memory of a loved one, or just help out in this way to beautify the church. There will be forms available at the Welcome Center or in the church office. Orders must be received by December 17th. If you have any questions please call Dawn in the church office at (402) 426-4073. Thank you!








with Holy Communion


LUNCH to Follow

Please RSVP by

 December 15th by calling


Please Note:

We will be preparing contribution envelopes for 2024 in December. If you do not currently have an envelope box and would like one, or if you would prefer not to use envelopes, please contact the church office no later than December 10th. Thank you!

Ruth Circle

To ALL RUTH CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY MEMBERS and any other women who would like to join us! We will meet on our regular second Tuesday, December 12, at 2:00 P.M. in the social room at Johansen Manor.  If you have a "Gather" magazine please bring it. If you do not have a "Gather" magazine come anyway and share in our Bible study and sisterhood! Doris Cooksey will be our hostess.  

Advent theme


In the season of giving presents, how about having some? Being Present in a true gift in this age of great distractions. It’s not healthy, it disrupts life and does not enhance relationships. This year let God give you the gift of Being Present. In this season, we will focus on what it means for us to Pause, to remember our traditions and to be present even when we are on the go. Special reflections and meditations will give you tools to share a very different experience of the season, a gift that will become a permanent joy for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, December 20th

A special observation: The Longest Night Worship

Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities. This special worship service speaks to the needs of people who find themselves somewhat blue at Christmas. You will find this worship to be reflective, accepting where we really are, and holding out for the Christmas promise of healing and hope.

Church Directories have Finally Arrived!

The Church Picture Directories have finally arrived! They are labeled and you can pick them up in the office. Please stop by and talk to Dawn in the church office to get your picture directory. If you have any questions please call the church office at (402) 426-4073.

In the next several months it is our goal to educate the congregation on the

activities of the Committees at First Lutheran. We will plan to highlight the

activities of one of these committees each month. In doing this we will plan two separate activities for each committee. These include:

1. A presentation by the committee chair person or representative of the

committee to the Church Council regarding the committee’s activities. This

would include the goals of the committee, who makes up the committee,

what some of the activities of committee are, and how the Church Council

could assist the committee in their work.

2. Following the presentation to the Council, a short summary of the

committee’s activities will be included in the weekly E-Blasts sent to the


The goal of this summary again will be to highlight the activities of the committee and hopefully increase the interest in the committees by the congregation and possibly help In the recruitment of the members to the committees.

This month's report is from the Children's Ministry Committee. Please click button below to view the Children's Ministry

Committee Report.

Children's Ministry Committee Report

Social Concerns Committee:

This is just an update on the total contributions received for our Church World Service (CWS) sponsored Blair Hunger CROP Walk on October 8.  Twenty-six walkers raised $3,362 for world hunger! Our heartfelt thanks goes to all who either walked or contributed! We do not yet have totals from our ELCA World Hunger emphasis. It is not too late to contribute if you have not already done so. Please make your checks out to First Lutheran Church with ELCA WORLD HUNGER on the memo line, and either turn your gifts in at the office or mail them to FLC.  Our Lord is calling us to respond to the needs of the world NOW especially with the tragic wars that are going on and the food scarcity due to natural disasters and climate change, for "Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these who are members of my family, you have done it onto me" (Mt. 25:40b).  

Our CHRISTMAS ALTERNATIVE GIFT EXHIBIT is now in the narthex and is available for your perusal and shopping pleasure through December 22.  There are more than 50 gift options available for that "person who has everything" but whom you would like to honor. We are especially focusing on the Washington County Food Pantry, God's Global Barnyard, Lutheran Family Services, and Oaks Indian Mission this year. Any gift you chose will accomplish two things--honor your loved one and do something helpful for someone in need.  Also Equal Exchange Fair Traded products--coffee, tea, chocolates, and nuts are again being offered. These items can make great "stocking stuffers."   

Also please note the WINTER OUTERWEAR INGATHERING which will begin on December 2nd and continue throughout December for Joseph's Coat and Open Door Mission.  Please bring new or gently used winter coats, gloves, mittens, caps, and socks. You will find the receptacle for receiving these items in the narthex. 

The SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE is seeking new members! If you are someone who is interested in reaching out to help others in our community, our country, and our world this committee is for YOU.  For more information please contact Eric Filows (402-739-0978), Lynette Jennings

(402-278-0164), John Mark Nielsen (402-427-4443), or Jim Peterson (402-426-2716).  

Do you participate in our online worship services?

If you watch our services on Facebook or other sites, please like the post or leave a comment each time. This will help us improve our accuracy in attendance numbers at First Lutheran.

W.O.W. Meal is back on Wednesdays!

Rushed on Wednesdays? 

Let us do the cooking!

Join us for the W.O.W. Meal

in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm

prior to Worship Lab.

** Free-will offering **


  Come at 5:30 to fuel your body and then

stay for Worship Lab at 6:15

to feed your soul.

Choir News

Could the Spirit be calling you to add your voice to the choir?

If so, we can promise with great certainty:

You will feel welcome, comfortable, and involved 

The choir began rehearsals on Tuesday, September 5th at 6:30 pm in the choir room (take the elevator to the second floor and turn left).

Regular attendance is encouraged but don't be discouraged if you can't make it each week.

You are welcome to join as often as you can.

For more information and questions, contact Vince at VKrysl@firstlutheranblair.org

Come, join us in making a joyful noise!

Women's Bible Study

The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin Season 2 of the series “The Chosen”. This study will combine the movie with eight sessions in a study guide. This Bible study meets on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the Ark, which is in the lower level of First Lutheran. If interested in coming to this Bible study, contact Susie Pinquoch at (402) 426-8182 or spinquoch@gpcom.net.



We are needing cookies for December!

Please help if you can!

The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in December.

Signup here or call Erika

(402-533-0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

Pastor Glen's contact information


Pastor Glen's email is pastorglen@firstlutheranblair.org and his cell phone number is (402) 740-6395

if you need to contact him. 

meal picture.png

Wednesday, December

13th, 2023

We will be serving Tater Tot Nachos, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Kenny Truhlsen

†Family of Mike Jenkins

†Family of Cheryl Baron

†Babette Garder (mother of Scott Garder) - prayers of comfort

†Deloris Matson - early stage lymphoma - healing & prayers

†John Wick

†Vivian Walvoord - healing & prayers

†Pat Bentsen

†Betty Wolsmann - healing

†Florence Larsen - prayers for healing

†Marilyn O'Neil

†Keith Matzen & family - prayers

†Dana - healing

†Clark Jenson

†Betty Anderson

†Sunni Wilson (mother of Melody Dubon)

†Olivia Baker

†Tim Grinbergs

†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Ruth Ann Persson - healing

†Gordon Soderberg - healing

†Irene Thorsen

†Jo Royuk (mother of Anne Chrans) - healing

†Russ Sonderup - prayers

†Meredith Dickerson - Alpha Gal


†Zach - cancer healing/treatment side effects

†Misty - healing and pain relief

†Marilyn Svendgard

†Sue Marsh - healing

†Merriebeth Ferguson (sister-in-law of Merriellen Bourn) - cancer - healing

†Chris Kesling - healing

†Alex - surgery & healing

†June Jenson - prayers & healing

†Frank Korshoj - healing

†Mary LaScala

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing

†Nicole Schmidt - prayers & healing


†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Patrick McKinnis - continued healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†Maui Wildfire Relief and all those we name in our hearts.

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