September 6, 2023

Principal's Message

“Just listen to your gut, and on the way down to your gut, check in with your heart. Between those two things, they’ll let you know what’s what.”

Ted Lasso

Thank you all for attending Back to School Night last Thursday evening. It’s such an important event for teachers and families to begin their partnership for this school year. Checking in with my gut and heart, I feel hopeful about this year based on the positivity and enthusiasm that comes from students, teachers, staff, and families. We share the same goals, primarily to help our students develop a personal relationship with Christ which in turn will help them become the best version of themselves.

Next Friday, September 15, is a Non-Student/No Share & Care Day in order for faculty and staff to attend The Eucharistic Revival Congress at The Cathedral of Light. The Eucharistic Revival is a Diocesan celebration of the immense power of the Eucharist. As Bishop Barber describes in his letter to parents, Bishop Barber's Letter to Parents - Eucharistic Revival Congress Processions, the Congress will give us opportunities to renew our faith and connection with the Eucharist “to stay with Him, as He commits to be with us always.” We will bring four of our Student Leadership Council members, President Alyssa Ragasa, Vice President Kaleb Condez, and Religion Commissioners Grace Fisher and Adelaide Suer with us to the Eucharistic Revival Congress, where they will meet with other students from across our Diocesan schools who will also engage in song, discussion, reflection and prayer. Please read Bishop Barber’s letter to parents for more information on the Eucharistic Revival Congress.

There are lots of events and programs that are advertised in this week’s Newsletter. Be sure to read through for important information and opportunities to stay informed and involved at SPN.

Peace & Blessings,

Ms. Thomas

Important Information Regarding COVID Tests

The CDPH has announced that schools will no longer be provided COVID test kits for students and staff. They advised all insured families or individuals to purchase over the counter COVID test kits now so you can be reimbursed: you can be reimbursed for #8 kits/month, so you could purchase #16 kits for September and October and be reimbursed by your medical insurance carrier in order to ensure that you will have test kits as needed this year. This reimbursement offer only lasts until November 11, 2023. The test kits we have at school now have been granted to us for non-insured individuals.

There has been no COVID cases since 8/23/23.

Please continue to conduct Daily Health Screenings and inform the school office of any exposure or positive cases.



September 2023

September 12 - Picture Day

September 12 - AB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

September 15 - NO SCHOOL: Eucharistic Revival, No Student Day, No Share and Care

September 19 - Free Dress for September Birthdays

September 23 - Fun Fair

September 25 - SAB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

September 27 - Noon Dismissal: Professional Development Day

October 2023

October 1 - Family Mass hosted by 7th & 8th Grade, 9:00 a.m.

October 3-6 - Noon Dismissal, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

October 4 - Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Prayer Service Blessing of the Animals, 8:00 a.m.

October 9 - NO SCHOOL: Indigenous Peoples Day

October 10 - PTG Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 17 - AB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 17 - Free dress for October birthdays

October 23-27 - Caritas - 8th Grade Retreat

October 23 - SAB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 31 - Noon Dismissal, Halloween Parade, 8:15 a.m.

Picture Day

School Picture Day - Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Please make sure that your child wears a white SPN polo shirt and a navy blue SPN sweatshirt or sweater to school on top with his/her usual uniform piece on the bottom.

Order forms will be available soon. To order online, please visit and enter code: 82104DA.

Fundraisers and Events

Purchase your Kid Zone wristbands and Food Tickets in advance:  HERE

Sign-Up to Donate your Homemade Baked Goods:  Cake Walk Donations

Athletic News

Hello Families,

Our sports season can now officially kick off! Coaches will contact those who already registered about practices.  Today, Wednesday September 6th, registration closes for fall sports (Boys Basketball, Cross Country and Girls Volleyball). If you have not already done so, please register ASAP. We want to get as many students possible participating in our wonderful sports programs! Click on the link to register:

As always, if you have any questions never hesitate to reach out to me. (

Thank you and Go Spartans!

Jeff Croft

PE Teacher and Athletic Director

Volunteer Opportunities

Lunch Servers Needed

Help serve lunch. Please contact Janelle Sheets with any questions.

Remote Project

If you like working with photos on your computer at home, please contact Ms. Andie.

School Happenings

Fifth Graders in Mrs. Wight's class had an opportunity to visit our new Makerspace! They will be visiting this week and next to work on a project which willl engage the subjects of literature, creative writing, and math. Stay tuned for the finished product! 

Web of Life (Eat or Be Eaten Card Game) in 5th Grade

Safety Patrol is back! You may have noticed 6th graders opening doors and greeting students. This is our service learning project for the year. You will see 1-2 students on Jackson St., Fountain St. and Van Buren serving the community.

Math Club

M.U.S.E. Band Sign Up

Band Class Registration is open for Fall 2023

Grades 4-8 (private Piano Zoom Lessons grades 3-8)

The M.U.S.E. Instrumental Programs is currently open for registration for new and returning students for the fall start up. Most classes start the first week of September (see website for the starting date, day, and times). The program is offered to grades 4-8 and meets once a week after school. Students can choose from the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone and Percussion (Xylophone and Snare drum). This is a great opportunity for students to learn an instrument in a group setting with their friends and classmates. M.U.S.E. organizes fun performance opportunities throughout the year including marching in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in San Francisco and an end of the year performance at Great America Amusement Park. 

Band Classes and private Piano Zoom Lessons do fill up fast so to reserve a spot for your child, register as soon as you can at If you have questions, please feel free to contact M.U.S.E. at or call 800-233-6873

Registration, Cost, and Class Schedules:

How to Choose a Band Instrument:

Chess Sign Up

Signing up for the Fall, 13-week session, with Berkeley Chess Club. Click on the button below for more information and to sign up.


We are the BEST!

Saint Philip Neri is excited to announce we have once again won "Best Of" for Alameda, Oakland and Parent's Press Magazines. We are proud of our students, faculty and staff and community which have made us one of the Best schools in the Bay Area. Below are the categories we won in. Thank you to all who support SPN.

Alameda Magazine:

Top 5 Best Preschools: 

Winner Best Private Elementary Schools 

Winner Best Private Middle Schools

Oakland Magazine:

Top 5 Best Preschools

Parent's Press:

Winner Best Faith Based Preschool

Winner Best Faith Elementary School

Top 5 Best Faith Based Middle School

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