Dear Residents –
It’s the first month of 2023 and we are off to a busy start. The equipment for the new splash pad at Veterans Memorial Park has been ordered and, if all goes well, will be installed this summer. We are in the process of preparing bids for two projects in South Nyack, the new playground at Elizabeth Place Park and the resurfacing of the basketball courts at Franklin Street Park, both of which we received grants for.
The Town is also looking into bringing a farmers market to downtown Pearl River this spring. Being aware of the last failed attempt at one, we engaged the manager of another (successful) local farmers market to assist us. We are also forming a committee, which will include local business owners, and are conducting a survey to gather your thoughts and opinions about it. We recognize the importance of reaching out to local businesses, including discussions about whether they want to participate in the farmers market and how they think it can help drive business to their establishments.
The farmers market survey was posted on Facebook and sent out to our e-mail list, and we already received 907 responses. Approximately 99.7% were highly in favor of having one and, of those, an overwhelming 67% said they would shop weekly. Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond already. For those who have not but would like to, please click here.
The Town Board voted this past Tuesday to set a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Exemption. The hearing is scheduled for 7 pm on February 21, 2023 at Town Hall. It is expected to pass and will increase the income limits for eligibility. Please note the deadline for submission is March 1, 2023, but may be extended due to extenuating circumstances. You can obtain the application HERE and don’t have to wait until the public hearing to apply.
Enjoy the last weekend of January! We are promised dry weather, so get out and take advantage of it while you can.