From the desk of

The Produce Safety Team

January 20th, 2023


What is Ag Water Anyhow?

Alison Buskirk

Digital Media Specialist | Michigan State University Extension


What the Revised "Ag Water Rule" Says

Phil Tocco, Emily Hollingsworth, and Morgan Anderson, members of the Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety team, recently met up at the Northwest Orchard and Vineyard Show to discuss what growers need to know about the Agricultural Water Rule. In this episode, they provide an overview of the Ag Water Rule, and discuss what is currently known and unknown about the proposed rule. 

Listen Here

The Ag Water Rule: What Do I Do Now?

Breanna Hannula | Produce Safety Technician

Now that you understand what Ag Water is, it is time to develop an action plan to implement the new requirements. First, are you using Ag Water? If you’re unsure, revisit the graphic above, or contact your local Produce Safety Technician.

If you are not using Ag Water - you do not need to make any changes.

If you are using Ag Water - do not panic, focus on having safe water for contact with produce or food contact surfaces. You just want to be able to answer the question: “How do you know that your water is safe to use?” One option for evaluating whether your water is safe for use on food and food contact surfaces is testing. If you already test and record your water regularly, continue your current practices. 

If you do not test and record your Ag Water regularly, it is very easy to begin. Many resources exist that will clearly explain where to go, what tests to ask for, and how to go about the process. Check out this Michigan State University article for more information or sign up for the 45 minute Agricultural Water Testing Short Course offered by MSU ($12.50).

The new Ag Water rule is intended to give you flexibility in determining that your water is safe to use. Testing is not always required, so contact your local Produce Safety Technician for personalized recommendations pertaining to your farm.

More resources to help you achieve your Produce Safety Goals

Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training

Annual Produce Safety Supervisor Training

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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